Get Grow Home, Rayman Origins and Call of Juarez: Gunslinger for $1
New Ubisoft Humble Bundle also offers The Crew, Far Cry 3 and more.
The Humble Ubisoft Bundle Encore is Ubisoft's new pay-what-you-want offering and it's one of Humble's best yet.

Pay more than $1 to receive Grow Home, Rayman Origins and Call of Juarez: Gunslinger.
Pay more than the average - currently at $6.56 (about £4.50) - and you'll also receive Far Cry 3, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist, and Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China.
For $15 (about £10.20) you can get The Crew and Assassin's Creed Rogue.
More charitable spenders pledge $75 (just over £51) and receive Tom Clancy's The Division along with a branded T-shirt celebrating the online shooter.
Customers decide how they want to divvy their proceeds up between the publisher, Humble Bundle organisers, and charity - which in this case includes Extra Life / Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, Girls Who Code, and Stack-Up, a charity sending video games to veterans in combat zones.
Humble Ubisoft Bundle Encore will end on 7th June at 7pm UK time.