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Watch: We play No Man's Sky all day, basically

Blasting off from 10am.

Contrary to popular belief, our jobs rarely consist of playing games all day. Mostly it's just a rushed 10 minutes or so here and there before we slink off back to our desks to write another thousand words of copy. I'm happy to report, however, that today we'll be bucking that trend with a mammoth No Man's Sky livestream that may well last the length of the working day and beyond. Will there be mammoths? You never know.

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In the name of science and journalism, Johnny, myself, and an intrepid team of assorted explorers will be blasting off from 10am this morning and exploring far and wide. There'll be mining, flying, shooting, arguing over who's turn it is next, and probably more mining. Join us, why don't you? Though, if you don't have 6-8 hours to spare, why not check out this quick overview of 50 No Man's Sky planets in 7 minutes.

Catch you in the great unknown.

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