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Another Chinese gamer dies

Three-day binge to blame.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Another Chinese gamer has keeled over and died as a result of a three-day online gaming binge.

According to state news, the 30 year-old man fainted in a cybercafe in Guangzhou city on Saturday afternoon. Emergency services rushed to the scene but failed to revive him - pointing to exhaustion as a likely cause.

Neither the man, nor the game he was playing, have been named.

It follows numerous other cases of Chinese and Korean gamers dropping dead after marathon sessions in public cybercafes. Back in 2005 one man managed to clock up ten days-worth of game time before he finally collapsed.

The Chinese government has backed surveys and lead initiatives into online gaming in an effort to combat the rising figure of "Internet addictions".

Earlier this year it announced new plans that would severely restrict the amount of time children under the age of 18 spent playing online.

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