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PlayStation State of Play October 2021 live report

Star Ocean! Little Devil Inside! Other stuff! Everything as it happened.

Well that was that! A low-key showing but one with some welcome surprises as well as an extended look at some intriguing indies - with Star Ocean's sparkling looking return the highlght.

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Hello, hi and good evening!

Martin Robinson

How lovely to see you on a... Wednesday night?

Martin Robinson

It is Wednesday? Just checking.

Martin Robinson

Well, what I do know is that in just under 15 minutes Sony's State of Play is going to kick off, and given that it's the first one of these since July I'm pretty excited.

Martin Robinson

To set expectations! There's a focus on third-party stuff, so no God of War or Gran Turismo 7 or Wolverine or, you know, anything like that. There'll be no PSVR2 there either.

Martin Robinson

So what *will* be there?

Martin Robinson

Well, I don't know! So that's why I'm excited to find out.

Martin Robinson

The soothing music and pleasant PlayStation visuals have started, and oh god I miss doing this in conference halls in distant lands.

Martin Robinson

It would normally have been around a month ago we'd be in Tokyo where Sony would occassionally put on a conference - I'm wondering if any Japanese partners will have much to show tonight.

Martin Robinson

I'd dearly, dearly love to hear something new on Final Fantasy 16, but I don't think that'll be on the cards.

Martin Robinson

There's also the prospect of intriguing indies such as Little Devil Inside, as you point out (hello riceNpea!)

Martin Robinson

That would make a lot of sense!

Martin Robinson

Speaking of Final Fantasy - Dungeon Encounters, the first game directed by Hiroyuki Ito since Final Fantasy 12, is absolutely incredible.

Martin Robinson

There'll be a review up tomorrow - it's been out a while so I'm sure a few of you RPG nerds will have been playing it.

Martin Robinson

Proper good, it is.

Martin Robinson

I sort of hope that heavily rumoured/leaked Warner Bros. Smash Bros. makes an appearance.

Martin Robinson

It sounds intriguingly vile.

Martin Robinson

I haven't seen Space Jam 2, but I've heard war stories from those who have.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, all that mystery is about to unravel in who knows what - disappointment may well lie this way.

Martin Robinson

I remain optimistic!

Martin Robinson

It's 10pm!

Martin Robinson

Now I'm worrying if I've got the wrong stream as mine hasn't started yet!

Martin Robinson

This is late, right?

Martin Robinson

Ah, here we go!

Martin Robinson

I should have spotted the counter in the top corner.

Martin Robinson

No, *you've* been hitting the bong.

Martin Robinson

I don't know what this is bit it's absolutely nuts.

Martin Robinson

It looks like Anarchy Reigns.

Martin Robinson

A little tiny bit.

Martin Robinson

themightyant: Stream quality is awful here. Same for others?

The game looks pretty shoddy but my stream looks just fine.

Martin Robinson

Deathverse! From GungHo.

Martin Robinson

It was certainly something!

Martin Robinson

Here's a new quirky... something... ushered into life by Kowloon Nights.

Martin Robinson

It does look beautiful.

Martin Robinson

We Are OFK - a musical game series about a band in LA.

Martin Robinson

Now I'm getting Sayonara Wild Hearts vibes.

Martin Robinson

And all of a sudden I'm getting excited - even if I'm probably a bit old to get this banter.

Martin Robinson

Some more Bugsnax!

Martin Robinson

I still haven't played Bugsnax. I feel bad about having not played Bugsnax.

Martin Robinson

I think this is precisely what happened with me as well.

Martin Robinson

The curse of being a launch game I guess - easily overlooked by all the other new and shiny things.

Martin Robinson

If Five Nights at Freddy's also makes you feel old, don't worry I'm there with you.

Martin Robinson

Actually this whole presentation has made me feel ancient already.

Martin Robinson

riceNpea: I've never played a Freddie game. I have no idea what genre it is or what you do. What's it like?


Martin Robinson

This looks a bit more polished but I just know I'm not the target audience.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Death's Door!

Martin Robinson

An absolutely brilliant action adventure that fully deserved its Eurogamer Essential.

Martin Robinson

The more people that get to play that the better.

Martin Robinson

That's exactly what I was about to type.

Martin Robinson

Maybe it's the 90s mania that's gripping everyone - I popped into H&M today to get a cardigan (I'm old) and all they had was ironic Friends and Nirvana t-shirts - but aren't there a lot of mad kart racers out there at the moment?

Martin Robinson

Okay, this and that Final Fantasy kart game that's coming but still.

Martin Robinson

That's enough to call a movement.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, they didn't even have any cardigans.

Martin Robinson

The King of Fighters, though! That's something I understand.

Martin Robinson

The announce of a beta, which I'm very excited to try.

Martin Robinson

Is this PlayStation Home?

Martin Robinson

Ah no it's First Class Trouble.

Martin Robinson

And yeah, this very much does look like Among Us 3D.

Martin Robinson

lazarusnine: The mistake was heading to H&M for cardigans when that was formerly the exclusive domain of Debenham’s

Tell me about it! Lewisham High Street isn't great for getting cardigans, truth be told.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

To a game by Tri-Ace - a new Star Ocean?

Martin Robinson

Or one I probably forgot about.

Martin Robinson

This is new, right?

Martin Robinson

And it looks like Star Ocean has taken a fair slice of Xenoblade. I'm sort of here for it?

Martin Robinson

weebleman: How longs it on for martin? Asking because ive done it that much i feel like ive formed a habit.

This is a short one tonight - just 20 minutes means we're coming towards the end.

Martin Robinson

Here you go then! Little Devil Inside!

Martin Robinson

Is this set on the Jurassic coast?

Martin Robinson

This looks like that lovely stretch of railway in Devon that laps the sea.

Martin Robinson

This looks absolutely splendid - it was only dimly on my radar so it's my first time seeing its minimalist style and mash of genres, and I'm sort of bowled over.

Martin Robinson

riceNpea: Game of the show so far. When is Littel Devil Inside scheduled to release?

Hoping we'll find out shortly.

Martin Robinson

There's so much to it - crafting and exploration and *so much whimsy*.

Martin Robinson

bcdcdude: Ah! I'm a bit late, but Shenmue IV please!

Sorry dude, you missed it!

Martin Robinson

Looked cracking too.

Martin Robinson

So, a fairly low-key showing - as was billed - but there's more than enough there to excite me.

Martin Robinson

Mostly that after a run of really drab entries there's finally a Star Ocean that I want to play.

Martin Robinson

Now if you don't mind I'm off to go and play some video games.

Martin Robinson

Thanks for joining us here tonight!

Martin Robinson

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