Beyond Good & Evil HD, Outland and From Dust bundled for retail
Arriving this Autumn on Xbox 360.
Beyond Good & Evil HD, Outland and From Dust are being bundled together in the Ubisoft Xbox Live Hits Collection for Xbox 360.
The anthology was listed by Amazon UK where it's priced at £17.99 with a tentative 22nd September release date.
The combined price of all three games together on XBLA is about £24, making this package an especially attractive proposition.
This is the second report of the alleged triple pack coming, though the first to contain box art, lending the rumour extra credibility.
It's unclear if this collection will also be on PS3 or if it's coming to North America, but we've reached out to Ubisoft for comment and will update as we hear more.
All three games in the package were well received at Eurogamer. "Beyond Good & Evil is still a wildly ambitious game, often beautifully constructed and with its own distinct personality," wrote Dan Whitehead in his 9/10 Beyond Good & Evil HD review.
From Dust likewise scored a 9/10 from Oli Welsh who claimed, "From Dust is a crescendo - of ideas, but mostly of the glorious and fearful drama of nature - that will leave you feeling both humbled and thrilled."
Finally, Outland was awarded an 8/10 by Christian Donlan who said, "Housemarque has once again proved it's a fearsomely talented quick-change artist of a studio, able to take any genre and get to the guts of it quickly and with a chilly efficiency" in his appraisal.
Check out the slick box art below.