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3DTV in every home in 8-9 years – Perry

Plus, Apple will never make a games console.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Dave Perry, Gaikai CEO and developer of cult platformer Earthworm Jim, reckons there will be a 3DTV in every home in eight or nine years.

His prediction conflicts with Ubisoft's: the French games company told Eurogamer there will be a 3D telly in every home in just three years.

"How long does your TV last today? 10 years. This cycle will probably go a little quicker because of the killer app-ness of it," Perry told Eurogamer at the London Games Conference in BAFTA last night.

"In America, if you watch the Super Bowl on your friend's 3DTV and you go home and see it on your 2DTV, it's going to help tip some people over.

"Say it's a 10-year cycle to get everything changed out, I'd say it might be a little shorter than that. It's going to be somewhere shy of the 10.

"Eight or nine years' time would be my guess."

3D tellys will also come with 3D cameras built into them, so you can enjoy stereoscopic voice chats with your family and friends, according to Perry. "It's cool. That's inevitable. That's a future we can't avoid."

Perry, who's about to launch ambitious cloud gaming service Gaikai, also reckons iPhone creator Apple will never enter the home console market with a PlayStation or Xbox rival.

In March analyst Michael Pachter predicted Apple's entry into the home console market with a "multi-use, multi-purpose device" that plays games.

Pachter is just one of many analysts who have predicted Apple may one day challenge Microsoft and Sony with a games console.

Perry, though, reckons Apple will never make the jump.

"All their devices are one big platform and all games will run on everything.

"They'll always look for another place to put a screen. I'm expecting them to make an Apple TV. I'll be stunned if they don't. I don't mean an Apple TV – the little hockey puck thing – I'm talking an actual 3DTV. I'd be amazed if they don't.

"Anything with a screen on it is fair game for Apple. I'd be really worried if I was in that industry... Whatever the industry is they move into next, good god."

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