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Child of Eden Xbox 360 US release date

UPDATE: UK date confirmed. PS3 "TBC".

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

UPDATE: Ubisoft has confirmed that the Xbox 360 version of Child of Eden will launch on Friday 17th June in the UK. The PS3 version is currently "TBC".

ORIGINAL STORY: The Kinect-enabled Xbox 360 version of Child of Eden launches on 14th June.

That's according to the game's official Facebook page. No mention is made of the PlayStation 3 version.

14th June is a Tuesday – the day of the week games release in the US. We assume it'll launch on Friday 17th June in the UK, but we're checking with publisher Ubisoft.

Child of Eden is Tetsuya Mizuguchi's stunning new conduct-'em-up shooter. A "spiritual sequel" to Rez, Child of Eden sees you "purifying" viruses infesting a series of internet archives using a mechanic that a lot of people would classify as "shooting".

Players move a cursor over targets to highlight them, before releasing shots in a single burst.

The Xbox 360 version uses Kinect, but it can also be played using a controller. It is unclear whether the PlayStation 3 version supports Move.

Christian Donlan went hands-on with Child of Eden earlier this month, and enjoyed himself very much.

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