Route 214 and Ruin Maniac Cave Pokémon, trainers and items in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Our complete guide to Pokémon BDSP's trainers, items, and wild Pokémon.
Route 214 and Ruin Maniac Cave are next up in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, following on from Veilstone City in your adventure.
Below we'll take you through all the key details for the location, including any Pokémon encounters, trainers, and items that might be available, plus a walkthrough of your key objectives and anything else you'll need to know.
On this page:
Route 214 Pokémon, trainers and items
Route 214 is a path that heads south from Veilstone City towards Valor Lakefront, but interestingly it also goes in a kind of loop. If you want to collect everything, head south through the grassy part then loop back on yourself through the rocky part, until you reach the entrance to Ruin Maniac Cave, back at the top.

Available Pokémon
Pokémon | Availability |
Stunky | Grass (Diamond) |
Geodude | Grass |
Ponyta | Grass |
Kricketune | Grass |
Graveler | Grass |
Sudowoodo | Grass (Pearl) |
Girafarig | Grass |
Items | Location |
2x Cheri Berries | Right of Psychic Abigail |
2x Sitrus Berries | Right of Psychic Abigail |
2x Chesto Berries | Right of Psychic Abigail |
2x Pomeg Berries | Right of Psychic Abigail |
X Sp. Def | On right of fence |
Honey | Hidden - at top of dead end right of Beauty Devon |
Heart Scale | Hidden - in bare patch of grass loop left of Psychic Mitchell |
Big Root | In long grass near Collector Douglas |
Max Potion | In large patch of long grass south-west of Collector Douglas |
Tiny Mushroom | Hidden in bottom right corner of area with Collector Jamal |
Trainers and Opponents
Trainers | Pokémon | Level |
Psychic Abigail | Gastly Misdreavus Kadabra | Lv.22 Lv.23 Lv.24 |
PI Carlos | Goldeen Goldeen Goldeen | Lv.23 Lv.23 Lv.23 |
Collector Brady | Ponyta Ponyta Ponyta | Lv.22 Lv.20 Lv.24 |
Beauty Devon | Wormadam | Lv.25 |
Psychic Mitchell | Haunter Kadabra | Lv.23 Lv.23 |
Collector Douglas | Roselia Roselia Roselia | Lv.20 Lv.22 Lv.24 |
Ruin Maniac Hunter | Shieldon | Lv.26 |
Collector Jamal | Buizel Buizel Buizel | Lv.21 Lv.21 Lv.24 |
Ruin Maniac Bryan | Cranidos Geodude Bronzor | Lv.24 Lv.22 Lv.23 |
Ruin Maniac Cave Pokémon, trainers and items
Ruin Maniac Cave is a small cave with a single item in it and a single man, the Ruin Maniac who's obsessed with Unown. When you've caught some, talk to him and he'll have made more progress on his quest to dig all the way through to the Solaceon Ruins
But most importantly, talk to him when you've caught all of the different forms available. At this point he'll have worked his way through to a new section, a room that contains the ? and ! forms of Unown - the only place to get them in the game!

More details on Unown and Solaceon Ruins can be found on our Solaceon Ruins walkthrough page.
Items | Location |
TM28 Dig | By some rocks |
After you're done here and on Route 214, it's onwards to the next location: Valor Lakefront.
For more guides and links to the rest of our walkthrough pages meanwhile, return to our main Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl walkthrough hub.