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Are apps coming to Xbox 360?

MS wants Silverlight on console.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

There's a strong suggestion that apps may head to Xbox 360.

Microsoft is advertising for a software engineer - who must be "motivated" - to create "groundbreaking multi-screen platform experiences now targeting the Xbox", Gizmodo reports.

"As a developer you will be responsible for delivering features for Silverlight on the Xbox as part of the next wave."

Silverlight is Microsoft's answer to Flash. It's what powers many Windows Phone 7 games.

Given that, the WP7 and Xbox 360 may also enjoy closer ties should this job posting amount to anything.

A handful of apps already exist on Xbox 360 - Facebook, Twitter,, Zune - but with Silverlight support the platform may be opened much more readily to third-party developers. We'll ask Microsoft what's what.

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