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Live: Sony's PS4 TGS 2013 keynote

New console in the house! Join us from *gulp* 2.30am BST.

If you love games - really, truly love them - then you know there's no need for sleep. Why slip unconscious when you could be absorbing all the goings on of Sony's PS4 TGS keynote?

There'll be updates on games as well as an overview of the console's capabilities, and.... Well, we're not sure if there will be an and just yet, with most of the big announcements for PS4 out the way. Still, if you're super hardcore you should join Martin Robinson and Tom Phillips live from Tokyo at 2.30am UK time as they update you on the event.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Hello from Tokyo! It's almost tomorrow here, which means it'll only be just over nine hours until it's tomorrow back in Blighty too. Yep, it's all very confusing.

Tom Phillips

There will be talk of what's inside the PS4's shiny shiny exterior, apparently, and talk of games. New games? Last Guardian-shaped games? Well, we shall see.

Tom Phillips

kassmageant: Will there be engrish tranzlation?

That's our job! The show will be in Japanese, but we'll have a English translation piped into our ears for us to relay here.

Tom Phillips

Dewin: Tom, could you ask if the director and tech crew are sober this time around?

I'm not sure if there's a stream, but feel free to shrink your browser page way down until you can't see anything to recreate Sony's Gamescom camera angles.

Tom Phillips

So what will tomorrow bring? Sony's conference is titled "Life with PlayStation 4", so hope for another stage cameo from Shu navigating the PS4 dash - maybe using Netflix to catch up on the last few episodes of Breaking Bad (no spoilers, but last week, OMG).

Tom Phillips

I was in Sony's Japan Studios today (to see Knack) and wondered if our cateagle friend was imprisoned somewhere else in the building. Not a sight or a smell however :(

Tom Phillips

Good morning/good night/good whatever time it is I just don't know anymore.

Martin Robinson

We're at the Makuhari Messe after a slight delay after someone jumped on the tracks in Akihabara and halted the Yamanote Line.

Martin Robinson

But you don't care about our transport woes! You're all about the keynote!

Martin Robinson

And so are we, once we've got ourselves in there. It's strangely busy here this year - normally TGS is a deadzone, but it's swarming this morning.

Martin Robinson

Also well done if you're up still. If you're browsing this after the event, though, we can't be friends anymore.

Martin Robinson

dannyboi3459: but i've been up playing gta o_o

Lucky chap! Am waiting 'til I return on Sunday to catch up. It's not out here in Japan for a few weeks.

Martin Robinson

CableNut: yawn

Don't be rude! Oh, sorry, you're just tired. Fair enough.

Martin Robinson

SpaceMonkey77: I'm still awake, blimey! What's for breakfast, Sony?

Don't ask. I think it had fish in it.

Martin Robinson

What are we expecting from today's keynote? Not much, to be honest. A game announcement if we're lucky, but more likely a rundown of the PS4 philosophy and what to expect come launch.

Martin Robinson

Which, of course, isn't until next year over here.

Martin Robinson

And we're online just as the light go down!

Tom Phillips

Sony predictably starting late as usual.

Tom Phillips

It's up and running.

Martin Robinson

Showing the 'Day with PlayStation' trailer that's been shown before.

Martin Robinson

Oh, but it's in Japanese.

Martin Robinson

A Killzone tournament in a university somewhere, and showing the sharing capabilities of the PS4.

Martin Robinson

captain_Carl: Start as you mean to go on


Martin Robinson

captain_Carl: Start as you mean to go on


Martin Robinson

'nuff headshots going on. The crowd are loving it!

Martin Robinson

In the trailer, that is. No-one here could give a toss.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

"Thanks for the opportunity to speak here'

Martin Robinson

It's his first time presenting in Japanese to such a large audience.

Martin Robinson

There'll be talking about games, and about Vita TV. Yoshida and Ito are on later for a 'world first' demonstration.

Martin Robinson

First, a look at what kind of roles consoles should play in a connected world.

Martin Robinson

Consoles are for core gamers. But they're big business - look at Black Ops 2 or GTA 5.

Martin Robinson

At the same time, the term 'game consoles' is outdated. They do more than play games - they're multifunctional.

Martin Robinson

Tablets and smartphones are also changing games. Tell me about it Andy!

Martin Robinson

Consoles are, and should be, the centrepiece of the living room. And the UI's important for that.

Martin Robinson

From this point of view, Sony made the PS4.

Martin Robinson

A game used to be regarded as just a toy, but they're now mainstream.

Martin Robinson

This is PS4's vision. It's best in class for game experiences, it has more immersive graphics.

Martin Robinson

Progguitarist: I'll scrap any of these Eurogamer reporters any place, any time.

Let's be having you!

Martin Robinson

Progguitarist: Bike sheds, Robinson.

Screw the bike sheds, let's take it to the stage.

Martin Robinson

Sorry, back to the keynote.

Martin Robinson

The PS4 plays games. It goes online. All that jazz.

Martin Robinson

Progguitarist: What're you gonna do, when Progomania runs wild on you, Robinson?

Cry a little bit, most likely.

Martin Robinson

There's been an advance in games development, with smaller teams supported. The PS4 supports all developers.

Martin Robinson

captain_Carl: I have no idea what this translator is talking about.

I think he's just been forcibly removed.

Martin Robinson

Progguitarist: There's not going to be anything cool revealed here.

So let's have a fight on the stage! It'll liven the conference up no end.

Martin Robinson

On to PlayStation Vita TV. I think I want one of these.

Martin Robinson

Supports film services, karaoke, games.

Martin Robinson

It's also targeted at very casual audiences - as well as existing PS users.

Martin Robinson

Look forward to announcements about the cloud at a future date. I'll be sure to liveblog the crap out of that too.

Martin Robinson

SCE Japan exec Ito on stage now to talk more about PS4 hardware. Cerny scoured the world for PS4 parts to shove inside the box, he says.

Tom Phillips

Developers requested more memory, which is why they settled on 8GB. It'll make games very rich, apparently.

Tom Phillips

Sony talked to lots of indies, too, and offered a programme to help get titles on PS4 and Vita.

Tom Phillips

There's a big slide of a pixelised heart being shown. Sony <3 Indies, it says. Aww.

Tom Phillips

Now we're getting a showreel of indie PS4 games - Fez, Oddworld, and the like.

Tom Phillips

"With PS4 we also have a new controller - the DualShock 4." Shock!

Tom Phillips

Going through the controller features. Did you know there was a Share button? Oh, you did?

Tom Phillips

Spoilers: there's a touch pad too.

Tom Phillips

Our in-ear translation just changed to a new voice. Slightly husky now.

Tom Phillips

PS4 uses real names as well as PSN ids for its social network - it's more appealing for casual users, Ito says. Like Facebook. And real life.

Tom Phillips

PS4 camera can also be used for face and voice recognition on sign-in. Take that Kinect.

Tom Phillips

Sony's PlayStation App for iOS and Android devices will let you see what your friends are up to but can also be used as a second screen.

Tom Phillips

Shuhei Yoshida jumps on stage to demonstrate the app in action. He's signing in live, and up pops an activity feed.

Tom Phillips

You can send multiplayer invites and text chat with friends. Twitter and Facebook can also be integrated.

Tom Phillips

There's a 'connect to PS4' button which converts your device to a second screen controller. Hello SmartGlass!

Tom Phillips

Shu's demoing one of the Playroom mini-games which has little robots running around his desk using AR.

Tom Phillips

He scribbles out a sketch of Knack and is able to swipe it into the Playroom game as a 3D object.

Tom Phillips

Pre-designed items such as a rubber ball can also be selected from touch menus and prodded onto your TV screen.

Tom Phillips

Shu will next demo PS4 and PS Vita Remote Play.

Tom Phillips

Knack is up on screen running in PS4. "My wife comes in and wants to use TV. Of course, it's polite in this situation to give the TV up," Shu says.

Tom Phillips

Shu selects Remote Play from the Vita TV menu using a DualShock 4. He's already hooked up his PS4 to the device through his home network. And boom, he's able play it on another screen.

Tom Phillips

(Hello Wii U).

Tom Phillips

Ito's wrapping up - wherever you are in the world, he says, at home or outside, you'll always have access to PlayStation.

Tom Phillips

And we're off. Sorry. For everything.

Tom Phillips

On a brighter note, we'll have much more from the show floor over the next few days. Thanks to everyone still awake! We're off to find Deep Down.

Tom Phillips

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