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Quotes of the Week ending August 11th

Jabbering of the august.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

A quick and handy, weekly digest of some of the interesting things people have said in the previous seven days. And of course the stuff we've been aching to make fun of.

"Dead Rising's brilliant violence has been completely preserved for European audiences." Capcom, clearly enjoying themselves. Although obviously we put them up to the "brilliant violence" bit. Well, it is. (Link)

"The game is gory, but it's not detailed and the violence is not sadistic, and it's focused against zombies. There's a fantasy element attached, and there's a sense of humour, albeit a macabre one." The British Board of Film Classification seems to get what Dead Rising's about. (Link)

"It isn't anywhere near ready." And they're not shy about commenting on other games either - like Bully. (Link)

"Right now this industry has a business model that does not work. This industry has been flat for the past six years; we've been selling games to the same people." LucasArts president Jim Ward sings a similar to tune to Nintendo's Satoru Iwata. "Certainly what Microsoft are doing makes all the sense in the world." Although maybe not that similar. (Link)

"A half-baked product that was pushed out the door for revenue reasons." Having sold the series to Ubisoft, Atari finally admits DRIV3R was a bit rubbish. (Link)

"Master Chief is certainly something that I do not want to change too much at all." Newly-crowned Halo film director Neill Blomkamp suggests Halo will distance itself from existing game-film adaptations by not swapping all the good bits out. (Link)

"Hahaha! Right. Eurogamer was pretty much the only review that I read where they felt that the characters were stereotypical." Charles Cecil still remembers Kristan's issues with Broken Sword 3. (Link)

"All of us at EA would like to thank you for your valued participation in our online gaming community and hope that your enthusiasm for these games extends to our current lineup and beyond." Electronic Arts makes little effort to hide the thought process behind canning a mountain of old-game servers. Upgrade! Immediately! (Link)

"Yeah, but you needed the code for 30 lives because you sucked at shooters. Still do; letting our 16 year old nephew kick your ass at splitscreen Halo. Dude. Seriously." Proving that sibling rivalry's alive and well in the Bleszinski household, CliffyB slags off his brother on the internet. Well, if you have a podium. Have I mentioned that my sister once auditioned for X Factor? Shame. (Link)

"Piracy is hard. It's really, from my opinion, destroying the PC market." id Software's Kevin Cloud offers his view on the reasons the PC market is shrinking. "I don't think the PC market is shrinking at all," he added. (Link)

Seen or heard anything that belongs here? (And, since you asked, that can include anything from the forum.) Drop us a line: Please mark all emails "Quotes of the Week". We'll reward the best ones we haven't found ourselves with free games. (No extra marks for pointing out the stupid things we say, by the way - we already know we're stupid.) This week's winner: Nobody! You all suck!

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