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Solitaire for XBLA

Soltrio on Wednesday.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Microsoft has revealed that Soltrio Solitaire will be this week's sole Live Arcade offering.

It's a compilation from Silver Creek of 18 popular Solitaire games, which will cost you 800 Points to download.

The main game challenges you to travel around a map and beat different games, unlocking new card designs as you do so. You can use these to customise your own deck of cards. Impress your friends!

There's also a cooperative mode to try your hand at, which lets you work together by passing cards between yourselves to achieve the best score. But you'll also pick from the same foundation piles, prompting a race for the best hand.

And just like the other Arcade offerings, you can expect to be rewarded with 200 precious gamerscore points for unlocking the 12 achievements.

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