Destiny fans demolish Crota's End hard mode
First fireteam finishes in less than half an hour.
A clan of Destiny diehards have become the first to beat the new Crota's End raid hard mode - and finished in less than half an hour.

It took clan One and Done just 27 minutes to polish off the mission - despite several changes and all level 33 enemies.
Destiny's current level cap is 32, meaning that the hard mode puts players at a disadvantage throughout.
A trickier remix of the standard Crota's End raid which released with the game's Dark Below expansion back in December, hard mode removes the healing Chalice of Light item from the final boss fight.
But the activity also rewards players with exclusive loot not found anywhere else in the game - including a number of spooky Hive-themed legendary primary weapons.
Hard mode also includes the Crux of Crota item, needed to upgrade Eidolon Ally (the gun formerly known as Husk of the Pit) to the devastating exotic auto rifle Necrochasm.
Bungie confirmed the clan's feat in a post to Twitter last night: