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Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

Multiplayer and more unveiled.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

"Play it like a soldier and you'll lose. Play it like a criminal and you'll win." That's the advice of IO Interactive on the online multiplayer mode in Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. It's good advice. You may have captured more flags than you've had hot deathmatches, but you're not in the army now. This mode is about strategy, not just shooting. It's about betrayal and greed and revenge. It's about working as a team in a world where it's every man for himself. But most of all, it's about swearing.

That's our experience, anyway. We've spent the last 20 minutes trying out the multiplayer mode in IO's Copenhagen studio, and we've spent most of that time doing some really quite comprehensive swearing. Like all good multiplayer modes this one leaves you infuriated and exhilarated at every turn, and consequently coughing out expletives like there's no ************* tomorrow.

There were already to reasons to look forward to Kane & Lynch: Dead Men based on what's been shown of the single player mode alone. For those who aren't familiar, it's a third-person squad-based action game from the team behind the Hitman series and Freedom Fighters. The two protagonists are professional criminals who work as a team, but will always put their personal agendas first.

In single player mode you always play as Kane, but you can order Lynch and any other squad-mates you've picked up to move and attack. One of the game's most interesting features is the option to take weapons and ammo from other members of your team. Characters can also revive each other using syringes of adrenaline if they take too many hits.

Otherwise controls are typical for a third-person shooter. You can crouch, you can cycle between weapons and you can hide from bullets simply by walking up to cover. This last bit didn't work too well in the version we played, with Kane sometimes refusing to take cover or being too quick to, but this ought to be sorted out for the finished game, due out November 23rd on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

Thankfully the targeting system already works well. You can fire at enemies from a third-person perspective or zoom in for an over-the-shoulder view. This gives you a more precise aim, but at the expense of cover and you lose the wider view of what's going on around you. In a game where there's an awful lot going on at any given moment, this loss of perspective is significant.

There's also a lot going on with the plot which IO says is full of twists and turns, McGuffins and surprises. As the game progresses you are get to know more about Kane (ex-mercenary, alleged traitor, family man) and Lynch (schizophrenic, alleged murderer of own family, bad hair but good sunglasses). You also learn more about their unique motivations and complex relationship.

The phrase "complex relationship", of course, is always a euphemism for "mutual loathing", and this instance is no exception. Kane & Lynch's single player game explores themes of human emotions and behaviour, with particular emphasis on greed and revenge. As game director Jens Peter Kurup explains, IO wanted to carry these themes through into the multiplayer game rather than abandon them in favour of traditional modes.

"Quite early in the production process it became apparent the normal deathmatch, capture the flag thing didn't fit. It's all so army-like. It didn't fit with the themes of Kane & Lynch," he says.

"The game is essentially a crime drama about two guys who hate each other, they don't trust each other, they backstab each other, they get away with as much as they can. So we took these core concepts of betrayal and disloyalty and revenge, and turned that into a new multiplayer mode."

That mode is called Fragile Alliance. It sees up to eight players pulling off a mission together - the level we played involved a bank heist. The goal is always to move from the start of the map to the end, picking up as much cash as possible along the way. It all has to be done within 200 seconds as rounds never last longer than that.

To start out with it's advantageous to work with the other players, taking on the police as a united force. You can try to remain allied for the rest of the mission if you believe there's strength in numbers, but that means you'll have to share all the cash with any other players who make it out alive.

So instead, you might opt to become a traitor. This involves waiting till one or more players have accumulated a significant amount of cash before taking them out and walking off with their haul. The advantage here is obvious - you get very rich quick. But you immediately become a target for other players as a big orange Traitor tag will appear above your head, and they'll want to kill you before you betray them too.