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Bungie changes plans, will bundle Destiny 2 DLC with Forsaken from next week

Emote of light.

Starting next week on 16th October, Bungie will bundle both of Destiny 2's previous DLC packs with the game's new Forsaken expansion.

In other words, Forsaken will soon include Curse of Osiris and Warmind, the two DLC packs previously offered in last year's expansion pass.

It's a neat offer for those yet to nab Forsaken, although it comes just after the game has left September's PlayStation Plus offering - so if you upgraded when that ended, there's a chance you may still have bought the DLC separately - and around six weeks after Forsaken's original launch.

As a make-up gift, Bungie will offer a bundle of items to anyone who bought Forsaken before the 16th. This includes a highly-sought after black shader, two exotic emotes and a bunch of consumables.

Curse of Osiris was largely throwaway stuff - one of Destiny's most mysterious characters explained away in one of the series' briefest ever DLCs - though Warmind was more involved, and its new Mars region worth visiting. Regardless, it makes sense both are included in Forsaken - probably the best thing to arrive in the Destiny series since the original game's Taken King expansion.

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