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Nintendo 3DS: Launch Title Lowdown

Mario! Zelda! Monkeys! Cars! Etc.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

There's just one month to go now until Nintendo releases its shiny new handheld and everyone in the world throws their 3D specs in a bin. Yes, as of 25th March, we'll all be able to enjoy glorious, glasses-free, three-dimensional gaming with the Nintendo 3DS.

Providing we're willing to part with £230 first. And aren't one of those people whose eyes can't even look at a 3D screen without their eyes going all swimmy. But this is missing the point. The POINT is that this is the start of a magnificent new era. Soon we will be able to visit gameworlds where objects in the distance look not just smaller, but farther away. And what a wide range of worlds there will be to explore, right from launch.

As covered in our recent previews there's new Pilotwings and Kid Icarus to enjoy, not to mention Super Street Fighter IV.

Plus you'll be able to play Ocarina of Time and Pro Evolution Soccer in 3D, and muck about with the handheld's fancy new cameras.

But that's not all. Here Johnny Minkley (special correspondent for Zelda, Mario, monkeys and violent women) and Ellie Gibson (cars, submarines and dinosaurs) provide a rundown of some other 3DS titles hitting the shelves.