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A glimpse at the Witcher musical opening in November in Poland


Have you ever wondered what a Witcher musical would look like on stage at the theatre? Would Geralt sing and dance? With Roach? Would there be magic, monsters and romance?

Well wonder no more because it's actually happening, this November, in Gdynia, northern Poland, at the Teatr Muzyczny im. Danuty Baduszkowej. The show, called simply Wiedzmin (the original Polish title for Andrzej Sapkowski's book series) will occupy the main stage for four days in November, January, February, March and May.

It's a big production. The director's assistant, Paweł Bernaciak, told me there would be up to 51 people on stage, including actors, dancers, acrobats and even breakdancers, and with a full orchestra in the pit below the stage. Witcher characters Geralt, Ciri and Yennefer are all to feature in an adaptation of five short Witcher stories from the Last Wish and The Sword of Destiny books.

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It looks pretty impressive judging by promotional videos and images. Clearly few expenses have been spared as we see monster battles and huge group scenes, and previews are - judging by Google translations - very positive. There are some great images and a video through that link, too.

All I have to do now is learn Polish and get to Gdynia.

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