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Study computer games at university

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

When I was at university I seemed to spend more time playing and writing about computer games than actually studying for my degree course. Now you can have the best of both worlds by taking a three year BSc degree in "Computer and Video Games" at Salford University in Manchester, UK.

According to the man behind the course, Mark Grimshaw, the degree "is designed for game producers - the people who lead the games design teams and have a good knowledge of all areas of game production". The course covers everything from programming and technology to marketing and project management, with guest lectures from game designers, exhibitions, and tours of game developers planned. The first twenty students are starting the course this September, and Salford are hoping to expand this to as many as forty per year in future. To find out more about the course, read the interview with Mark Grimshaw on Quake3Depot.

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