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Nintendo Direct E3 2019 live report

A first look at Animal Crossing, Banjo comes to Smash - oh yeah, and a Breath of the Wild sequel too.

They really did save the best until last. Nintendo rounded off the conference part of this year's E3 by showing off Animal Crossing - which gets a slight delay - Luigi's Mansion 3 and so much else besides. Oh yeah, we got our first look at the Breath of the Wild sequel too...

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Why hello.

Martin Robinson

And isn't this a more civil time to get together and digest some video game news than two in the morning.

Martin Robinson

Around 25 minutes to go until Nintendo's Direct kicks off and yes, I am excited.

Martin Robinson

As in I should have been fired for it? That's a fair shout, really.

Martin Robinson

Kami: I'm honestly surprised most of us are still here after the amount of crap we've given this E3.

At least I'm getting paid for it. I don't know what everyone else's excuse is.

Martin Robinson

Also I love E3 and would be watching everything regardless. It's dumb, often pointless and sometimes plain horrible, but there's something still charming about the crazy pageantry of it all.

Martin Robinson

That and it's a lot of fun hanging out here with all of you.

Martin Robinson

So what to expect? Well Animal Crossing news first and foremost.

Martin Robinson

A release date would be lovely.

Martin Robinson

Beyond that, the big games for Nintendo this year are Luigi's Mansion 3, Link's Awakening and Pokémon Sword and Shield, so expect info on all those.

Martin Robinson

Everything else is a *mystery*, which is how I like it.

Martin Robinson

Gazz: Not sure anyone will top Mr Reeves for years to come.

They should bring him out for an Animal Crossing crossover. Reeves and Tortimer.

Martin Robinson

Kami: Someone could host that Beiber vs. Tom Cruise fight next year.

Bieber and Cruise confirmed for Smash it is.

Martin Robinson

I'm personally excited for Daemon X Machina and Astral Chain, so would gobble up any new info/details on those.

Martin Robinson

And I'm always up for a surprise eshop release too.

Martin Robinson

Under a minute to go.

Martin Robinson

Pounding my fists on my desk, shouting 'BIRDO, BIRDO, BIRDO'.

Martin Robinson

Let's do this.

Martin Robinson

And away we go.

Martin Robinson

First up is... Smash!

Martin Robinson

I'm guessing this'll be a character reveal - and indeed it is.

Martin Robinson

Dragon Quest's hero coming to Smash.

Martin Robinson

Plus, of course, lots of other Dragon Quest-related goodies.

Martin Robinson

This is good stuff.

Martin Robinson

An assortment of heroes too, it looks like, from various Dragon Quest titles - so not just the hero from 11.

Martin Robinson

Oh, it looks like *all* the heroes. It's not as if Smash does things by halves.

Martin Robinson

That's coming later this summer.

Martin Robinson

And hey, let's have a look at Dragon Quest 11 S while we're at it too.

Martin Robinson

Even though I wasn't entirely sold on 11, I'm looking forward to being able to take it anywhere with me.

Martin Robinson

A proper release date for Dragon Quest 11 S too - it's coming on September 27th.

Martin Robinson

Yoshiaki Koizumi is presenting, so we're in good hands.

Martin Robinson

And we're also getting a proper intro to Doug Bowser - the new Reggie.

Martin Robinson

And of course we can't have an intro without bringing up that surname.

Martin Robinson

I dig Doug.

Martin Robinson

Enough of all that, though, here's Luigi's Mansion 3.

Martin Robinson

It's set in a haunted Travelodge or something.

Martin Robinson

Game is spent trying to get room service to not come in when you're lying hungover in bed.

Martin Robinson

And trying to sneak a tiny can of Heineken out of the mini-bar without triggering whatever device it is that lets you know you've taken a drink.

Martin Robinson

Also you hoover up ghosts and shit.

Martin Robinson

Gooigi is a new companion for Luigi.

Martin Robinson

He's Luigi.

Martin Robinson

But made out of goo.

Martin Robinson

You see?

Martin Robinson

It allows for local co-op, too.

Martin Robinson

Luigi's Mansion 3 - available this year. So we're not getting a definitive release date just yet.

Martin Robinson

Kami: Martin, we all know it'll be a Halloween release.

That almost makes too much sense.

Martin Robinson

An all-new game now - tied into the new Netflix Dark Crystal series.

Martin Robinson

It looks like a strategy RPG.

Martin Robinson

It's also a hell of a WTF announcement.

Martin Robinson

The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics, that'll be then.

Martin Robinson

And quite the unexpected reveal.

Martin Robinson

Next! Link's Awakening.

Martin Robinson

Which looks splendid - the aesthetic oddly reminds me of 3D Dot Game Heroes.

Martin Robinson

An all-new feature - the ability to craft your own dungeons.

Martin Robinson

Zelda Maker? Not quite - it doesn't look like it runs as deep as that.

Martin Robinson

And we have a release date - September 20th.

Martin Robinson

That's soon!

Martin Robinson

Here's something new - and from Square Enix.

Martin Robinson

It's Seiken Densetsu!

Martin Robinson

Or Trials of Mana, as it's now called.

Martin Robinson

And it's coming early next year.

Martin Robinson

Before that though - why don't you play the Mana collection.

Martin Robinson

Which is finally being localised. And is hitting the eshop today.

Martin Robinson

I'll have some of that please.

Martin Robinson

And now! The Witcher 3.

Martin Robinson

I have no idea how it'll work either.

Martin Robinson

The artstyle does seem to have amped up the cartoony elements to help it work. Interested to see how it'll pan out.

Martin Robinson

Fire Emblem - the thinking man's Witcher - is next.

Martin Robinson

Who am I kidding Fire Emblem is for weebs.

Martin Robinson

And I'm a weeb and proud so bring it.

Martin Robinson

I look forward to skipping these cutscenes in the final game when it comes out next month.

Martin Robinson

Straight into a horror-themed section. First up it's Resident Evil.

Martin Robinson

The original Resident Evil was indeed released not that long ago on Switch.

Martin Robinson

The news here, though, is that Resident Evil 5 and 6 are coming to Switch.

Martin Robinson

And this is...

Martin Robinson

No More Heroes 3 - which, if you played this year's spin-off, won't be a surprise.

Martin Robinson

Also if you played that all the way through like I did, I'm sorry.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

An all-new Contra.

Martin Robinson

Why not, hey?

Martin Robinson

A shame it looks pretty weak though - with a focus on co-op play.

Martin Robinson

But anyway, everyone welcome back Konami.

Martin Robinson

Contra Rogue Corps - coming September 19th.

Martin Robinson

Or was that 24th sorry I'm confused.

Martin Robinson

Daemon X Machina now oh lord there are so many games.

Martin Robinson

And that's out on September 13th.

Martin Robinson

Why are all the games coming out in September?

Martin Robinson

Oh hey here's that Panzer Dragoon remake that I thought would never actually happen.

Martin Robinson

It's looking fantastic.

Martin Robinson

And it's coming this winter.

Martin Robinson

This is quite the show so far.

Martin Robinson

A brief reminder that Pokémon is coming this year.

Martin Robinson

Astral Chain now please. The first Platinum game since... Nier Automata?

Martin Robinson

I might be wrong, but given the typical cadence of that studio it certainly feels too long since we've played a new one of its games.

Martin Robinson

And Astral Chain is out on August 30th (though I think we knew that already).

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

We didn't know about whatever this is - the new game from John Romero's studio, in partnership with Paradox.

Martin Robinson

It's an isometric action 30s-me-do that looks fascinating.

Martin Robinson

Empire of Sin - coming next spring.

Martin Robinson

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 now, showing Square Enix how to to Marvel.

Martin Robinson

Out on July 19th - again, as we knew.

Martin Robinson

Crypt of the Necrodancer - the Zelda rhythm action game - is up next. And it's out sooooooooooon.

Martin Robinson

June 13th - that'll be Thursday.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Mario and Sonic at the Olympics.

Martin Robinson

Which is out in November.

Martin Robinson

Phew, there's a lot going on here.

Martin Robinson

Here's Animal Crossing, though.

Martin Robinson

Oooooooh I'm so excited about this.

Martin Robinson

It looks like crafting is in.

Martin Robinson

As is a desert island backdrop.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

And hang out with mates.

Martin Robinson

It's called New Horizon, it's out next March.

Martin Robinson

And I cannot wait.

Martin Robinson

Tom Nook is still a bellend though.

Martin Robinson

That release date marks a slight delay - originally this was planned to be a 2019 release.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Hollow Knight DLC!

Martin Robinson

Ni No Kuni!

Martin Robinson

Minecraft Dungeons!

Martin Robinson

The Elder Scrolls Blades!

Martin Robinson

My Friend Pedro!

Martin Robinson

Doom Eternal!

Martin Robinson

The Sinking City!

Martin Robinson

Wolfenstein Youngblood!

Martin Robinson

Dead by Daylight!

Martin Robinson

Alien Isolation!

Martin Robinson

Hang on, what?

Martin Robinson

Dragon Quest Builders 2! Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles!

Martin Robinson

Just Dance 2020!

Martin Robinson

No but really wind back a bit.

Martin Robinson

Alien Isolation?

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Also hey Dauntless.

Martin Robinson

Super Mario Maker 2 and... Lord, I missed some didn't I?

Martin Robinson

Alien Isolation though!

Martin Robinson

Here's Banjo and Kazooie for Smash, because that's what you asked for you perverts.

Martin Robinson

Well, there it is.

Martin Robinson

That's coming this autumn.

Martin Robinson

And that was a lot of video game.

Martin Robinson

One final thing before we leave.

Martin Robinson

I have no idea what it will be.

Martin Robinson

It's... A new Zelda.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

It's a darker spin, it looks like - almost like Majora's Mask to Breath of the Wild's Ocarina of Time.

Martin Robinson

And that's all we're getting.

Martin Robinson

And clap I did.

Martin Robinson

Still, no Birdo. Nintendo fails.

Martin Robinson

That was good, wasn't it?

Martin Robinson

What a way to end the conference part of the week.

Martin Robinson

So many games. So many awesome looking games.

Martin Robinson

I'm off to download the Mana Collection. We'll have plenty more on the site from the showfloor over the next few days!

Martin Robinson

And thank you so much for joining me. It's been fun!

Martin Robinson

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