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12 Minutes is a game about a man trapped in a time loop

Groundhog Die.

At its E3 press conference, Microsoft has revealed a fascinating and rather upsetting trailer for 12 Minutes, a game about a man trapped in a time loop.

The trailer shoes a drama playing out in a room that is viewed from above. A couple are talking about some pretty serious things, but one of them seems to have knowledge of what the other is going to say - because he's done it all before.

Cue violence, big shocks, a cameo from the Overlook Hotel's hallway carpet and a promise of brain-melting temporal shenanigans. It looks fabulous, frankly.

12 Minutes is developed by Luis Antonio, who made the art for The Witness, and it's published by Annapurna Interactive who seem to publish nothing but good stuff at the moment. If there was a release date I missed it, and sadly I'm not stuck in a time loop, so I can't do anything fancy about it.

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