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PlayStation Experience 2016 live report

Uncharted! Knack! The Last of Us 2! Shawn Layden's T-shirt!

Happy PlayStation day everyone! We're in Anaheim for the PlayStation Experience, which promises to be quite a show - having skipped out on Gamescom and not put on a proper show since E3, Sony should have lots of new secrets to share. Join us live from 6pm GMT for all the show as it happens.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Hello. Is this thing on?

Chris Bratt

Chris Bratt

Think about it.

Chris Bratt

Gooooooooooooooooood morning internet!

Martin Robinson

Or good afternoon I dunno. Anyway, hello, hi and how do you do from lovely Anaheim where we've just taken seats in the convention centre.

Martin Robinson

Yes there are almost 90 minutes still to go. Yes we're keen. But we've heard what you've heard - that the sequel all PlayStation fans are after is going to be announced this morning.

Martin Robinson

The question is, what on earth will they call it? Knackered? Knack Harder? Knack Sack and Crack?

Martin Robinson

The more I think about that last one, the more I like it.

Martin Robinson

Think about it! It could be two new characters joining Knack on his crazy adventures!

Martin Robinson

Anyway that's potentially the big news. And who knows maybe there'll be some more stuff too.

Martin Robinson

In all fairness, I never actually played Knack. Maybe it's amazing!

Martin Robinson

I don't think I can fill the next 80 minutes talking crap about Knack, I'm afraid.

Martin Robinson

Nah, it's not.

Chris Bratt

More like Knaff, if you ask me.

Chris Bratt

Martin, are you in the auditorium? Can we get a selfie?

Chris Bratt

Luckily I bought my 3DS with me. Going to wreck some shrubs in Animal Crossing like a pro.

Martin Robinson

Those orange trees don't know what's coming to them.

Martin Robinson

Mate, please be careful. If Jim Ryan sees you playing a handheld that's not a PS Vita, you're getting battered.

Chris Bratt


Martin Robinson

It's taken me about five minutes to work out how to take a selfie.

Martin Robinson

I had two PlayStation PRs helping me do it.

Martin Robinson

I still think I screwed it.

Martin Robinson

Wait for it.

Martin Robinson

Here it comes.

Martin Robinson

Hang on.

Martin Robinson

Perhaps the most exciting reveal we're going to see in this livetext.

Chris Bratt

Any second now.

Chris Bratt

Right, I can't get this to work.

Martin Robinson

Chris Bratt

So, just imagine my face - it's quite big.

Martin Robinson

And it's in an auditorium quite near the front.

Martin Robinson

I think I'm going to have to post this for you, Martin.

Chris Bratt


Martin Robinson

We've really made a hash of this.

Chris Bratt

It has taken two PRs and two members of staff to try and bring you this selfie.

Martin Robinson

And after all that I've totally failed.

Martin Robinson

Chris Bratt


Chris Bratt

This live report hasn't got off to the best of starts has it?

Martin Robinson

All that and you can't even see the PlayStation logo in that photo. I'm ashamed of myself.

Martin Robinson

Donlan's in the office by the way. He's been watching this and laughing very loudly.

Chris Bratt

Anyway. AN HOUR TO GO!

Martin Robinson

He says "send everyone my love!"

Chris Bratt

PlayStation PR Hugo Busstops is amazed that we're going to try and keep this live report going an hour before the show starts.

Martin Robinson

So he's going to give us all the announcements now.

Martin Robinson

Oh man he's bottled it.

Martin Robinson

dadrester: @porkface if it's not starting for an hour, why aren't you stocking up on free booze?! Far too professional!


Martin Robinson

How's he feel about Knack 2? Any thoughts?

Chris Bratt

Yoshi Ono just walked past wearing a Marvel hoodie.

Martin Robinson

No idea what that could mean.

Martin Robinson

Maybe he just really likes Marvel?

Martin Robinson

He seems a nice man.

Chris Bratt

Fair points both. I'll go get a beer. What are you having?

Martin Robinson

Martin, I think I've just seen you in a twitter video:

Chris Bratt

Other celebrity spots so far - Mark Cerny has been floating around (what could that mean!) and Kazunori Yamauchi is also revving his lovely little engine somewhere nearby.

Martin Robinson

Sadly Sony's Jim Ryan - who I just realised last night while idly thinking about him in the bath, as I often do, would make a great Drax if ever they needed a new one for Guardians of the Galaxy - hasn't made it out here for this show.

Martin Robinson

However! We'll be getting Shawn Layden, which I'll take.

Martin Robinson

Chris Bratt

What t-shirt will he be wearing?

Martin Robinson

Genuinely excited to find out. This is the one time when wardrobe really matters to me.

Martin Robinson

Actually who am I kidding, wardrobe always matters to me. Keep it fashion forward.

Martin Robinson

Chris Bratt

By the way, Martin. Ono's hoodie is amazing, have you had a closer look?

Chris Bratt

Hang on - let me grab that picture that's doing the rounds.

Chris Bratt

Chris Bratt


Chris Bratt

Ono's disappeared. And I'm in the world's biggest queue in a Starbucks.

Martin Robinson

Oh, wait a minute, you're in the Anaheim Convention Center!

Chris Bratt

I was there for Blizzcon a little while ago.

Chris Bratt

At least they haven't had to change the lighting too much. Blizzard are pretty mad about the colour blue as well.

Chris Bratt

Chris Bratt


Chris Bratt

Right, I'm back in my chair. Can't believe how close we were to disaster then.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

How do we know this is Martin?

Chris Bratt

Hello this is Martin I like cars. There you go - proof positive it's definitely me.

Martin Robinson

Kami: Urgh, still reeling from VGA's. There was a man in a robot-shaving razor costume, right? I didn't hallucinate that?

This will be better. I'm sure of it!

Martin Robinson

Well, I'm convinced! Glad it's you and not that Busstops fella.

Chris Bratt

The room is filling up here, and there's still a mighty queue outside. Don't be surprised if this starts a little late.

Martin Robinson

Toaster05: I need to lay off the booze.

No you don't.

Martin Robinson

People are already shouting 'Fuck Konami'. And we're still 20 minutes away from kick-off.

Martin Robinson

I can cause a kerfuffle to make sure it's held back a bit? Wouldn't want you to miss out on your jalfrezi.

Martin Robinson

Toaster05: But Martin! I'm two jumbo bottles of Leffe down already. I need to slow it down at least. Leffe Brune no less, I am cultured.

That's some heavy stuff. Pace yourself!

Martin Robinson

There's a pretty amazing atmosphere in here already.

Martin Robinson

PSX is kind of great for that - it's like E3 but with all the cynical old shits like myself replaced by fans who genuinely care.

Martin Robinson

It's been such a long time since we had a decent update on it - the last one I remember was exactly a year ago at PSX in 2015.

Martin Robinson

There are a few AWOL Sony games I'd love updates on. Well, there's Dreams mainly.

Martin Robinson

Without wanting to spoil anything, there's one game that's being properly unveiled at this show that I'm probably going to lose my shit over.

Martin Robinson

You'll hear me doing a proper Ned Flanders scream when it hits the stage.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

"Ugh, I hate it when games journalists do proper Ned Flanders screams during keynotes. Reeks of unprofessionalism."

Chris Bratt

marvzilla: New wipeout?.. we can dream :(

Never say never!

Martin Robinson

Right, pals, I think I'm going to leave Martin to it. I apologise in advance for anything weird he says about the Sony execs on stage.

Chris Bratt

There should be a decent suite of announcements.

Martin Robinson

Sony skipped Gamescom, went quite light at TGS and didn't do Paris Games Week either. Also it's Pro reveal event was just weird and doesn't count.

Martin Robinson

So! It's basically got a lot of stuff stored up. Expect this to be like a mini-E3.

Martin Robinson

Shporet: For a change they can have an announcement that The Last of Us will never have a sequel... that would be cool :)

Would be kind of funny if they just got up and cancelled a load of games LIVE.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

The dubstep has begun in the auditorium, which surely means something.

Martin Robinson

It's certainly getting my bowels moving, anyway.

Martin Robinson

Toaster05: When will the bass drop?

About the same time as this beef baby I've got in me after last night's dinner.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

The dubstep has mellowed to some breakbeat. They're about to drop.

Martin Robinson

Even after years of being to these, I still get butterflies just as they're about to begin. Sad, isn't it?

Martin Robinson

That excitement gets downgraded to mild disappointment soon enough though.

Martin Robinson

Lights are down. The screaming has begun.

Martin Robinson

If that sounds ominous it's because it is.

Martin Robinson

And our first game is...

Martin Robinson

No-one knows and everyone's trying to guess in the auditorium. 'Watch Dogs 3?'

Martin Robinson

My money's on Uncharted.

Martin Robinson

It looks like Uncharted, but who's the main character?

Martin Robinson

Elena, or someone else?

Martin Robinson

I don't remember those lock-picking mechanics from Uncharted 4.

Martin Robinson

SHOW YOUR FACE. The suspense is killing me.

Martin Robinson

Is this a new Crash Bandicoot?

Martin Robinson

What if this is Knack 2?

Martin Robinson

Yeah, I'm calling it. Knack 2. Looking pretty sweet as well.

Martin Robinson

If this is Uncharted, it's taken a very sombre turn.

Martin Robinson

And the crowd goes wild. The Lost Legacy, Uncharted DLC starring Chloe.

Martin Robinson

Quite an artful reveal.

Martin Robinson

Shawn Layden comes to the stage wearing a WipEout t-shirt.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

He's like a loveable executive chipmunk.

Martin Robinson

This is the PlayStation's birthday. I didn't know! I hope there's cake.

Martin Robinson

'We've been here 22 years, we're not going anywhere'.

Martin Robinson

I love the WipEout t-shirt. What's going on with those sleeves though?

Martin Robinson

Dramatic pause, and we're into the first announcement.

Martin Robinson

Marvel vs. Capcom 4.

Martin Robinson

Mega Man, Ryu, Iron Man. People are losing their shit here.

Martin Robinson

Will this be a PlayStation exclusive like Street Fighter? Given its reveal here you'd imagine so.

Martin Robinson

Dubbed Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite.

Martin Robinson

Coming 2017. I believe that CG trailer is all we're getting for now - more tonight at the Capcom Cup.

Martin Robinson

Someone is standing and screaming. Still.

Martin Robinson

He's a very happy chap!

Martin Robinson

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is available today on PS4.

Martin Robinson

Sorry for the screaming. It's just that I really like Shawn and I can't control myself.

Martin Robinson

I'm genuinely worried some of these people are going to break on-stage and tear Shawn's clothes off.

Martin Robinson

I mean, I know I threaten stuff like that, but I never actually come near to doing it.

Martin Robinson

Anyway! WipEout!

Martin Robinson

This looks like WipEout HD.

Martin Robinson

And it is - Fury, 2048 and HD all coming to PS4 next summer. Will it get VR support? Hope to find out in the coming days.

Martin Robinson

Straight into Sparrow Racing for Destiny. I don't think even Destiny obsessives Tom P and Wes care about this one.

Martin Robinson

Good job there's more - new quests and a challenge mode, plus new gear all coming to Destiny in a festive update.

Martin Robinson

Again, hope to bring you more on this later - we're down to see this today.

Martin Robinson

Destiny The Dawning - coming December 13th.

Martin Robinson

Oh, Icebreaker is back! I'm actually quite into that.

Martin Robinson

Too busy being snarky to see the reveal of one of my favourite Destiny guns.

Martin Robinson

And more from Activision.

Martin Robinson

Crash Bandicoot is back - the remaster announced at E3 is being shown here this weekend.

Martin Robinson

Do I have to be the one to say it? Crash was kind of shit.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Anyway, this remaster looks handsome enough, and faithful to the original. If that's your thing. You weirdos.

Martin Robinson

Crash Bandicoot N'Sane Trilogy coming 2017.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

I refuse to type out that nonsense ever again. It shall now be known as simply the Crash remaster.

Martin Robinson

And something something Call of Duty.

Martin Robinson

Not feeling this Call of Duty stuff, but feeling that jacket.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

I had a jacket like that when I used to walk around and pretend I was Ryo. I was such a jerk.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, enough about me - there's a new demo update for Resident Evil 7.

Martin Robinson

Hopefully we'll find out what that finger is all about.

Martin Robinson

The demo will have PSVR support.

Martin Robinson

A new extended look at Resident Evil 7, which is looking damn fine.

Martin Robinson

Aaaaand Ace Combat 7 - it will be playable here.

Martin Robinson

It'll have VR support, I'd imagine. And it'll be as batshit crazy as the other Ace Combat games, by the looks of it.

Martin Robinson

Californian Sally Phillips is back on-stage. We're onto Capcom Cup now, which is happening later tonight.

Martin Robinson

camo_kill: Ace Combat. Nobody says 'Ace' anymore. I think they need to get with the times and change it to 'swag combat' or something.

I say wizard. Wizard combat sounds nice.

Martin Robinson

Akuma reveal now for Street Fighter 5. God I hate Akuma - mainly because I've been on the wrong end of so many spankings from him.

Martin Robinson

If that sounds sexy it's because it is.

Martin Robinson

5 new characters inbound in season 2 of Street Fighter 5 as well. How long 'til the internet figures out what all those silhouettes were?

Martin Robinson

Shu takes the stage, and people start chanting his name. You don't get this at E3!

Martin Robinson

I saw Shu staggering across a car park last night coming from the steak house. He looked like he'd had a fun night.

Martin Robinson

God I'm turning this live report into the 3am Girls with my insipid celebrity spots.

Martin Robinson

Anyway - The Last Guardian. We have a review of this going up on Monday. I've read it. I'm very excited to play this game.

Martin Robinson

I think this will be an okay video game, everyone.

Martin Robinson

I mean, yeah. I want to play that video game.

Martin Robinson

spongebob: Martin, not shit?

That's basically our new rating.

Martin Robinson

And Parappa the Rapper. They're bringing the juice.

Martin Robinson

This looks very much like a remake.

Martin Robinson

Parappa the Rapper 20th Anniversary. And it looks like we're getting remasters of Patapon and secret best game ever Loco Roco.

Martin Robinson

The demo for Parappa is out today. Have at it.

Martin Robinson

And here's a new game from Japan Studio!

Martin Robinson

Is this?

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

There is an air of...

Martin Robinson

I don't know what to call it. Confusion? Bewilderment?

Martin Robinson

And now a stunned silence. Everyone, the PlayStation sequel you've been asking for is finally here.

Martin Robinson

I can't believe I was in the room when this happened.

Martin Robinson

What a proud moment.

Martin Robinson

Malek86: Why not announce Bomberman Act Zero 2 while they're at it?


Martin Robinson

Anyway, this is more like it - Gravity Rush 2!

Martin Robinson

Free DLC coming to Gravity Rush 2 in March.

Martin Robinson

So much more Gravity Rush 2 coming.

Martin Robinson

'A lot of players have asked us to make Raven playable' says Shu. 'Yeah right' says someone in the audience. Amazing.

Martin Robinson

A new Gran Turismo trailer. Excuse me while I unbutton my trousers.

Martin Robinson

A look at some of the changing light conditions in the game, a tease of the VR mode and some AMAZING shots of the GT3 Merc SLS AMG. I'll be having some of that.

Martin Robinson

Oh come on. You can't follow up GT Sport with a new look at Ni No Kuni 2. I'm about to explode here.

Martin Robinson

Ni No Kuni is one of the all-time greats, in my opinion. If only for Drippy and his amazing stand-up comedy sketch.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Ni No Kuni 2 Revenant Kingdom - coming in 2017. Which is closer to a release date than we've come before.

Martin Robinson

Fudce: That was a tidy trailer


Martin Robinson

Gio Corsi now for the indie stuff.

Martin Robinson

This is where the good stuff is.

Martin Robinson

Yakuza 6 coming west, as is Kiwami - the remake.

Martin Robinson

Some guy is heckling the Yakuza 6 trailer and it might be the greatest thing ever.

Martin Robinson

And they just announced a Vita game, to chants of 'Vita, Vita' in the audience.

Martin Robinson

And now Nier Automata - there's a demo coming soon.

Martin Robinson

We're rattling through this all at such a pace that I think this could wrap on the hour.

Martin Robinson

Still 20 minutes to go though!

Martin Robinson

And we're getting a Ys game on-stage. What beautiful madness is this?

Martin Robinson

Ys Origin, coming in 2017 and Vita. They're announcing more Vita games. What is going on.

Martin Robinson

And Dreadnought. A PS4 exclusive that I'll admit I'd not heard of before. From Yager, the people that brought you Spec Ops: The Line, mind!

Martin Robinson

It has space ships in it. I like space ships.

Martin Robinson

Dreadnought, everyone!

Martin Robinson

Supergiant's Pyre now. So much games.

Martin Robinson

spongebob: Maybe they should just stop doing E3 shows. This is indeed very good

I'd be up for that, it's ace to have the fans here.

Martin Robinson

I think the big - and quite lovely - takeaway from this is that the Vita is still very much alive.

Martin Robinson

Vane - which, I believe, is from ex-Team Ico devs - gets a proper reveal now.

Martin Robinson

As you might expect, it looks a bit like Ico.

Martin Robinson

Absolver, the Devolver game with lovely meaty combat, gets its moment in the spotlight.

Martin Robinson

And there's some of that lovely combat in action.

Martin Robinson

What if I told you *I'm* seagull woman?

Martin Robinson

Elsewhere, it's just been confirmed that the Uncharted game we saw earlier is a standalone.

Martin Robinson

Meanwhile, here's Edith Finch.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

If your dog has just gone batshit crazy it's because I'm making the biggest high-pitched scream right now.

Martin Robinson

This is Housemarque's collaboration with Eugene Jarvis.

Martin Robinson

Screw Half-Life 3. This is all I want to play, forever.

Martin Robinson

Hopefully we'll have more on that for you over the weekend. It's the first thing I'm going to be playing when this is over.

Martin Robinson

It might be all I'm playing all weekend.

Martin Robinson

(oh, and that Housemarque game, previously known as The Jarvis project, is called Nex Machina).

Martin Robinson

Grasshopper's new game is out today.

Martin Robinson

A surprise release for... Er, what's it called again?

Martin Robinson

Lily Bergamo? No, that's not it.

Martin Robinson

LET IT DIE! That's what it's called. And it's out nooooooooooooooooooooow.

Martin Robinson

It's available for free today.

Martin Robinson

(it is a free-to-play game, it's worth bearing in mind).

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Garou is out today for Vita and PS4.

Martin Robinson

As I'm an absolute prick I have that on my arcade cabinet at home. But still! I'll be picking it up. A wonderful, wonderful game.

Martin Robinson

And oh yeah here's Lara Croft Go. And Vita!

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

aka THE GREATEST GAME EVER. Go and buy this now!

Martin Robinson

Well, I'm enjoying this.

Martin Robinson

I might start screaming with everyone else. Screw being professional. WINDJAMMERS EVERYONE.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Oh here's some VR stuff.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Starblood Arena is a new PSVR game that might be okay I dunno it's not Windjammers is it?

Martin Robinson

WINDJAMMERS! Just say it out loud. Feel it roll off your tongue. Windjammers. Rejoice!

Martin Robinson

And here's some more games coming to PSVR. None of which are Windjammers.

Martin Robinson

Would it be bad if I ran on stage now and just hissed Windjammers?

Martin Robinson

Nioh's next, and here's a new trailer of a game that looks great but isn't Windjammers.

Martin Robinson

It was the Housemarque/Jarvis thing. But now I think it's Windjammers too?

Martin Robinson

Something something baseball.

Martin Robinson

I have no idea what's going on. Sorry.

Martin Robinson

So, after baseball here's Guerrila Games with a new trailer for Horizon.

Martin Robinson

I still don't know how to spell Guerillla.

Martin Robinson

Guerilla! Goooarla. Can we just call them Gorilla Games? That's so much easier.

Martin Robinson

I've missed most of this trailer while I try and remember how to spell Guerilla.

Martin Robinson

Looks alright though, this. Even if the artstyle is a bit Cyberdog.

Martin Robinson

michaelway: @martinrobinson Harambe Games?


Martin Robinson

Shawn is on-stage. I'm about to rush him down and just whisper WINDJAMMERS in his ear.

Martin Robinson

Now, one last thing.

Martin Robinson

This is going to be good.

Martin Robinson

Knack 3!

Martin Robinson

No, wait. It's....

Martin Robinson

People are cheering a rusty car. Videogames!

Martin Robinson

The Last of Us 2, everyone.

Martin Robinson

Ellie is back.

Martin Robinson

As is Joel.

Martin Robinson

I mean it looks okay, but it's not Windjammers is it?

Martin Robinson

That was quite a good show, right?

Martin Robinson

Thanks for joining us today. Hope it was worthwhile for you all!

Martin Robinson

I certainly had fun. Happy Windjammers day everyone! We'll have more on the show through the weekend for you all. LATERS.

Martin Robinson

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