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360's game creator Kodu due soon

Democratisation coming end of June.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Microsoft's Xbox 360 game-creation game Kodu will launch at the end of this month, according to the official blog.

"I'm doing final content passes as we get ready for release, which is the end of June. (Exact day TBD)," writes lead programmer Matt MacLaurin on the blog.

Kodu was announced at the beginning of the year as an Xbox Live Community Games Channel title for the spring. It's designed to be an easy-to-use game creation package, a bit like LittleBigPlanet but without an existing game framework to build within.

Matt MacLaurin thinks we all have "15 minutes of sheer brilliant genius" within us, and that unlocking game development for the masses is the next big step for the industry. As it stands, MacLaurin argued that "games are probably the least democratic medium on the planet today".

There's a small fee for some Xbox live Community Games, the service that launched with the New Xbox Experience last November. No price has been associated with Kodu, but it shouldn't be much, if anything.

Head over to the official blog for some pictures and more information.

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