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Sony's Pre-TGS 2014 press conference live report

Dragon Quest returns to PlayStation, new Resident Evil confirmed and themes are coming to PS4. All the morning's news as it happened.

It's all over! Sony filled its pre-TGS conference with plenty of games - 44 of them - including a few nice surprises. Resident Evil Revelations 2 was confirmed, as was a new Everybody's Golf that's heading for PlayStation 4, and Sony topped the show by announcing that Dragon Quest is returning to PlayStation after a ten year absence.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

*Rubs eyes*. Good morning! We're about 40 minutes from kick off, so I'm going to grab myself some tea and toast before the main event.

Martin Robinson

Peanut butter and jam, if you're curious about the spread. Strong start to the week, that.

Martin Robinson

valentynlyevyentsov: Is the stream dead or... what's exactly going on here? Am I gonna have to tune in to Youtube's stream?

I'm just looking into the stream situation right now - YouTube's not playing nice with our CMS.

Martin Robinson

I'm back, I have tea, I have toast. I may or may not still be in my pyjamas. BRING IT.

Martin Robinson

-cerberus-: As usual, I've got a bottle of scotch ready. Just in case.

Top work! I will get some bourbon on standby should things get a little too exciting.

Martin Robinson

L0cky: Good god, I'm a veritable tea addict but even I start the day with a coffee. Pull yourselves together.

Coffee and jam just don't go together. I stand by my morning drink choice!

Martin Robinson

What is everyone expecting from this morning?

Martin Robinson

I've been to a fair few of these, and can't remember much beyond some Monster Hunter clones and a new Vita colour. I'm braced for disappointment.

Martin Robinson

It will, of course, be very Japan-centric, so there will be plenty of games that aren't particularly suited to western tastes.

Martin Robinson

Still, we could get a look at the new Yakuza - which will, of course, never make it out over here - as well as perhaps an update on Gravity Rush 2.

Martin Robinson

Here's a deal - if Persona 5 is actually featured I'll do a shot. If Gradius 6 is announced, I'm drinking the entire bottle. Should make the rest of Monday entertaining, at least.

Martin Robinson

I'm off to the pub for the day if The Last Guardian actually does show up.

Martin Robinson

Shuhei's posting from inside the conference. Very blue, very Sony.

Martin Robinson

Less than a minute to go, but it looks there will be a minor delay. Oh Sony!

Martin Robinson

They're pumping the PS4 menu music into the auditorium.

Martin Robinson

Imagine if they announced folders for the PS4 menu today! I'd take that.

Martin Robinson

How tragic it is that I'm excited about the potential mention of mere functionality for the PS4's menu.

Martin Robinson

We are up and running.

Martin Robinson

Typically bold, bright montage. Atsushi Morita is on-stage. He's the new president of SCEJA.

Martin Robinson

It's his first day at work! What a way to kick it off. Doesn't someone normally just show you where the coffee machine is?

Martin Robinson

A recap of the 10 million sales. There will be a focus on PS4 today, and the strategy in the Japanese market. 40 titles will be discussed.

Martin Robinson

If you're after a translator, try this. We were unable to embed the uStream video, unfortunately.

Martin Robinson

I was going to pretend that I'm translating all this on the fly, but that'd be unfair of me.

Martin Robinson

The first of the 40 games is Dangonronpa on Vita.

Martin Robinson

And there's a new Way of the Samurai?

Martin Robinson

Onto the third game! It's a....

Martin Robinson

OMG it's a new Phantasy Star, directed by Tri-Ace!

Martin Robinson

Oh, it's Phantasy Star Nova. Still, it's looking good - out in November in Japan. Don't expect Sega to port it over!

Martin Robinson

snafu65: Martin keeps saying 40 games will be shown, but 44 keeps flashing up!

They are counting them down! There will be 44 - all of them of the calibre of Gundam Breaker 2, I hope.

Martin Robinson

Cripes, they're rattling through these at a fair old lick.

Martin Robinson

A new Marvelous project now, with a fantasy setting.

Martin Robinson

Luminous Arc Infinity, a fantasy simulation RPG.

Martin Robinson

If you're curious, Morita's very much tucked. Wants to make a good impression on his first day, obviously.

Martin Robinson

We're up to game number eight already!

Martin Robinson

It's a romance game for the Vita - and another one you can look forward to not being ported or translated.

Martin Robinson

Morita does look like he's bricking it a little bit. Which is fair enough really.

Martin Robinson

So, in short - there will be plenty of romance on the Vita this year, and a new light pink Vita aimed at a female audience, that's launching on November 13th.

Martin Robinson

XanderSan: HAHA! That has to be so weird for press to be just kinda watching. Like when that guy had to get them excited for Otomedius.

I was excited for Otomedius, albeit briefly.

Martin Robinson

A laser engraved PS Vita is also coming, first for Dangan Ronpa.

Martin Robinson

And an update which allows you to customise your Vita's theme more as well.

Martin Robinson

Over 100 new games to come to Vita before March, which brings the total of games up to 600.

Martin Robinson

We're getting a run through the new games coming to Vita this year. This was all sorely missed from Sony's E3 and Gamescom conferences, really.

Martin Robinson

(Maybe because very few of these are coming to the US or EU, sadly).

Martin Robinson

I think about three of the games in this montage are slated for release over here. Good job the Vita is region free, ey?

Martin Robinson

Onto the main event! The PS4, which launched six months ago.

Martin Robinson

Some twisty stats as they announce that PlayStation accounts for 78 per cent of Japanese hardware. But what about the PS4?

Martin Robinson

The streaming options on the PS4 are, at least, going down well.

Martin Robinson

With the PS4 heading into its first Christmas in Japan, they're looking to drive momentum.

Martin Robinson

Straight into a PS4 montage - they're really not messing about - which kicks off with Destiny.

Martin Robinson

Remember, if you're after a translation, head here. Stick with us for updates on my breakfast.

Martin Robinson

Thinking of a second cup of tea in a tick, for what it's worth. Meanwhile in Japan, Bungie's Pete Parsons explains the concept of Destiny.

Martin Robinson

Who's keeping count of how many of the 44 games we've had yet? I ran out of fingers during the Vita montage.

Martin Robinson

The aggressive electro is totally in contrast to the reserved stage presence of the speakers. It's ace.

Martin Robinson

Ubisoft's Steve Miller intros Assassin's Creed Unity. Abracadabra please Mr. Steve!

Martin Robinson

Ah, the joker's back onstage for more to tell us about The Crew.

Martin Robinson

A man I know who knows his stuff says that The Crew is very, very good.

Martin Robinson

Steve Miller again to serenade us with one more game. It's Far Cry 4!

Martin Robinson

Oh lord. Far Cry 4 is so, so much better with Japanese voice acting.

Martin Robinson

It's not out 'til January next year in Japan.

Martin Robinson

That's it for Mr. Miller. Fly like an eagle good sir!

Martin Robinson

The Witcher 3 is up now. This all really feels like warmed-up leftovers from Gamescom and E3.

Martin Robinson

But with the benefit of dramatic Japanese voice work.

Martin Robinson

Now it's Shuhei Yoshida to go through Worldwide Studios' offerings.

Martin Robinson

His jacket's playing havoc with the cameras. He's a walking magic eye on my screen.

Martin Robinson

I'm squinting and trying to see if there's a secret message in his magic jacket.

Martin Robinson

Is that... Is that a catweagle?

Martin Robinson

There's a live action trailer for a new game, and I admit I have no idea what's going on right now. I'm still hypnotised by the jacket. Anyway, it's a... new Mingol Project? Looks like a new Everybody's Golf.

Martin Robinson

Ah, that'll be because MinGol is Everybody's Golf. Stupid me.

Martin Robinson

A PS4 Everybody's Golf is very, very good news indeed.

Martin Robinson

Will have features specific to the PS4 that make the most of the hardware. Also, it looks splendid.

Martin Robinson

There will be more specific details on Everybody's Golf early next year.

Martin Robinson

LittleBigPlanet 3 tees up, my head is spinning from that jacket still.

Martin Robinson

And that was LittleBigPlanet 3. The Tomorrow Children, Q-Games curious looking PS4 download game, is having its Gamescom trailer aired again.

Martin Robinson

'A social action game'. There's slightly more detail than we got last month, about how you compete with other players.

Martin Robinson

Closed alpha next month on the game, in Japan.

Martin Robinson

17th September you'll be able to apply to get in by downloading an app on Japanese PSN.

Martin Robinson

Handlebar moustache simulator The Order is next.

Martin Robinson

Again, it's improved by Japanese voice work. Again it looks very much like what we saw at Gamescom!

Martin Robinson

I guess it takes time to localise this stuff.

Martin Robinson

-cerberus-: I think The Order will be one of the biggest disappointments for the PS4 audience. It may look stunning but this has generic TPS and a proper 6/10 written all over it.

Everything I've seen of it so far suggests pretty much that too.

Martin Robinson

Bloodborne trailer now!

Martin Robinson

Oh lord oh lord oh lord I would very much like to play this video game.

Martin Robinson

Release date! February 5th!

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

That's not a EU release date, of course, but hey the PS4 is region free so that's good enough for me right now! (We'll ask Sony for regional details).

Martin Robinson

That's a wrap for Worldwide Studios. No Gravity Rush!

Martin Robinson

Morpheus is now here - not expecting a release date for this, but more details would be lovverly.

Martin Robinson

Morpheus will be at TGS, and there will be new demos.

Martin Robinson

Harada's done a Morpheus demo with his Tekken team.

Martin Robinson

You can... Er.. Look around a schoolgirl's room, while she looks pretty peeved with you for rifling around her possessions.

Martin Robinson

Summer Lesson, it's called. I might skip that.

Martin Robinson

This is game 22 now? Cripes, looks like we're going to be here all day. I'm on my second cup of tea already.

Martin Robinson

Kingdom Under Fire 2, Blue Side's RTS, and now Suda 51's Let it Die.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Earth Defence Forces 4.1, Shadow of New Despair, which gets the award for best game name ever. Or at least this morning.

Martin Robinson

Was that Disgaea 5? Cripes. It's due on PS4 next year.

Martin Robinson

Hideo Kojima is now here to talk about P.T, last month's Silent Hill teaser.

Martin Robinson

The puzzles were intentionally hard, to make players resort to the share feature to solve them.

Martin Robinson

Obviously, it took less than a day for it to be solved.

Martin Robinson

Norman Reedus is the main character, as we knew. Del Toro is now giving a video message.

Martin Robinson

He met Kojima a while ago. They had dinner! It was very nice.

Martin Robinson

'Kojima-san is a great storyteller'.

Martin Robinson

'He achieves a cinematic look, but he achieves real drama'. Norman Reedus and Del Toro worked together before on Mimic.

Martin Robinson

Not much in the way of new details, but some small insight into what Kojima hopes was 'the scariest game in the world'.

Martin Robinson

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is next, and Kojima's sticking around on stage. Nothing to announce today, though - there will be an announcement at TGS in two weeks time.

Martin Robinson

Kawata from Capcom is here. A look at the Resident Evil remake.

Martin Robinson

The remake of the remake that is. Or the point at which games started eating themselves like a self-hating zombie.

Martin Robinson

There will be professionals doing the voice acting. Is that a new thing?

Martin Robinson

A new title...

Martin Robinson

It's a live action teaser.

Martin Robinson

It's a child at a party. Or being surrounded by zombies. Anyway, it looks like we're getting confirmation of a new Resident Evil.

Martin Robinson

Ah, it's BioHazard Revelations 2, of course.

Martin Robinson

Coming early 2015. From what we know it's coming to PS4 and Xbox One as well. 'How do you like it?' asks Kawata, to be met with complete silence.

Martin Robinson

Protagonists are not Jill and Chris. It's a new setting, new characters, new period.

Martin Robinson

It's playable at TGS in a couple of weeks time on PS4. We'll be there, innit.

Martin Robinson

Nothing on Deep Down, which makes the East 17 loving part of me - that's ALL of me - a little sad.

Martin Robinson

Speaking of boy bands! It's Nagoshi-san, who looks like he'd fit right in doing a performance of Stay with Brian Harvey.

Martin Robinson

Yakuza 0 is set in 1988, which is two years after Shenmue and it's as close as you're going to get to Shenmue 3 but it'll never be localised.

Martin Robinson

G-Lord: Bring over Yakuza 5 already Sega...

Seconded, thirded and fourthed.

Martin Robinson

'How did you like it?' asks Nagoshi. The crowd stirs slightly in its silence.

Martin Robinson

Setting will be Tokyo Kamuro-cho and Osaka Soutenbori.

Martin Robinson

Kiryu and Majima are the two main characters in a prequel to the first game.

Martin Robinson

A large number of Yakuza players are in their 30s and 40s, so it's designed to play to a sense of nostalgia for 80s Japan.

Martin Robinson

There will be cross-play between Vita and PS4.

Martin Robinson

Coming out Spring 2015 on PS4 and PS3.

Martin Robinson

Bandai Namco is the next of the third parties to take the stage. I hope this is building towards a big Square/Final Fantasy climax.

Martin Robinson

A new God Eater game inbound, which is also coming to PS4.

Martin Robinson

zkilla: how long is this event?

I reckon 90 minutes, though we're sailing close to that right now.

Martin Robinson

This has just stepped up a notch. The editor of Jump has just come on-stage in an outstanding gold armour number. That's definitely not tucked, but more power to him.

Martin Robinson

The outfit is in aid of Dragonball Xenoverse.

Martin Robinson

-cerberus-: Wow. Gold armour. Applause resistance +15.


Martin Robinson

The PS4 has lots of buzz in Germany, we're told - and they're hoping some of that momentum will come to Japan soon.

Martin Robinson

A Gundam teaser sees off Namco Bandai's section of the show.

Martin Robinson

We're on game 36 - so this one's going all the way to 9am and the two hour point.

Martin Robinson

Other things that are two hours long! Sunset Boulevard, Rear Window, Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Martin Robinson

But anyway, Dead or Alive 5 is coming to PS4, as we found out last week. Now, some knickers.

Martin Robinson

DropTheDime: How many games are they showing in total?


Martin Robinson

Fairy Fencer F, and straight into Ys.

Martin Robinson

Omega Quintet and Neptunia 7 rounded that out, and now it's Atlus with the game a lot of you have been waiting for.

Martin Robinson

Persona 5! I'm having a quick shot.

Martin Robinson

It's an animated into, and it's coming to PS4 in 2015.

Martin Robinson

The briefest, briefest of glimpses of a scruffy young chap in an urban setting.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

You will soon be able to personalise your PS4 screen with scenes from your favourite games.

Martin Robinson

Is that our 44 games? Can I be excused to make some coffee yet?

Martin Robinson

One more announcement before we leave. It's game 44 everyone!

Martin Robinson

From Square Enix, it's...

Martin Robinson

Dragon Quest?

Martin Robinson

What the what!

Martin Robinson

It's obviously been some time since the last Dragon Quest on PlayStation. Dragon Quest 8, we're told. Yuji Horii is on stage for the announcement.

Martin Robinson

Shibusawa, from Tecmo Koei, is also onstage. He is a lovely man!

Martin Robinson

It's an action game in the vein of Dynasty Warriors.

Martin Robinson

Oh wow. That's huge. Dragon Quest Heroes, being developed by Omega Force - so a musou game, it looks like.

Martin Robinson

There'll be a special Dragon Quest PS4 coming, in steel with Metal Slime engraving.

Martin Robinson

So it's a musou game, but does that open up more mainline Dragon Quest games to come to the PlayStation?

Martin Robinson

A humble wrap-up from Morita, who still looks like he wants to cry a little bit.

Martin Robinson

Hopefully now he can go back to the office on his first day in the job and be shown how the printer works.

Martin Robinson

That's a wrap - we'll be reporting from TGS in just over two weeks, so see you then!

Martin Robinson

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