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This week on Outside Xbox

Talking Assassin's Creed 3 with Steven Masters, zombies with Chet Faliszek and Minecraft with our pumpkins.

Hello Eurogamers, how have you been? We've been pretty busy over on Outside Xbox and, if you'll indulge us, we'd like to show you the best bits from the past seven days.

Assassin's Creed 3 is finally here, letting us stab Templars in the giant sandbox of irresistible distractions that is Revolutionary America. In Show of the Week, Mike and Andy pay tribute to the series with murderous historical research and an equally safe homemade Animus. There's also a guide for snagging some out-of-the-way achievement points early on in the game.

Also on the topic of Assassin's Creed 3, Mike caught up with lead designer Steven Masters to talk about the game's mysterious pivot system and its first chunk of downloadable content, dubbed The Madness of King George, which offers up an alternate history in which George Washington proclaimed himself King of America.

But it wasn't just Assassin's Creed week. We also had our favourite public non-holiday, Halloween, which we celebrated by cornering Left 4 Dead writer Chet Faliszek to chat about all things zombie, including whether the undead can breathe underwater, what's his zombie apocalypse survival plan, and who Johnny Knoxville would play in the Left 4 Dead film.

For more videos, including our Halloween Minecraft Adventure, and a look at Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel's new Overkill mode, check out See you next week!

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