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Ubisoft E3 2019 conference live report

Dogs were watched. One even came onstage. All the news as it happened.

Ubisoft came, we saw, and everyone just about conquered the mind-numbing fatigue as the shows lurch on. Watch Dogs Legion looks fantastic, there's an all-new Breath of the Wild-inspired RPG in the form of Gods and Monsters and Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia also featured. Yup, the old games are playable if you subsrcibe to UPlay+. Here's all the news as it happened.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Yooooooooo! (Hello).

Martin Robinson

I'm so tired and today's E3 action hasn't even really begun...

Martin Robinson

Anyway, 45 minutes to Ubisoft!

Martin Robinson

Kami: Hey Martin, s'up?


Martin Robinson

The return of Mr. Caffeine is all I've ever really wanted.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

It's my birthday next month and if anyone can get him over for it it really would be the best.

Martin Robinson

scottgourlay: This is gonna be the shortest one no? all there gonna says is here is your single player 20 hours long splinter cell voiced by Micheal Ironside enjoy 10 minutes of gameplay see you next year.


Martin Robinson

I was just eating dinner - I still am, so my keyboard is proper greasy right now - and missed Ice T telling everyone not to be toxic shits.

Martin Robinson

I'm curious as to what we'll see.

Martin Robinson

We know about Watch Dogs, about Ghost Recon, there's no new Assassin's this year.

Martin Robinson

No Beyond Good and Evil 2 either.

Martin Robinson

So what can we expect in terms of surprises?

Martin Robinson

A new Rainbow Six? Seems likely.

Martin Robinson

A new Prince of Persia? Less likely, but that'd be lovely.

Martin Robinson

Aye, Rainbow Six has leaked! I just forgot because I don't even know what day it is at the moment.

Martin Robinson

And here we go.

Martin Robinson

Kicking off with Assassin's Creed Symphony. No, it's not a new game - it's a live performance of the soundtrack.

Martin Robinson

Or it will be once they get started.

Martin Robinson

It's a slightly more downbeat intro than the usual Just Dance madness, but that's okay.

Martin Robinson

TBH it's just giving me more time to wolf down this burger before it all properly starts, so thanks Yves.

Martin Robinson

I just went to wash my hands and came back and the music is still playing. Did I miss much else?

Martin Robinson

It's a reminder that hoo boy there have been a lot of Assassin's Creed games over the past 10 years.

Martin Robinson

Anyway that's on tour if you want to go and listen to some of your favourite Assassin's Creed tunes, such as...

Martin Robinson

Er, no, I've no idea.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Straight into Watch Dogs Legion.

Martin Robinson

Set in London, as we all knew.

Martin Robinson

This is a non-political game, remember, set *checks notes* after Brexit?

Martin Robinson

Danny Wallace is back.

Martin Robinson

And there's a character named Bagley - a reference, no doubt, to classic garage nightspot Bagleys.

Martin Robinson

We're in Piccadilly Circus, with some guy whose cockney accent is horribly over the top.

Martin Robinson

Farkin 'ell this writin' is atrocious.

Martin Robinson

XP-diddly-ocious, as Poppins would probably say.

Martin Robinson

We're in Trafalgar Square, now - a shootout outside Nelson's Column.

Martin Robinson

Oh, as Donlan has pointed out - this is basically Zombi U?

Martin Robinson

You can switch between characters, there's an element of permadeath to some characters.

Martin Robinson

And you can play as an elderly lady so I'm in for this.

Martin Robinson

We're watching a compilation of a granny merk a load of bad guys and I'm instantly sold.

Martin Robinson

Camden Lock, now - and Camden looks as outrageously outdated as it does in real life.

Martin Robinson

Camden High Street - where it's eternally 1996.

Martin Robinson

You can fly your drones in this one.

Martin Robinson

As in stand on a drone and fly around on it.

Martin Robinson

It looks very much like a Ubisoft game, and London itself feels a bit lost beneath all the neon - but yes, this does look good.

Martin Robinson

Also I'm still so delighted to just see gameplay in a conference. And an extended look, too - well done, Ubisoft.

Martin Robinson

I'm also not convinced by this boozer we're looking at.

Martin Robinson

But it condirms that you can play as pretty much any NPC. And that Brixton is in it too. How about Lewisham though? Please? PLEASE.

Martin Robinson

They just mentioned Brexit, so this definitely isn't political in any shape or form. Just so you know.

Martin Robinson

You build a resistance through the course of the game, so you can indeed recruit and play as anyone.

Martin Robinson

Every NPC that you can recruit is indepently voiced and animated. This is quite the ambitious game.

Martin Robinson

You can be the women of Bletchley Park okay Ubisoft you've smashed this one out of the park.

Martin Robinson

'London - it's gone a bit shit'. Ain't that the truth.

Martin Robinson

Helen, a retired assassin and the elderly hero of Watch Dogs Legion, is the star of this year's E3.

Martin Robinson

Also I swear the pig's head shown there is the one David Cameron dipped his wick in.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, Watch Dogs Legion - a very good looking video game that's coming out next March.

Martin Robinson

Here's some lad from a TV show I've never seen - sorry! I actually thought it was a hench Haley Joel Osment.

Martin Robinson

But this is about an Always Sunny in Philadelphia video game.

Martin Robinson

I think.

Martin Robinson

minky-kong: Why is everyone at Eurogamer obsessed with Lewisham? It's a fucking hole.

You're a hole. (I live there).

Martin Robinson

Oh Mythic Quest is another TV show I've never seen.

Martin Robinson

I haven't seen it because it's not aired yet. It turns out this whole section is pimping a new TV show.

Martin Robinson

minky-kong: My commiserations Martin, ask for a raise so you can move to Blackheath

Haha, okay!

Martin Robinson

What's an Apple TV?

Martin Robinson

This is a very strange thing to have at an E3 conference - a plug for a TV show. That's coming to Apple TV. Or something.

Martin Robinson

How odd.

Martin Robinson

Well here's Rainbow Six Siege. Thank heavens, a video game.

Martin Robinson

Tom Nook is coming to Rainbow Six Siege? Is that he was saying?

Martin Robinson

That doesn't look like Tom Nook.

Martin Robinson

It looks like an Aldi James Bond.

Martin Robinson

Operation Phantom Sight, the new season for Rainbow Six Siege, launches tomorrow.

Martin Robinson

Adventure Time, er time now.

Martin Robinson

It's another TV show I haven't seen. Do I have to start watching TV now to understand E3 press conferences?

Martin Robinson

Adventure Time is coming to Brawlhalla, anyway. That's the news.

Martin Robinson

Tom Ker-lancey's Ghost Recon now.

Martin Robinson

Can we just see more of Watch Dogs please? Beyond that, this hasn't been a great conference.

Martin Robinson

A cinematic trailer for Breakpoint.

Martin Robinson

Most importantly, though, a real live dog is on-stage.

Martin Robinson

Oh and some actor dude I don't know.

Martin Robinson

Is this the first animal live on a Ubi stage, you ask?

Martin Robinson

Well, no. There's also some history here - I think Ubi are being very bold by having an animal here after the history.

Martin Robinson

Back at Ubidays - lord knows how long ago that was - they had a basketful of bunnies they unleashed on the stage.

Martin Robinson

It was Rabbids-based, obviously.

Martin Robinson

The rabbits were terrified, the whole thing was quite inhumane, but it was saved by the fact that a lot of them just shat on the stage.

Martin Robinson

So the rest of the show carried on with presenters surrounded by rabbit shit.

Martin Robinson

The rabbits were also very hard to get off the stage. They're not good at following orders, apparently.

Martin Robinson

Is the Ghost Recon section still going?

Martin Robinson

'Ghosts never die' says the voiceover, and you've got to concede they do have a point.

Martin Robinson

True, true.

Martin Robinson

We're still on Ghost Recon, as they announce Delta Company.

Martin Robinson

All about serving the Ghost Recon community.

Martin Robinson

Though the big takeaway from that is that people do Ghost Recon cosplay?

Martin Robinson

What is wrong with people.

Martin Robinson

The beta for Ghost Recon is live on September 5th.

Martin Robinson

I'd actually happily dress up as a panda and do a dance for you over Skype.

Martin Robinson

I don't have a panda costume though.

Martin Robinson

Terminator DLC - which was also in Gears - is coming to Ghost Recon.

Martin Robinson

They're really trying to sell the awful-looking Terminator film that's coming later this year.

Martin Robinson

Ain't it just.

Martin Robinson

It's okay, though, becaues here's a mobile game.

Martin Robinson

It's a Tom Clancy special RPG.

Martin Robinson

Tom Clancy's Elite Squad. Which I won't say anything nasty about as one of the devs is in the comments (hullo yusep!). It looks alright!

Martin Robinson

Here's Just Dance to bring a little life to proceedings.

Martin Robinson

This, oddly enough, is what I come to the Ubisoft conference wanting. A nice big song and dance routine.

Martin Robinson

And there's your panda.

Martin Robinson

Ubisoft delivers.

Martin Robinson

A very brief cameo from the panda, but it's enough to make me happy.

Martin Robinson

No wait there he is again.

Martin Robinson

I hope this dance number goes on for the next 45 minutes.

Martin Robinson

adamasunder12: You can close the amazon tab now Martin for Panda costumes.

Too late, already ordered.

Martin Robinson

A new hero for For Honor, your honour.

Martin Robinson

For Honor, Shadows of the Hitokiri, is available nooooooow.

Martin Robinson

This could be the new Rainbow Six - basically a Left4Dead thing, I guess?

Martin Robinson

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Quarantine, being made in Ubisoft Montreal, and it's a co-op shooter.

Martin Robinson

A PvE game, basically - what Siege is to PvP, Quarantine aims to be for PvE.

Martin Robinson

If they can deliver on that it could be quite the thing.

Martin Robinson

Doesn't look like we're going to see it in action.

Martin Robinson

Division 2 update next plz. I'm going for a wazz.

Martin Robinson

Division 2 is free for the next three days, and the first big update is out soooon.

Martin Robinson

Bloodfont: A lot of political shooters for a company that doesn't like political statements.

You said it not me. (But also yes so much this).

Martin Robinson

yusep: The division 2 is actually a pretty good game.


Martin Robinson

I'll admit I haven't played The Division 2, but people who have played it make positive noises.

Martin Robinson

Second raid is coming this autumn.

Martin Robinson

Bloodfont: Fun fact, Clancy was a pretty hard republican, it's pretty funny to see these games in a pretty left wing company. Don't get me wrong, i'm left and like division 2 it's just an empty game outside "dungeons"

I find that whole thing so strange too - there's a real clash there.

Martin Robinson

Wyrm: I hope The Terminator is in this too

Would be up for the Terminator in Just Dance too.

Martin Robinson

yusep: Well, If I would work in EA I would lie or write some PR shit, but in ubisoft we are cool guys who always say thruth. We also have pandas.


Martin Robinson

Amidst all that - and the revelation that all Ubisoft studios have pandas - there's a teaser for season three for The Division 2. And an announcement that The Division movie is coming to Netflix.

Martin Robinson

A new subscription service called Uplay+.

Martin Robinson

$14.99 a month, giving you access to Ubi's back catalogue and god it's getting expensive keeping up with all these services.

Martin Robinson

Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell both made an apperance at the conference, at least - they're both classic games available as part of this new service.

Martin Robinson

adamasunder12: That's expensive. Are we sponsoring a panda too?

I'm hoping they throw a panda outfit in for that amount.

Martin Robinson

Uplay+ is also going to be a part of Stadia.

Martin Robinson

Umer: $14.99 is quite steep, but all their titles are AAA and multiple of them come out annually. Alas, let's see. Not a bad idea to buy base games and sign up to service for a month once a year to get access to all the DLCs and shit. Or maybe just sub on it at new releases as long as they'll add their titles day one.

It's quite steep, but you do get Steep.

Martin Robinson

Sorry that was an awful joke.

Martin Robinson

Roller Champions, which is Rocket League-esque and which also leaked, is next up on stage.

Martin Robinson

Can we also take the time to mourn the brilliant Laser League, which deserved so much more.

Martin Robinson

And you can play this game RIGHT NOW.

Martin Robinson

A demo, anyway - it's available over the next four days on Uplay.

Martin Robinson

It looks like they made a game based around Mario Kart's Baby Park, and I can get behind that.

Martin Robinson

Yves arrives.

Martin Robinson

I'm all about Yves.

Martin Robinson

(I'm so sorry I'm really tired).

Martin Robinson

He's got a lovely, all-encompassing message about how games can bring us together.

Martin Robinson

This, after an hour of mostly guns and death.

Martin Robinson

But still! Here's an all-new game from the Quebec studio.

Martin Robinson

An all-new IP, and it looks lively and colourful - drawing on mythology.

Martin Robinson

A nice unexpeced show-closer introducing us to an all-new IP that I presume will be next-gen.

Martin Robinson

And it looks an awful lot like Breath of the Wild. This is Gods and Monsters, and it's coming out next February - so not next-gen after all.

Martin Robinson

That was Ubisoft's E3 conference.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

It's always such an odd year before next gen consoles release.

Martin Robinson

And there's also the fact that everything leaked beforehand.

Martin Robinson

But there's a very flat feeling to E3 this year.

Martin Robinson

Watch Dogs looks great, as does Gods and Monsters and I'm excited to try Roller Champions.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

And that was Ubisoft's E3 2019 conference. God I wish it wasn't.

Martin Robinson

(It wasn't actually that bad).

Martin Robinson

Thanks for joining us - next up is Square Enix at 2am. Last year they revealed The Quiet Man - what joy can we expect tonight?

Martin Robinson

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