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Sony's Gamescom 2014 briefing

An exciting new game from Michel Ancel, Tearaway on PS4 and more from Sony's big show.

And that was Tuesday. Sony wrapped up the big conference day at Gamescom with a decent showing - Tearaway on PS4 looked great, as did Michel Ancel's new IP Wild, developed exclusively for PS4 with his new studio Wild Sheep. Oh, and there was something about DayZ coming to console as well. Find out what else is going on at Gamescom this week with our handy guide.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Sound the alarm! It's an hour to go until Sony's conference kicks off in Cologne. I know, right?

Martin Robinson

After Microsoft's fairly solid attempt earlier today, everyone wants to know how Sony will respond. There's one big question - untucked or tucked?

Martin Robinson

I've been doing a little research this afternoon and I have some theories of my own.

Martin Robinson

A man like Michael Denny is always, always going to tuck.

Martin Robinson

Shuhei Yoshida, while often a little more casual, also likes to tuck.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

We've a wildcard, though, in Jim Ryan, who - as we saw in that unforgettable performance back in 2011 - thinks nothing of putting on a silky number and letting it all hang out.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

I know we're often accused of favouritism here at Eurogamer, but, well... I'll come out and say it.

Martin Robinson

I'm a tucker myself. I think you reach a certain age where it's the only option.

Martin Robinson

Where are Sony going to stand tonight? And are we about to see another Microsoft 180 as its executives furiously stuff their shirts into their trousers?

Martin Robinson

Sammoore: Is Ian over with you, or is he still wandering around being touristy?

He's heading into the conference now!

Martin Robinson

Sammoore: Why Lewisham, anyway? I thought EG HQ was in Brighton.

Headquarters is in Brighton, and we have a London bureau in South East London that comprises of Ellie, Oli and myself (we all work remotely)

Martin Robinson

HELLOFELLOWGAMERS: Will Bloodborne show today?

It's playable on the show floor - would be ace for those of us not fortunate enough to be in Cologne to see it in action.

Martin Robinson

kraajkase: what if gaben just walks up to stage and announces HL3 exclusive to PS4?!?!?! lol

What if in the Half-Life 3 demo there's Yu Suzuki, perfectly rendered in the Source 2 engine, who announces Shenmue 3!

Martin Robinson

A few of you have given us your predictions - so here's mine! There'll be no Last Guardian, of course, and I doubt there'll be anything on Uncharted 4.

Martin Robinson

Nothing on Shadow of the Beast, either - from what I understand, that was announced a little too early. I sometimes wonder if we'll ever even see it again.

Martin Robinson

What we will see! Media Molecule's new game. And loads more on Destiny.

Martin Robinson

callmeqt314: is the quality going to improve? im on like 15fps

I'm getting Carly Rae Jepsen in 30fps, but I am watching on a Wii U where the frame-rate trounces anything on PS4 and XO, obv.

Martin Robinson

The problem with these conferences held at responsible times is it's far too early to drink. I'm on the rooibos now like the tough nut that I am.

Martin Robinson

Still got a pretty much full pack of those Petit Beurres, mind.

Martin Robinson

-cerberus-: Mmm... Petit Beurres... Used to make cake with those and put sugary cream & jelly between each layer.

Wow, that sounds like the kind of thing that would only work when you're under the influence.

Martin Robinson

Hello everybody! I'm sitting in Sony's Gamescom conference audience WOO GO MAD etc. It's very blue in here and there are lots of trendy beards that I thought weren't trendy anymore?

Robert Purchese

Bauul: Lol, sorry Robert, we all saw you say "lots of trendy bears" before you changed it. I'm rather disappointed you meant beards!

Trendy bears would have been so much better. I'm sad I had to change it!

Robert Purchese

It's very loud in here. Too loud for trendy bears as they exist in their natural habitat. And it's very blue. Too blue for trendy bears as they exist in their natural habitat. (And with that I'll take to Twitter.)

Robert Purchese

-cerberus-: @Martin: Here, Petit Beurres cake:

That link's not working. Repost it please! This is important!

Martin Robinson

Bear with us, a few technical difficulties here.

Martin Robinson

Right, after some difficulties with the stream we're up and running.

Martin Robinson

Well, I say difficulties - I think I killed my bandwidth looking at high-res pictures of petit beurre cakes.

Martin Robinson

I think there's a lot more people interested in this than perhaps was anticipated.

Martin Robinson

We're in with Bloodborne - unless this is an old trailer.

Martin Robinson

No it's not - legit new stream, legit start to the Sony conference. IT'S HAPPENING.

Martin Robinson

This is in-game stuff we're seeing.

Martin Robinson

(I saw it running at Gamescom and it looks splendid. The frame-rate wasn't quite this solid back then, mind)

Martin Robinson

Ha, no - we haven't started.

Martin Robinson

It was just another trailer. What a twist!

Martin Robinson

Oh wow - I'm hearing from my secret sources (Bertie) that Jim Ryan is up first. I can't contain myself, which is unfortunate for Oli who's sitting next to me.

Martin Robinson

A sizzle reel, doing some sizzling. Usual suspects are in there - Uncharted 4, No Man's Sky, Rapture.

Martin Robinson

The first big question will be answered in mere seconds when Jim Ryan takes the stage.

Martin Robinson

Not just the first big question - THE big question.

Martin Robinson

snafu65: Can't see anything, then I get a timed out message!

Suffered the same problem then reloaded and it worked. The stream was provided to us by Sony, and I think they're being slammed.

Martin Robinson

It's Jim Ryan! JIM RYAN! He's walking on the stage and...

Martin Robinson

He's tucked. He's tucked everyone!

Martin Robinson

Actually quite a reserved look from Jim - the flair of Gamescom 2011 seems like a lifetime away.

Martin Robinson

10 million PS4s sold globally - and that's sold through. Quite a number.

Martin Robinson

Is Andrew tucked?

Martin Robinson

Can anyone confirm if he's tucked? Oli thinks he was.

Martin Robinson

A more eclectic mix of games being offered. And that's starting with Q Games and Dylan Cuthbert.

Martin Robinson

It's not another PixelJunk title (and as much as I like them, thank god). It's a 3D experience.

Martin Robinson

It's... It's... It's odd.

Martin Robinson

A Russian choir soundtracking quirky scenes starring a little girl. Who now has a jetpack. It's called The Tomorrow Children.

Martin Robinson

I'd love to know what we just watched, but it's straight onto the next game, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter.

Martin Robinson

X201: Who are The Astronauts?

It includes Adrian Chmielarz, formerly of Bulletstorm dev People Can Fly.

Martin Robinson

Mike Bithell now in what's possibly his first time on stage at a conference. Nice one Mike! He's here no doubt to talk about his new game Volume.

Martin Robinson

Volume is coming first to PS4 and Vita next year.

Martin Robinson

Ruffian, the Crackdown 2 developer's new game - which is a bit like Shadow Complex.

Martin Robinson

That's no bad thing, of course - it's been far too long since the last Shadow Complex. It's called Hollowpoint.

Martin Robinson

Dean Hall next. Wait, what?

Martin Robinson

I have no idea what this could be about. Well, maybe I do.

Martin Robinson

Get to the point, Dean. Is DayZ coming to PS4, and if so, when?

Martin Robinson

Hmm, is this a BioShock on Vita moment - and someone just paying lip service to the PS4?

Martin Robinson

So, there's a PS4 edition of DayZ inbound. Would love to know more, but I guess that's all to come.

Martin Robinson

This looks new - could it be Ninja Theory's new game?

Martin Robinson

Yarp - looks a little like Heavenly Sword too.

Martin Robinson

Hellblade is the title. Was that Nariko?

Martin Robinson

Rime up next.

Martin Robinson

Which looks beautiful - though I'm also reminded that Deadlight also looked ace and was, well, not amazing.

Martin Robinson

Obvious Ico influences, which is kind of standard. The animation looks wonderful, as does the art.

Martin Robinson

Ooh, a snowboarding game? How very 1999! Here's a round-up of independent games coming to PS4, including Papers, Please.

Martin Robinson

Dreamfall Chapters, too - which is, apparently, 'Only on PlayStation 4'.

Martin Robinson

Rime and The Tomorrow Children exclusive, the rest all coming first to PS4.

Martin Robinson

Eric the ham burglar for Destiny's little portion of the show. Tucked.

Martin Robinson

There's exclusive Destiny PS4 stuff - much of which we knew about already.

Martin Robinson

It's the most pre-ordered new IP in history, says a shop.

Martin Robinson

Jonty Barnes, who I admit I'd never heard of before. He is a European!

Martin Robinson

The Crucible details inbound.

Martin Robinson

World premiere of multiplayer trailer. Aren't you the lucky ones?

Martin Robinson

Yup, it still looks very much like the game we all played last month.

Martin Robinson

New modes are being introduced, mind.

Martin Robinson

I just really want to hear the McCartney song now. That's the one big mystery left.

Martin Robinson

It's okay Jonty! It's over now. I don't envy these people who have to go up on stage.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, expansion The Dark Below is out in December.

Martin Robinson

Far Cry 4 time, and a look at the open world.

Martin Robinson

Has anyone told you you can ride elephants in Far Cry 4? you totally can.

Martin Robinson

dogmanstaruk: I didn't see the MS conference, but this is boring. No excitement.

In fairness, if you've come to a corporate conference for excitement, you've probably come to the wrong place.

Martin Robinson

Shadow of Mordor, which I've heard is actually pretty decent.

Martin Robinson

One detail from Far Cry 4 - it's only two hours of co-op for those who don't own the game. Which they perhaps should have made clearer when announcing the feature at E3.

Martin Robinson

Hideo Kojima - the man, the legend! - is next up. He's wearing a waistcoat with jeans, which kind of makes the whole tucked/untucked thing insignificant.

Martin Robinson

The cardboard box has been updated!

Martin Robinson

I'm at the point now in my life where looking at the features of a virtual cardboard box genuinely excites me.

Martin Robinson

This all makes perfect sense.

Martin Robinson

Er. I'm actually speechless.

Martin Robinson

So, is this the Until Dawn reboot?

Martin Robinson

No! Ignore me! It's something else entirely.

Martin Robinson

P.T, it's called. There's an interactive teaser you can download on PS4 now.

Martin Robinson

Share Play - a feature that I'm sure was announced at the very first reveal of the PS4 - is being detailed.

Martin Robinson

Right, so you can play a game together with your friend and... UH-OH. The feed just died.

Martin Robinson

Phew, it's back. I've never been more relieved to see Jim Ryan's face.

Martin Robinson

PlayStation Now is coming to Europe in 2015, starting in the UK - nothing more concrete on that for now.

Martin Robinson

Apologies for the stream problems.

Martin Robinson

We're back now, anyway, and Denny strolls on stage. Very, very firmly tucked.

Martin Robinson

Until Dawn is being rebuilt for PS4, and without the Move controller, it seems.

Martin Robinson

Those who saw it first time round will likely tell you it was a good idea to shelve this one when it was on PS3.

Martin Robinson

It's a schlocky horror game, where you have some bearing on who in your group dies and who survives.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

It's nice that it gets some stage time after being passed over at E3 as well.

Martin Robinson

Social features are being detailed. It's the core of DriveClub, of course.

Martin Robinson

It does look good - and I really have enjoyed my time with it. But, well - Forza Horizon 2 just looks absolutely splendid. The delay's been good for DriveClub, but I fear it's in danger of being smothered by Playground's game.

Martin Robinson

They're showing the weather off using a free-roaming camera, which suggests a photo mode - it's not actually something that will be available at launch.

Martin Robinson

Neither will the weather, by the way - it's post-release. Sorry to rain on the parade (sorry for the bad pun, also).

Martin Robinson

By my reckoning we have about 30 minutes left of this. Media Molecule's next, and Tearaway's Rex Crowle is up on stage.

Martin Robinson

Tearaway news, obviously. Is it coming to PS4?

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Designed around the DualShock 4 - and they've found a use for the light bar!

Martin Robinson

The touch pad enables the trampolines, you can catch objects and rattle them about your controller. And you can place Rex in an echo chamber too, apparently.

Martin Robinson

So yes, Tearaway on PS4. It looks rather good!

Martin Robinson

A new IP, and a brand new game.

Martin Robinson

Housemarque game.

Martin Robinson

A man's head just did an explode. It's a twin-stick shooter that looks like a violent, futuristic Dead Nation.

Martin Robinson

Called Alienation - so clearly a follow-up in some way to Dead Nation. Lots of things flying around the screen, as you'd expect from Housemarque.

Martin Robinson

(Who are Wild Sheep?)

Martin Robinson

Ah, it's Michel Ancel's new studio!

Martin Robinson

It's a PS4 exclusive.

Martin Robinson

It's also probably not Beyond Good & Evil 2.

Martin Robinson

dogmanstaruk: I like his tshirt.

Me too! He's allowed to go untucked with a shirt like that.

Martin Robinson

I'm getting From Dust vibes from this. They're the best vibes.

Martin Robinson

Man, those French clearly love chewing their peyote when they're brainstorming new games.

Martin Robinson

Wild - who needs Beyond Good & Evil 2 when that's inbound?

Martin Robinson

dogmanstaruk: where the fuck is uncharted 4?

There's an emphasis on European devs at Gamescom, understandably.

Martin Robinson

Well, I enjoyed that - no high drama, but lots of really interesting games.

Martin Robinson

spongebob: Martin, what was so weird about Wild that you though of chewing peyote? Must be very mild one you're doing.

Big pan lady in tree spun my head a little bit. I'll have some of what you're having next time please.

Martin Robinson

antmusic97: so no Guerilla, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Quantic Dream. I was expecting at least one huge announcement. Oh well!

Guerrilla would have been nice. Guess it's too early.

Martin Robinson

With that we're wrapping up. Hope you've enjoyed today - we're back tomorrow morning for EA's briefing. Tara!

Martin Robinson

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