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PlayStation Experience conference live report

It's a wrap! Uncharted, Street Fighter and Final Fantasy 7 on PS4.

It's done! It's over! Sony presented fans with nearly two hours worth of amazing announcements at its PlayStation experience - and then let Square Enix troll the audience and finished off with a sweary 40-something's arena shooter. Relive the hype and the drama as it happened below.
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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning. (Hi). A bit ahead of ourselves, but we'll be covering this tonight from just before 6pm.

Martin Robinson

Hope you can join us - and enjoy whatever Saturday brings!

Martin Robinson

LESS THAN 30 MINUTES TO GO! Just prepping by turning the heating on, opening a bottle of wine (it's the weekend - it's allowed!) and settling in.

Martin Robinson

After the brilliant trolling of Nintendo fans by Wes last night I'm going to try and go one up on him as I repeatedly point out how Uncharted really isn't all that.

Martin Robinson

(srsly though, Uncharted 3 was, how do you say..... a bit 8/10?)

Martin Robinson

That's the trolling out the way. I can't wait to see what post-The Last of Us Naughty Dog is doing with Uncharted. It should be pretty special.

Martin Robinson

I imagine it's going to look the part too. Well, it would if I wasn't watching on a medium quality Twitch stream, anyway.

Martin Robinson

How has everyone's Saturday been?

Martin Robinson

NyxCloud: Bad. Chelsea lost.

I'm in such a bad mood. Screw games. Screw football. Screw everything.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Although I'd obviously love to be in Vegas to see this all unfold live, a large part of me is just grateful I can at least dim the music on this stream.

Martin Robinson

NyxCloud: Bad. Chelsea lost.


Martin Robinson

NyxCloud: Bad. Chelsea lost.

Being a bit of a lacklustre Chelsea fan that's put a bit of a downer on my day. But I was at the cycling world cup and got to see the amazing Laura Trott clean up in her heats, so it's not been so bad.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, enough about Chelsea's hopes of an unbeaten season being stopped. What's everyone expecting from the event?

Martin Robinson

This music is Saturday night in Croydon town centre. Love you Sony.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Not quite sure how I feel about Street Fighter 5 just yet. The fourth one was such an exciting direction for the series - this one looks very much like SF 4.5.

Martin Robinson

Or Street Fighter 4.6999999999 or whatever iteration that game's up to right now.

Martin Robinson

It's a shame the big announcement was spoiled yesterday. And I don't think we're going to see more of Street Fighter 5 than was leaked in that video.

Martin Robinson

Oh, dance remix of Smells Like Teen Spirit. What I've always wanted.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Thank the maker! The music has stopped.

Martin Robinson

And we're already on to the intro sting. Unlike Sony to be early!

Martin Robinson

We've got the US PlayStation blog people on intro duties - including the lovely Ryan Clements who I had the pleasure of working with at IGN. Hi Ryan!

Martin Robinson

Right, it's sort of started so that's justified pouring out the first glass of wine.

Martin Robinson

I'm hoping for Knack 2 and PlayStation All-Stars 2. How about you?

Tom Phillips

dogmanstaruk: It would be nice if Sony dropped a nice demo bomb.

I actually think there's a very good chance of that - you could be playing one of the big games tonight (internet connection permitting, of course!)

Martin Robinson

Sip of wine every time a PlayStation 3 remaster is announced. Down the bottle if The Last Guardian is mentioned.

Tom Phillips

Man, it hasn't even started and I miss Jack Tretton's brand of melancholy triumph already.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Did they just call Sean Murray of Hello Games British? Ouch.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Well, when I say it I mean another stream of obnoxious music while we wait for our hosts to take the stage.

Martin Robinson

feistycheese: "They couldn't be any more British" They obviously haven't been to Preston town centre on a Saturday night.

Also Sean's not British. Whoops.

Martin Robinson

Po1ymorph: The Last Guardian...Its time.

Prepare for the ultimate disappointment!

Martin Robinson

I hope Sony's just trolled everyone and locked them in a room for an hour of this godawful noise.

Martin Robinson

Dear lord I'm beginning to sound my age. I just want to listen to Wings.

Martin Robinson

kamps09: Did i just spotted Oli Welsh in the crowd?

He told me he's out getting lashed in Forest Hill tonight!

Martin Robinson

Are we back at Tiger Tiger?

Wesley Yin-Poole

-cerberus-: Martin, just so you know, I've got some Bushmills left in case things take a turn for the worse.

Oh man, I hadn't thought to take to the whiskey just yet. Just the red for me right now - though the bourbon seems like a good idea if it carries on like this for much longer.

Martin Robinson

Someone should just make the most of it and get out of their chair to throw some shapes like a pilled-up Russian.

Martin Robinson

That's what I'm doing here in Lewisham, anyway.

Martin Robinson

I can't believe I thought for a second that a Sony conference would start on time.

Martin Robinson

Nothing gets me more excited than a panning shot of podgy white Americans sitting down in a darkened room.

Martin Robinson

(Says a podgy white man bouncing up and down in his chair in south east London)

Martin Robinson

Otis_Inf: @Martin Robinson: that wine is kicking in fast!

Dear lord, I've only had a sip. I better calm down.

Martin Robinson

Oh, what's this? We're actually up and running.

Martin Robinson

It's a soppy montage about the wonder of games. Screw that - I want to see Nathan Drake shoot some mens.

Martin Robinson

-cerberus-: Alright, let's go. The Last Guardian. Fingers crossed. Coming to PS5 in 2025.

I will drink the entire bottle of bourbon if that happens.

Martin Robinson

zzkj: This stream quality is shocking. Typical Twitch, the TGA yesterday was crystal clear on Youtube.

Yeah, the resolution's so bad they may as well be showing Xbox One games or something lolololol.

Martin Robinson

Obviously this is a room full of fans - but it always gets my back up when corporate success is met with such rabid screams.

Martin Robinson

But anyway - well done on shifting so many units Sony!

Martin Robinson

Straight in with the goods. Here's Uncharted 4.

Martin Robinson

Nathan Drake, looking a little grizzly, on a moody crop of rocks. It looks good!

Martin Robinson

marlinrowley: Unimpressed.. framerate is low too

Looks like 30 fps and running at 240p from where I am. I'm selling my PS4 tomorrow.

Martin Robinson

I do believe Uncharted 4 will be 60fps. Which is why it's slightly baffling it's being shown for the first time as we all watch on a slightly janky stream.

Martin Robinson

Tomb Raider had better wet rocks 7/10.

Martin Robinson

Oh man he nearly fell down - it looked like he was going to fall down but he didn't!

Martin Robinson

This looks very much like Uncharted - with a climbing axe that breaks up the platforming slightly. It's still very prescribed, though.

Martin Robinson

We're done with the platforming now - let's see how the combat's changed.

Martin Robinson

Carpetfluff: Okay, but the new climbing is just like TR's axe climbing. The walls even look the same.

It is, indeed, very, very similar.

Martin Robinson

After the dynamism of Uncharted 2's set-pieces I was hoping for something a little more spectacular. This is quite a dry debut for such a key game, I reckon.

Martin Robinson

Still, nice bushes.

Martin Robinson

Haha. Well, that buggy death just then is certainly all the evidence we need that this is really a live demo.

Martin Robinson

Unless falling through floors really is a new feature in Uncharted 4?

Martin Robinson

Now I've put my misery hat away, this is a very open level - and Naughty Dog's given Drake the tools to make the most of it.

Martin Robinson

There are Assassin's Creed-style takedowns, little flashes of stealth and lots of improvisation.

Martin Robinson

Still a 7/10 though.

Martin Robinson

From a pic Shu Yoshida just posted, it's Bruce Straley of Naughty Dog at the controls.

Martin Robinson

After the heavily scripted Uncharted 3, it's ace to see them making more space for the player this time out.

Martin Robinson

Alright, I'll admit it. I'm excited.

Martin Robinson

And now the San Diego studio. Is this another surprise?

Martin Robinson

Oh, it's baseball. Time to take a comfort break, if you need it.

Martin Robinson

Did they co-ordinate those checked shirts beforehand? Was there a work outing to H&M or something?

Martin Robinson

I've heard from a fair few people that MLB's supposed to be really good. But that's from people who like baseball so I usually don't bother listening.

Martin Robinson

The variety of checked shirts from this San Diego studio really is something.

Martin Robinson

Well, this checked hero is announcing a new game at least. It's a free-to-play one - we know you love those! - called Kill Strain.

Martin Robinson

Really stands out, that name.

Martin Robinson

What was it called again?

Martin Robinson

They show more imagination in their choice of checked shirts than they do in their character design and game titling, it seems.

Martin Robinson

Bow down before your god. From's Miyazaki in the house!

Martin Robinson

We're seeing a new feature, the chalice dungeon.

Martin Robinson

I *believe* this is the procedurally created dungeons in Bloodborne.

Martin Robinson

So basically this is Dark Souls meets Spelunky aka every other game in 2015 may as well just give up and go home.

Martin Robinson

Ror: Did Miyazaki just say Croydungeon? I did think Bloodborne might be set in Croydon.

Yeah, I think the game's just simulating a typical Saturday night out for Wes.

Martin Robinson

I'm still not 100 per cent sold on how dark it is, but this just looks better and better every time I see it.

Martin Robinson

darksoulsplayedme: Am I the only one that doesn't particularly like dark souls? I mean I get why people do like it but I'm just not excited for Bloodborne. :/ I wish I was on your guys level.

I know as many people who don't like Dark Souls as those who go nuts for it.

Martin Robinson

Cartho: What have I missed? Baseball and some Bloodborne? I can deal with that

And a little something called Uncharted 4 (it looked like Uncharted 1, 2

Martin Robinson

They're some chunky checks Adam Boyes is rocking. He got the memo, though.

Martin Robinson

I miss the days when paisley shirts were a thing. They'll conquer the world again, I'm sure.

Martin Robinson

Destiny? Never heard of it. Someone should write about it on the site some time.

Martin Robinson

kirinnokoshin: Another Destiny article

Ha! This whole live feed is another stealth Destiny article.

Martin Robinson

We're just getting a recap of the exclusive content that's coming as part of Tuesday's DLC release, The Dark Below.

Martin Robinson

A four-barrelled shotgun, basically, and an exclusive Strike.

Martin Robinson

Meh, looks like Halo but more boring.

Martin Robinson

Street Fighter 4 is coming to PS4.

Martin Robinson

As a precursor to Street Fighter 5, obviously.

Martin Robinson

I kind of want to know about stick support, though. This doesn't seem like the right platform to go into these kind of details, mind.

Martin Robinson

Street Fighter 4 is coming this spring, with all the updates and all the costume DLC. And a nice little nod to the SF5 leak there. I think they'll still end on it as they likely already had planned to.

Martin Robinson

Next announcement! Killing Floor 2 is coming to console first on PS4. Fill 'yer boots.

Martin Robinson

Cartho: If you've not played it, Killing Floor is badass

I've heard it's very, very good. Now seems like a good time to finally check it out!

Martin Robinson

Darkest Dungeon is another games making its console debut on PS4.

Martin Robinson

Aaaaand another new game coming to console first on PS4 - this time The Forest.

Martin Robinson

This is a genuine surprise - a new Vita game. Geometry Wars 3 is making its way to Sony's handheld.

Martin Robinson

Persona 5 news - and it's coming out day and date with Japan. Nice one!

Martin Robinson

And another Vita game! Bastion, this time, on the handheld as well as the PS4.

Martin Robinson

Announcements are coming thick and fast now. Like this one - Orcs Must Die Unchained!

Martin Robinson

It's coming to PS4. It's another one of those console debuts!

Martin Robinson

An EA announcement is being primed. It can't be EA Access, right?

Martin Robinson

Has Peter Moore tattooed his buttocks with the PS logo to celebrate the 20th anniversary?

Martin Robinson

I almost can't watch.

Martin Robinson

Head to the PS Store to pick up NFS: Most Wanted on Vita, Mirror's Edge on PS3 and Garden Warfare for free - that's on the US store, anyway, for a limited time.

Martin Robinson

He didn't get his arse out, sadly.

Martin Robinson

Here's another quickfire round of announcements, anyway. Dungeon Defenders 2, Skytorn, Severed and Shovel Knight.

Martin Robinson

Shovel Knight really is a delight - play it if you haven't already!

Martin Robinson

pomi: they are not free on EU store...

He said midnight PST - so it may still happen! We'll try to find out what we can.

Martin Robinson

Gaz Deaves from Rocksteady is up on stage to show off Arkham Knight. Hi Gaz!

Martin Robinson

Carpetfluff: Pretty sure he said noon Martin. So, an hour from now.

Ah, you're right. Still, we'll ask EA what the deal is!

Martin Robinson

snafu65: @ Martin. Gaz Greaves is up, full stop!

I don't think he's ever coming down, either.

Martin Robinson

So, there's exclusive Scarecrow DLC coming to PS4. But I think we knew that already.

Martin Robinson

Just as we knew that Arkham Knight looks very much like a Rocksteady Batman game (and that's a good thing, of course).

Martin Robinson

So here's the Street Fighter 5 announcement.

Martin Robinson

Would love to see more of the game in action than we saw on Friday - though this is still the same trailer.

Martin Robinson

Please be dressed as Chun-li, Yoshi!

Martin Robinson

Ah, he's not in drag. Still, hi Yoshi! He's the campest, loveliest man in the biz.

Martin Robinson

kafiota: Is Ono drunk?

Drunk on the love of Street Fighter!

Martin Robinson

So it's confirmed - Street Fighter 5 is exclusive to PS4 and PC.

Martin Robinson

Another console debut!

Martin Robinson

Cross-platform play between the two - that's pretty cool.

Martin Robinson

And there's no Tomb Raider trickery, it would seem - they're saying PS4 is the only console Street Fighter 5 will appear on.

Martin Robinson

There'll be a live demo next week - on the 13th.

Martin Robinson

And here's the gameplay. I'm hyped.

Martin Robinson

Dynamic stages seem to be a thing. Beyond that it's hard to see what's significantly new.

Martin Robinson

Gloriously untucked, this guy.

Martin Robinson

Yakuza 5 is coming to PS3, at long last.

Martin Robinson

Coming out summer 2015, while Yakuza 4 and Dead Souls are available for download today.

Martin Robinson

How about Yakuza 0, Sega?

Martin Robinson

So, when you say you're announcing new Vita games.... I'm not sure PS1 Classics count.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, Suikoden 1 and 2 are on their way. As is Towerfall.

Martin Robinson

Octodad and Timeforce are coming too, the latter featuring Shu Yoshida himself, it would seem.

Martin Robinson

Having Timeforce - the indiest of indies - on the indiest of platforms kind of makes sense.

Martin Robinson

Final port announcement - Resi Revelations 2 is coming to Vita.

Martin Robinson

Fair play to Sony for giving the Vita a dedicated part of this show. It's not going to save the handheld, but if you've got one already then.... WAIT WHAT, GANG BEASTS?

Martin Robinson

Toaster05: I'd buy a Vita for TxK alone.

Seriously, do it - absolutely stellar game.

Martin Robinson

Tim Schafer - have I spelt that right? - is up on stage now. A release date for Grim Fandango would be ace!

Martin Robinson

Top bantz between these two right here. Now it's done, we're being told that Broken Age is coming to PS.

Martin Robinson

January 22nd release for Grim Fandango Remastered.

Martin Robinson

And they're doing another remaster - Day of the Tentacle Special Edition.

Martin Robinson

They're not done yet - this has been an impressive line-up.

Martin Robinson

Shannon Studstill, the studio head, is rocking the Kratos t-shirt too.

Martin Robinson

What could it mean?

Martin Robinson

(Maybe not God of War, it seems - we're seeing games from four external studios)

Martin Robinson

First up! Fat Princess Adventure.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Screw The Last Guardian - this is the good stuff!

Martin Robinson

This is the chap behind Katamari Damacy and Noby Noby Boy, btw.

Martin Robinson

And he's basically the boss.

Martin Robinson

This is the first game from his new studio Funomena.

Martin Robinson

It's called.... Wattam?

Martin Robinson

Well, it looks like a Takahashi game, and that's good enough (oh, and it's not their first game - I'm an idiot - it's their third).

Martin Robinson

Giant Sparrow - them wot did Unfinished Swan - are up next.

Martin Robinson

What remains of Edith Finch be the name, and it's an artful, enigmatic game, it would seem. Hard to get much of a handle on it from that trailer - but it's ace to see Santa Monica continuing to support new, exciting games.

Martin Robinson

Talking of new, exciting games! Oh, wait. It's The Order.

Martin Robinson

pomi: Is Santa Monica these days just organizer/helper for external studios and their projects? I do hope they are making some games of their own for PS4.

They act as an incubator for other studios - and they're still doing their own thing, I believe.

Martin Robinson

The gunplay looks like an improvement over what we've seen before. Everything else, though...

Martin Robinson

Anyway, that's The Order - now it's on to the PS4's Tearaway.

Martin Robinson

Fine beards on show, and MM have evolved beyond the checked shirt. They're now in the realm of stripes.

Martin Robinson

TheVoice: Spaff is not a real name.

(his real name's James)

Martin Robinson

Carpetfluff: When I was at school, spaff was not something you would want to be called.

Haha, indeed.

Martin Robinson

This is, as you'd expect from Media Molecule, all rather fluffy and charming.

Martin Robinson

I got to play it earlier this week - it makes some novel use of the DS4 and seems different enough to the Vita original to make it worth a replay.

Martin Robinson

wellzy4eva: What announcements is everyone awaiting for now?

Shenmue 3, Half-Life 3 and The Last Guardian, mainly. Five minutes is enough to fit them all in.

Martin Robinson

lacerz: How long is this thing? Almost 2 hours in and some amazing announcements...

Two hours, I reckon - and it started ten minutes late, so we've got a little while.

Martin Robinson

If you ever wondered what would happen when David Cage crashes up against Hollywood horror, Until Dawn has you covered.

Martin Robinson

As a few of you have pointed out, that is indeed a well-starched towel.

Martin Robinson

This could well be the curtain closer.

Martin Robinson

Shinji Hashimoto from Square steps up. He's teeing up Final Fantasy 7.

Martin Robinson

Yeah. So, it's the original game.

Martin Robinson

On PlayStation 4. That's some epic trolling from Square there.

Martin Robinson

Ha, a slightly stunned, annoyed silence there from the crowd.

Martin Robinson

Did they expect people to be that excited for a port of a PC game that's readily available elsewhere?

Martin Robinson

That's quite a limp climax to what's otherwise been a really strong showing.

Martin Robinson

There's more though! We've got two announcements incoming.

Martin Robinson

Jumping Flash port next?

Martin Robinson

This is cute, anyway - 20 years of PlayStation history told through LittleBigPlanet 3.

Martin Robinson

Final bets on the last two announcements please!

Martin Robinson

Crash and God of War, perhaps?

Martin Robinson

Ah, of course - No Man's Sky makes its presence felt.

Martin Robinson

There's a new reveal inbound - one that's going to try and illustrate the scale of the universe.

Martin Robinson

It's being shown realtime on PS4.

Martin Robinson

Well, this continues to look absolutely astounding.

Martin Robinson

A handful of planets are explored, and we're getting a super-fast pan out from that to see the universe in as close to its entirety as we're ever likely to get.

Martin Robinson

The LOD transitions, I think, are totally understandable byproducts of the scale. Stop whining!

Martin Robinson

Oh god. The final game announcement is coming from David Jaffe.

Martin Robinson

He swears and everything. Great schtick. His game's called Drawn to Death - somewhat fittingly, it's a game drawn from a teenager's notebook.

Martin Robinson

Looks like Anarchy Reigns mixed with Mad World's art-style. Like that, but not as good.

Martin Robinson

It's pre-alpha, and they'll be taking feedback over the weekend.

Martin Robinson

That was somehow more disappointing than the announcement of a PS4 port of the PC port of Final Fantasy 7.

Martin Robinson

Still, think back to before the dismal climax and there was some awesome stuff in there - Uncharted 4 looks like it's made some interesting changes, Takahashi is doing something new on PS4 and No Man's Sky continues to be absolutely staggering.

Martin Robinson

Plus! Yakuza 5 finally comes west, and, well.... Street Fighter 5.

Martin Robinson

Resurrected-X460: @martin Robinson I have nothing more to say

Haha, that's awesome!

Martin Robinson

Well, I'm going to carry on with my Saturday night - my heart filled with a mix of indifference and hope, as it ever is. Have a nice one!

Martin Robinson

The big takeaway, though, is that Square Enix are a mob of trolls.

Martin Robinson

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