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UK Q3 Duel Ladder Announced

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

With $150,000 being given away at the next CPL event in October it seems a few people have thought it would be good if you could play a real duel every week, more if you liked.  Well now Q3 duelers have that chance with the establishment of a Duel Ladder based in the UK, and one with a twist.

Chief Admin, Fusion sends word, "With Pro-Gaming starting to take off, there's a fairly big online void that I noticed a few days ago for a similar aspect. Everyone loves to be #1 on a Ladder/League, so why not have a little bit more of an incentive to fend off challengers, or more of an reason to challenge #1. By staying at #1, your madskilz are rewarded by £5 a week"

The league is open to anyone, in any country, and begins in 2 weeks.

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