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Anonymous: "Anonymous = LulzSec"

"We sail in the same spirit."

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

LulzSec has disbanded but not disappeared - the amusing anarchists have found a home under the umbrella of Anonymous.

"Yes, my fellows. We may be not quite as funny, but we can assure you: we sail in the same spirit. LulzSec = Anonymous," informed the AnonymousIRC Twitter account. "Who did NOT now? [sic]"

"We like to clarify again: All LulzSec members are accounted for, nobody is hiding. Only a name was abandoned for the greater glory."

The LulzSec cluster within Anonymous will operate under the #AntiSec (Anti Security) banner.

Despite appearances, the AnonymousIRC Twitter account goes on to declare itself not a mouthpiece for Anonymous as a whole. "This account is not Anonymous as a whole," AnonymousIRC tweeted. "That is impossible. We are merely an observer who reports current events. Please note."

LulzSec publicly disbanded yesterday, explaining that its "planned 50 day cruise has expired". LulzSec claimed to be made up of "a crew of six".

Those six people have hacked or attacked numerous high profile video game targets including Nintendo, Bethesda, Minecraft, League of Legends and Eve Online.

UK police arrested 19 year-old Ryan Cleary in connection with a spat of cyber crimes fitting LulzSec's bill.

A group calling itself the A-Team claims to have revealed the real names and locations of LulzSec's most senior members within the UK, the US and Sweden.

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