Skip to main content Podcast #10

PlayStation Blog hero Jem Alexander brings us an actual PS Move to play with/mock!

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Time really does fly when you're having fun. Fortunately we've got the antidote - the Podcast, back for a special 10th anniversary show featuring two special guests!

Leading the line as usual is host Tom Champion, who is flanked by editor Tom Bramwell and staff writer Dan Pearson. We're also delighted to welcome Jem Alexander from Sony's excellent European PlayStation Blog.

Jem didn't come alone though - he also brought a short friend with a peculiar rubber hat. Yes, thanks to Jem we are able to play with a PlayStation Move controller live on the podcast, albeit without any software. Or manners.

You can download the Podcast as an MP3, stream it below or grab it on iTunes. Here's an RSS link:

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PlayStation Move forms the basis of this week's news debate, but we also take the opportunity to rib Jem politely about the recent ApocalyPS3, and then afterwards to rib Jem not so politely about the recent ApocalyPS3.

There's also discussion of what we've been playing, including Metro 2033, Splinter Cell: Conviction and Tom Champion's ongoing obsession with Bad Company 2.

We even debate the financial viability of platform exclusives, the "DLC on the disc" issue stemming from BioShock 2, a certain editor's Hostachio costume, and what it's like working for Sony (Jem mainly answers that one).

Our special guest also takes the opportunity to comment definitively on whether is biased for or against things based on his experiences wandering around our offices.

Background reading!

The Podcast goes out at 3pm GMT every Tuesday. We haven't worked out what we'll do next week but it's sure to be an improvement.

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