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Sony E3 2015 conference live report

Shenmue 3, The Last Guardian, Jesus walks again. Sony's show as it happened.

Well, that was quite the show. The Last Guardian was just for starters - we got a Final Fantasy 7 remake, and Shenmue s***ing 3, plus a look at what Media Molecule and Guerrilla are up to. All that happened, as it happened.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Just under an hour to go. Congratulations if you're still up.

Martin Robinson

It's getting slightly frayed here at Eurogamer HQ. We're on to the second packet of Borders dark chocolate gingers, Ian's just done a tea run and the Chrises Bratt and Donlan are nerding out over the XCOM 2 gameplay reveal.

Martin Robinson

I'm dreaming of cars, and the very slim possibility of a Gran Turismo 7 reveal (ain't going to happen though).

Martin Robinson

Sammoore: What's your highlight of the show so far?

Like you have to ask. Story time with Pele, for sure.

Martin Robinson

myms1ps3: Actually I changed my mind!! I'm literally dying for chocolate biscuits now and there's nothing in the damn house!!! GO TO HELL ROBINSON!!!

We've got some spare maple and pecan Borders cookies too, I'll save one for you.

Martin Robinson

15 minutes to go and I'm braced for... something.

Martin Robinson

The wildest rumours have The Last Guardian, Shenmue 3 and a Final Fantasy 7 remake in the mix. Hey, let's throw Half Life 3 in there while we're at it.

Martin Robinson

Realistically, we'll see Guerrilla's new game, and if we're lucky Santa Monica studio's new joint.

Martin Robinson

What if those rumours about Mark Cerny working on The Last Guardian are true? What if it is a Knack sequel?

Martin Robinson

That'd be like them announcing Shenmue 3, except it's a free-to-play forklift truck racing sim controlled only using the motion tracking on the PS4 pad.

Martin Robinson

Or announcing Half Life 3, but revealing it's being developed by Gearbox.

Martin Robinson

Or a Square exec getting on stage, unveiling the Final Fantasy 7 logo and then announcing it's just a port of the PS1 original. Imagine!

Martin Robinson

Sammoore: would rockstar make an announcement at an e3 conference? it doesn't really seem their style.

Table Tennis 2. (I'd actually go wild for that one - I miss you Liu Ping)

Martin Robinson

Sammoore: stream is going a bit blocky and audio a bit roboty for me. Anyone else?

Yup, it seems like problems their end.

Martin Robinson

I have two coffees, the hood is up (I look like an offcut from a shabby Assassin's Creed) and the Borders biscuits are at hand. Let's do this.

Martin Robinson

We're not sponsored by Borders, by the way, but if they wanted to send us some free dark chocolate gingers I wouldn't object.

Martin Robinson

Here's the multi-screen extravaganza showreel to see us in.

Martin Robinson

Uncharted! Destiny! Mad Max! American sports (please no more American sports)

Martin Robinson

smenj: Having a bet with a friend. How many times will the word 'Vita' be said on stage? I'm going for four, he's got three.

I'm going zero.

Martin Robinson

Shawn Laydon, the charismatic new(ish) head at SCEA.

Martin Robinson

He's not Jack Tretton, but there's a similar vibe. Both wouldn't look out of place holding a tommy gun, basically.

Martin Robinson

It's the standard wedge of empty hyperbole until the real show starts.

Martin Robinson

Well, here we go.

Martin Robinson

Ratchet & Clank return!

Martin Robinson

Oh wait, it's something else. The Last Guardian returns!

Martin Robinson

My heart is pumping so hard right now.

Martin Robinson

Oh god oh god oh god. Catweagle I love you.

Martin Robinson

dingo75: And we are awake! good move Sony!

Haha, yes. What a way to get a second wind.

Martin Robinson

Iain815: Poor thing's mascara is running.

So is mine right now.

Martin Robinson

Soak it all in. This is some serious E3 magic. Callie is impressed!

Martin Robinson

I'd heard that you can see the PS3 roots showing through with this reboot, but they're not really visible from here (as I squint at The Last Guardian gameplay on a three inch window on my Mac, and through slightly dewy eyes). It looks ace.

Martin Robinson

Be interested to know who's involved in making this happen - there was a brief mention of Gen Design at the start of that re-reveal, but I have no idea who they are.

Martin Robinson

2016 release.

Martin Robinson

Shu Yoshida takes to the stage, and looks genuinely relieved.

Martin Robinson

We'll never have to ask you about where it is again, Shu!

Martin Robinson

Ueda is in the audience, and soaks up the applause.

Martin Robinson

And now onto Guerrilla's new game.

Martin Robinson

And the deeply, deeply sexy Hermen Hulst. Check out those boots.

Martin Robinson

This is most likely the open world RPG we've heard little whispers about.

Martin Robinson

A post apocalypse. Like, very post. First class post.

Martin Robinson

The world has been reclaimed by nature, and is more primal, more beautiful. It's not The Last of Us' grubby apocalypse.

Martin Robinson

Shreddedloops: Is there meant to be dinosaurs in this one?

Robo dinosaurs, no less.

Martin Robinson

We're into gameplay now - third person, The Witcher style. But graphics. There are so many graphics.

Martin Robinson

Very dynamic open world gameplay.

Martin Robinson

The hunting vibe gives me that Witcher feel. It's called Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Martin Robinson

Hitman next.

Martin Robinson

It's a CG trailer (that somehow is reminding me of Jonathan Glazer's Birth intro).

Martin Robinson

There are men that are being hit by a bald man. Is this going to be PS exclusive in some way?

Martin Robinson

It looks like it's just called Hitman, and it's a younger Agent 47 - so is it a reboot?

Martin Robinson

This is leading with a digital release - a first, smaller episode, I reckon, as with Ground Zeroes.

Martin Robinson

Console exclusive beta when you pre-order. Oh and platform exclusive missions.

Martin Robinson

We have Street Fighter 5 now, which is of course a console exclusive on PS4.

Martin Robinson

Cammy is being revealed. Does anyone actually rate Cammy? Wonderful thighs, mind. Again, pre-order for beta access.

Martin Robinson

Public beta starts on July 23rd.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

No Man's Sky now - and it's gameplay from Hello Games' Sean Murray.

Martin Robinson

Sean is looking increasingly stressed at these things. We're getting a look at the scale of the world.

Martin Robinson

It's a very big game.

Martin Robinson

That might be something of an understatement.

Martin Robinson

We're going down to a planet that's never been explored before, apparently.

Martin Robinson

This has come on a long way from the last time it was shown - we're seeing destructible terrain for the first time, as well as hostile walkers.

Martin Robinson

AmicableWalrus: Fish AI?

They swam out of his way dynamically!

Martin Robinson

'We'll announce a release date soon, I promise'. Not today, though.

Martin Robinson

There's trading elements, and there are survival elements. And Carl Sagan quotes. No release just yet, though. Hopefully that'll come at Sony's next show.

Martin Robinson

And it's onto Media Molecule's new game. Is it that penis moulding sim from the PS4 reveal?

Martin Robinson

It's a game in which you share... dreams?

Martin Robinson

You make big painterly creations which can be shared, and people can remix your pieces. They can then be animated. It's so full of whimsy.

Martin Robinson

Or at least it will be until hundreds of thousand of people create scenes with lots of dancing penises. (Which to be frank is pretty reflective of my own dreams).

Martin Robinson

Still, wonderful art style, even if I am a little confused as to what it actually is.

Martin Robinson

Firewatch up next, the indie darling of the moment.

Martin Robinson

It's making its console debut on PlayStation 4.

Martin Robinson

You play a lone lookout living in isolation. As you can probably see, it looks gorgeous, and it's got a neat sense of character.

Martin Robinson

It's that game from Bungie whose name we dare speak.

Martin Robinson

Can I get permission to talk about Destiny, just for the next five minutes or so? Sorry - stealth Destiny live report.

Martin Robinson

This is The Taken King, and as expected you'll be tracking down Oryx.

Martin Robinson

Crota's papa.

Martin Robinson

CptBritannica: He gets paid every time he says Destiny

I've made 49p so far today by working at home, find out how by checking out

Martin Robinson

New weapons, new sub-classes and a new raid. Looks like a new environment too.

Martin Robinson

There's PS exclusive stuff too - new gear, a new map and a new strike.

Martin Robinson

Lord love a duck, it's Assassin's Creed: Syndicate.

Martin Robinson

Is that the first throat stab of E3? It only took 'til nearly three in the morning.

Martin Robinson

Exclusive missions on PS4 for Syndicate.

Martin Robinson

A chibi Final Fantasy that looks really, really cute.

Martin Robinson

It's on PS4 and Vita, and it's called World of Final Fantasy.

Martin Robinson

They said Vita! That's one mention.

Martin Robinson

And why not have another megaton? Final Fantasy 7 remake.

Martin Robinson

At this rate we'll be getting Shenmue 3 at the tail-end of this conference.

Martin Robinson

Final Fantasy 7 remake is coming to PS4 first.

Martin Robinson

I was quite cynical about Sony's conference before the show, and I'm delighted to be proven wrong. This is just nuts.

Martin Robinson

Devolver showreel now, and they're all great looking games.

Martin Robinson

Shenmue 3.

Martin Robinson

It's going on Kickstarter.

Martin Robinson

Half Life 3 next.

Martin Robinson

How much are they going to ask for?

Martin Robinson

People are actually weeping in the audience.

Martin Robinson

I might be too back here in Brighton.

Martin Robinson

Half Life 3 now.

Martin Robinson

Come on Sony, do it.

Martin Robinson

BRB, need to get my wallet.

Martin Robinson

ManatuBear: Why is Sony announcing a Kickstarter for Shenmue 3 instead of funding the game themselves? No money left after TLG, FF7, etc?

They'll be matching some of that funding, I imagine.

Martin Robinson

I think there was a Batman game up there just now, but honestly I don't think the world cares right now.

Martin Robinson

We're onto Morpheus.

Martin Robinson

SpaceMonkey77: Shenmue fans will push it to its goal within a few days, I bet.

This could meet its target quicker than Playtonic's recent game.

Martin Robinson

We're getting a whole load of info on TV while everyone inputs their bank details into the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter.

Martin Robinson

Call of Duty is partnering with Sony for the first time.

Martin Robinson

It's a big deal - or it would have been a few years ago, perhaps, as it feels like Call of Duty's biggest days are behind it.

Martin Robinson

This, though, does look like a good Call of Duty, from what I saw earlier this year.

Martin Robinson

We're seeing the co-op in action - the entire campaign offers drop-in/drop-out four player.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

I really feel for any game that comes in the wake of The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy 7 remake and Shenmue 3.

Martin Robinson

David Vonderhaar is on stage now. He shouted at me while I played multiplayer, and I was scared.

Martin Robinson

FuzzyDuck: C'mon, Virtua Figher 6!!!

Let's have Gradius 6 while we're at it.

Martin Robinson

Seriously, what else *could* they announce?

Martin Robinson

Kiliko: Martin, you're forgetting THE AGENCY

Yeah, go on then. That'll finish up the conference.

Martin Robinson

A sizzle reel of what's coming on PlayStation.

Martin Robinson

But seriously, this E3 is over. It's done.

Martin Robinson

Wow. The biggest shock of the night is the Vita getting a look in.

Martin Robinson

Well, one appeared on the big screen for a second.

Martin Robinson

Star Wars Battlefront to bring us home.

Martin Robinson

Or maybe not - it's Disney Infinity first.

Martin Robinson

ManatuBear: Nothing announced for this year.. lol

Yeah, we shouldn't forget that...

Martin Robinson

frazzl: Weird I can't open the Shenmue Kickstarter page. It loads, and then I get booted to the Kickstarter home page :(

It's broken Kickstarter.

Martin Robinson

'Alright alright alright'. Yeah, you're no Matthew McConaughey mate.

Martin Robinson

Now we're on to Battlefront.

Martin Robinson

Patrick Bach, a sexy Swedish refugee from the EA conference, is here to take us through Battlefront.

Martin Robinson

This is new gameplay, and a horde-esque mode.

Martin Robinson

About to wrap, but one more thing!

Martin Robinson

Come on Gradius 6! Do it!

Martin Robinson

There is no game!

Martin Robinson

Uncharted 4, of course.

Martin Robinson

It's not a megaton, but it's an actual Sony exclusive, and a pretty hot one at that.

Martin Robinson

This has got graphics.

Martin Robinson

And it all goes wrong right at the last.

Martin Robinson

Well, they did very well up to that point, you've got to give them that.

Martin Robinson

The only stumble of the night for Sony.

Martin Robinson

It looks like they've gone to the back-up video they'll have prepared - they were attempting live gameplay, but that didn't pan out.

Martin Robinson

Now we're up and running, it looks like Uncharted - and this demo's bringing some of the spectacle that was missing from the debut.

Martin Robinson

Some dynamic melee, and some of the broader options we saw in the demo funnelled into this more narrow slice of action.

Martin Robinson

I wonder how the dialogue deals with the more open approach - it seems like there's way more than one route here in this driving section.

Martin Robinson

The dialogue, by the way, is still great - it's got that same sparkle as the prior games.

Martin Robinson

That was a quite sizzling look at Uncharted 4, even if it didn't start as intended.

Martin Robinson

And that was a pretty much legendary conference.

Martin Robinson

A note of caution, though - very few of those were for 2015, so while the future looks stellar this year is still looking slim.

Martin Robinson

Sony's pasted over the cracks quite brilliantly with its announcements - Shenmue 3, The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy 7 remake will take all the headlines, and deservedly so.

Martin Robinson

We'll have more reaction, news and videos for you. For now, though, it's time to get some sleep. Thanks for joining us, and we're all looking forward to doing it again tomorrow!

Martin Robinson

Nintendo, Square and the PC show all tomorrow evening making sure there'll be plenty to discuss.

Martin Robinson

Thanks again - see you tomorrow!

Martin Robinson

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