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Turok in February

Jurassic Park.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The next game in the Turok series will be released on 8th February 2008, Disney Interactive has announced this morning .

The long-awaited dinosaur-hunting FPS was originally slated for this autumn on PS3 and 360, but developer Propaganda Games has decided the title needs a bit more work to get it up to scratch.

Turok is set 200 years in the future, and tells the story of Joseph Turok (you) as he fights to take down his old mentor-turned-war-criminal Roland Kane. But not everything goes to plan. On your way to the planet he's hiding on, you're shot down and find yourself in a prehistoric world fighting off dinosaurs as well as baddies.

It's a rethink of the N64 original, and is being built using Epic's Unreal Engine 3. Highlights include 16-player online play, where you'll have to avoid your opponents as well as roaming escapees from Jurassic Park. Don't end up like that chap who tried to hide in the portaloo.

We recently had a chance to sit down and talk to Propaganda co-founder and studio manager Josh Holmes about the game. Pop over to our Turok interview to find out more.

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