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Watch: What does the new FF7 trailer tell us about the gameplay?

Midgar you ready?

Opinions about the Final Fantasy VII remake are everywhere you look today. People are excited by the new trailer, and simultaneously confused/intrigued/terrified by the announcement that the game will be broken down into multiple parts. Whether you treat this revelation with indifference or indignation though, it's certainly an exciting time to be a Final Fantasy 7 fan.

For my part, I've been playing and replaying the trailer when I'm not admiring the new PS4 theme or sunning my party in the PS4 port's Costa del Sol resort. And, well, thanks to that level of obsessive nitpicking, I've made a few observations which you might find interesting. Are you still interested in the remake, despite its episodic structure? Did you like it better when Wedge didn't talk? Let's talk it out in the comments below.

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