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Caesar IV

Pre-E3: The emperor strikes back.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

There's a lot of talk about how there are too many sequels knocking about these days, and how too many of them are too similar to their predecessors. But there's also an argument in favour of sequels which deliberately don't muck about too much with the original formula - if it worked well the first time, why not simply try to improve on it, rather than change it? After all, when you make a nice cup of tea, are you disappointed if it turns out to be very similar to the last one you drank? Are you tempted to, say, replace the milk with soy sauce, just to make it a bit "darker"? Why not just serve it in a nicer cup, perhaps with a saucer and everything?

That seems to be the thinking behind Caesar IV, the latest instalment in the hit city-building series that's due to arrive on shelves this autumn. You can expect the same basic gameplay, essentially, but it's served in a brand new engine built from the ground up. The Caesar series is going 3D for the first time, and doesn't it look pretty? High dynamic range lighting, bump-mapping, procedural shadows - you may neither know nor care what all those are, but they're all in here, and you'll be grateful when you see the game in action.

But while the new 3D engine and super spanky graphics are the most obvious differentiators between Caesar IV and its predecessors, they aren't the only ones, as we found out when we sat down with designer Tony Leier for a chat recently. He began by taking us back to basics and explaining how the whole thing works.

When the game begins, you find yourself in the role of a provincial governor in the Roman Empire. You'll receive orders from the senate, or in some cases from Caesar himself, which revolve around city-building. There are between 20 and 30 missions, and they're divided up into two types - economic and military. So, you might be tasked with building a city in Sicily to produce grain which can be shipped off to Rome, for example. Alternatively, you might have to build a city in Northern Italy to fend off the enemies of empire who are mucking about on the border.

All hail

This city's definitely taking shape now. Can you spot the new leisure centre?

"You can make your own way through the campaigns, choosing a more economic building scenario or a more military building scenario depending on what you want to do - until at the end, at the height of the empire, you finish the last scenario and become Caesar yourself," Leier says.

But there's a lot of work to be done before you get to rest those laurels on your very own head. At the start of each mission, you're faced with an empty map, and your first key decision - where to start?

"A lot of what makes the city-building different between scenarios is the different conditions we give you to deal with," Leier explains.

"So you'll have different land areas to build on, your water may be in a different spot, there may be different amounts of farmland, you may have iron available or you may have to buy it by setting up a trade route..." In other words, the spot on the map where you begin your city could be key to its future success.

To get things up and running, you'll need some good hard workers to move in - the plebs, as they're known. Build homes and they will come, and work in your farms and factories. Once basic infrastructures such as a consistent supply of food and water are in place, poncy middle-class types such as priests, doctors and entertainers will start to turn up. They're a bit more demanding than the workers, though, so you'll need to provide them with better houses and a means of obtaining fancier goods.

Then will come the upper classes, known as the patricians. Much like modern day posh people, they won't go to work, but they will pay you taxes - which is fundamental to the survival of your city, according to Leier.

Tax returns

Not all roads lead to Rome - these ones go straight to the local Circus Maximus, clearly.

"As a governor who's out to make a profit and keep Caesar happy, you're very interested in taxes. Because if you run out of money, or if you don't send Caesar the things that he asks for, he'll get angry with you; he may end up attacking you and forcibly removing you from office." And forcibly chucking you to the lions, most likely.

Helpfully, the citizens in Caesar IV are more intelligent than those in previous instalments, which Leier says is all part of an attempt to make it more accessible to those who might not be familiar with RTS games.

"We expect that players who are familiar with this genre will really like this, at one level. On another level, we're making it much easier for a new player to come in and sit down and play it, because they don't have to figure out how the game model works - other than saying that if you want food, you put a grain farm down, and then that goes into a granary, which markets get, which then your citizens get.

"You've got people walking around delivering it and you don't have to deal with figuring out how that works, or any arcane systems we had to deal with in the past when we didn't have the ability to make the walkers very smart."

But while your citizens might be clever, they can be a bit lazy, which you'll need to consider as you lay your city out. There's colour-coding to help you, so you can see in an instant how far people are willing to travel. Generally speaking, they don't like to go too far for basic stuff like food, but they'll be willing to travel further afield to, say, watch a chariot race. (Along with a circus maximus, you can also build a hippodrome and a colosseum. In the build of the game we saw, they hadn't done the lions yet, and were using man-eating cows as placeholders. Here's hoping they don't get round to replacing them.)