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European Nintendo 3DS Conference

Live from 2pm GMT / 3pm CET.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo is holding a press conference in Amsterdam this afternoon at 2pm GMT / 3pm CET to (hopefully) reveal European launch details for its new 3DS handheld.

Nintendo bosses will take to the stage to reveal when the 3DS will arrive, how much it will cost and what games will launch with it. UK MD David Yarnton is in attendance along with a host of developers.

Eurogamer will be there, reporting live, and this gives us the perfect opportunity to use our new live updates system, which is what you're staring at now.

We already have an inkling of what Nintendo will say today, naturally. Speculation points to a high £220-230 asking price, and the date is likely to be either 18th or 25th March.

As to a line-up? That's hazier. The Japanese launch offers eight games, the most eye-catching being Nintendogs + Cats and Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle. Street Fighter IV 3D and PES 3D are also part of the picture.

And remember: you won't be able to import games - Japanese and American software won't work on a European 3DS.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

NewbieZilla: Ooh, isn't that fancy? Comments will appear here, too. Don't remember that feature in any previous.

No, it's new. And look how flash it is!

Robert Purchese

RobTheBuilder: So region locking has been confirmed now? That means only a decent price will get me buying it at launch now.

I hope for good news...

Nintendo's already tried to explain-away the region locking. The book's not closed on this one yet, though.

Robert Purchese

Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracles is a Japanese 3DS launch title.

Robert Purchese

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on 3DS. Hot. Could it make launch? Full gallery.

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

Ellie accosted by shady Nintendo member of staff. Wesley's photo provides evidence.

Robert Purchese

HMV has listed 3DS games and console colours - Blue and Black - on its website. Lots of placeholder boxart and few specific dates or prices.

Super Monkey Ball 3DS does have a price, however, of £37.99. SEGA's Thor game on 3DS costs £35.

Robert Purchese

I'm reliably informed that the 3DS colours are known as Cosmo Black and Aqua Blue.

Robert Purchese

spazmo: tweet from wossy

"Hi! Am in Amsterdam about to live online at 3 for the launch of Nintendo 3DS!! Some exciting news including release day!"

That's Jonathan Ross, for those wondering.

Robert Purchese

Hello London, Amsterdam calling! The Netherlands vote is in. Sweden: douze points.

Ellie Gibson

We are sat front and centre, ready and waiting for the Nintendo 3DS conference to start. Exciting times.

Ellie Gibson

ROSSWATCH: No sign of JR just yet. In fact no sign of any famous people. Not even anyone out of Hollyoaks or Sophie Ellis-Bextor.

Ellie Gibson

The setup is pretty typical for a Nintendo conference. Big warehouse type room, lots of red uplighting, white lifestyle furniture on the stage.

Ellie Gibson

The setup is pretty typical for a Nintendo conference. Big warehouse type room, lots of red uplighting, white lifestyle furniture on the stage.

Ellie Gibson

The tagline, judging by the huge advertising hoarding on the outside of the building, is "Nintendo 3DS - Discover 3D Without Glasses."

Ellie Gibson

Translated from the original Dutch, that's "F**K You Sony", as Wes put it.

Ellie Gibson

They're playing Basement Jaxx. Party like it's 2005.

Ellie Gibson

Two Eurogamer readers are here somewhere, following their competition win - HairyArse and the_dudefather. We haven't had a chance to catch up yet but hoping to do so after the conference.

Ellie Gibson

Time for some industry analysis. Let's ask editor Matt Martin what he is expecting today.

Ellie Gibson

"I'm expecting a price of over £200 in the UK. Although I wouldn't be surprised if they just give a European price and don't give one in pounds, cos they usually say they leave the it to retailers."

Ellie Gibson

"But I do hope it is below 200 quid." Don't we all, Matt. Don't we all.

Ellie Gibson

Except for those of us who are planning to nick the ones in the perspex case outside this room and sell them on eBay.

Ellie Gibson

The room is already pretty full. Will this be the world's first press conference to start on time? We can but dream.

Ellie Gibson

ROSSWATCH: Not a sossage. But relax, @afgavinstan, no JLS either.

Ellie Gibson

So what's your betting on the price, news editor Wesley Yin-Poole? (Bet he says £5000, just to be sensational!)

Ellie Gibson

"£199." Oh.

Ellie Gibson

There are three glasses of water in front of the lifestyle white armchairs. This is the kind of detail you just cannot get from that blurry live video feed, people.

Ellie Gibson

Let me know if you'd like any further detail regards the weft of the carpet, etc.

Ellie Gibson

@Golgo - This is a Jedward free zone, over, we appear to be in a Jedward free zone. So if you're waiting outside in the rain you can come in now.

Ellie Gibson

So the cheapest price suggestion we've had so far is £179, most expensive is £249 with a game. Any advances?

Ellie Gibson

@Joppers - The carpet looks to be a fairly shallow weave with medium ribbing. You ask, we deliver.

Ellie Gibson

This is the first time I've used this spanky new live text, by the way, and so far it's a dream. Big thanks to the masterful EG tech wizards who made it. Now can you come round and fix my broadband?

Ellie Gibson

A man called Dan in a headset has asked that we "keep interference down to a minimum" - no phones, in other words. No PSP phones especially, presumably.

Ellie Gibson

ROSSWATCH: Jonathan Ross is hosting! Dan just confirmed it. Thanks, Dan.

Ellie Gibson

Still no sign of him though. He's probably back stage, tweeting about the weft of the carpet.

Ellie Gibson

OK it's officially go time. Except no one's going. Who will be joining Ross on stage, we wonder? How about a Ross and Reggie face-off?

Ellie Gibson

Let's take a moment now to remember Cammie Dunaway, shall we. Ahh, that white trouser suit, where is it now?

Ellie Gibson

Oho! Some twee jingly music is playing. That must mean a Nintendo conference is starting!

Ellie Gibson

Now the lights around the stage entrance are going all flashy. Please welcome star of TV and radio, fans of games and gaming - Jonathan Ross!

Ellie Gibson

He's wearing a huge pair of comedy paper red and green 3D glasses. And an odd goatee.

Ellie Gibson

"As they say here in Amsterdam, Konichiwa." He looks like the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Ellie Gibson

"By the end of the day all of you will have the chance to experience 3DS for yourself first-hand." YES BUT DO WE GET A FREE ONE

Ellie Gibson

Nintendo marketing director Laurent Fischer is on the stage. He still looks like George Clooney. "Ladies choice," says Matt. "Welcome in Amsterdam," says George. So French, bless.

Ellie Gibson

Laurent/George is talking about how Nintendo have developed a portable entertainment device which allows you to view 3D. No one is gasping.

Ellie Gibson

I once had a drunken argument with this man in an LA hotel. Great times.

Tom Bramwell

A video now - the blue 3DS, some twinkly music. A woman playing it, obviously.

Ellie Gibson

"2 colours" - Aqua Blue and Cosmos Black. Wider Upper Screen. 3D Depth Slider. Touch Screen. Yes We Know.

Ellie Gibson

Inner Camera. Play With Your Image. 2 Outer Cameras. Etc.

Ellie Gibson

ROSSWATCH: He is drinking some water.

Ellie Gibson

George/Laurent is going on about how they reinvented gaming with the DS, now the 3DS is set to change gaming again. "Is it bigger than the screen on my DSi?" says Ross. "Yes that's right," says George. You smoothie.

Ellie Gibson

George is explaining to Ross how you can adjust the 3D to suit you. "Will it be backward compatible?" says Jonathan. What, can't he afford an old DS as well?

Ellie Gibson

"And the controls look more or less the same we're used to?" Yep - letter buttons, control buttons and shoulder buttons all present and correct, but also there's that analogue circle pad.

Ellie Gibson

George: "What we can't see are the two elements inside the console" - the gyroscope which allows for motion control play is one, innit.

Ellie Gibson

Robert Purchese

Now George wants to point out "something small, but means a lot". The little light on the top right corner. "This will send a new level of connectivity. But more of that later."

Ellie Gibson

"Your wife must love it when you keep saying more of that later," says Ross.

Ellie Gibson

George is banging on about the cameras now. You can take your own 3D photos and share them with friends.

Ellie Gibson

Spotpass "will revolutionise the way you receive content on the move", says George. The light will go blue to show you you have received content, or "datta" as he puts it.

Ellie Gibson

Nintendo has signed up with a load of European wi-fi hotspot partners, including BTfon in the UK.

Ellie Gibson

Robert Purchese

I love how George says "devloppers". Tres gauloise.

Ellie Gibson

George has partnered with Eurosport to bring 3D vids to 3DS via Spotpass.

Ellie Gibson

Expect "compelling 3D content". They're also talking to BSB in the UK to provide "short-from content from Sky 3D to 3DS. We look forward to revealing more in the coming months".

Ellie Gibson

(Our image server is being hammered. The pictures are there but loading slowly. We're ironing this out.)

Robert Purchese

"Sport in 3D always looks great," says Ross. Even badminton? Now he's introducing Aardman Animations bossman David Spotsman.

Ellie Gibson

Robert Purchese

David is talking about Aardman's dedication to great ideas and all that. Digital platforms, social networks, biddly biddly bong.

Ellie Gibson

Aha first sign of the Twitter and Facebook logos. You can tick those off your conference bingo sheets.

Ellie Gibson

David is still talking about Aardman's previous efforts. Ross looks entranced. George looks a bit bored. Probably thinking about having sex with a beautiful lady later.

Ellie Gibson

"Aardman's ability to create compelling content across many platforms" etc etc go on then, 3D Wallace and Gromit game or what?

Ellie Gibson

Robert Purchese

"Aardman and Nintendo are working together to bring some exciting developments to the public... Specially created content featuring Sean the Sheep, exclusively for 3DS in fullblown 3D". Series of one-minute shorts accessed via Spotpass at the end of the year.

Ellie Gibson

He's going on about Sean's fame and popularity now. He has 900,000 Facebook friends. That is a lot of friends for a plasticine farm animal.

Ellie Gibson

Bertie: Shaun the Sheep in 3D? Baaaaad idea.

I knew ewed pun that.

Tom Phillips

George is looking at something right at the back fo the room. Probably a beautiful lady. "Bonjour."

Ellie Gibson

Some clips from the latest Sean the Sheep TV show now. Not really sure what to say about this.

Ellie Gibson

Is it Sean or is it Shaun? Will I get fired for getting it wrong?

Ellie Gibson

Ross and David have stood up to watch Shaun. George hasn't bothered, but he is looking at the screen. Perhaps in case a beautiful lady turns up on it.

Ellie Gibson

Goodbye, David! Thanks for all the sheep! Now onto Streetpass. It's the name for the LAN connection of 3DS. A video now - lady and man cross paths, swirly things pass between them. Is this a metaphor for bodily fluids?

Ellie Gibson

Well done the composer who managed to create a piece of music which sounded just like Madonna's Ray of Light when they couldn't get copyright at the last minute.

Ellie Gibson

Now George Laurent Clooney Fischer is talking about how your Miis will gather in the plaza when you pass other people with Streetpass enabled, and you will get to find out what people have been playing.

Ellie Gibson

"We have designed Nintendo 3DS to enhance the sense of community." With 3DS you only need one Friend code and only register once. That's a relief and no mistake.

Ellie Gibson

"You also find out who is playing right now, what they are playing." No more hiding for those Women's Murder Club fans.

Ellie Gibson

"I can't wait to see what all the game devloppers come up with." Ross just made a joke about Laurent looking like Clooney. He must be reading this.

Ellie Gibson

Capcom now. They have been using Streetpass tech in developping Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition. Ono-san is taking to the stage.

Ellie Gibson

"Hello everyone," he says via a translator. Excellent hair.

Ellie Gibson

He wants us to all raise our hands and sai Haiduken. I can't do that and live blog, Ono-san. THINK THESE THINGS THROUGH FIRST

Ellie Gibson

"Today I'm here to present Virtual Boy 2 - er - 3DS!" Ross says he has one "and the headaches to prove it".

Ellie Gibson

Ono points out there's another event happening in New York for 3DS today, but he's here. "To explain why, it's actually that Reggie and the president of Ninteno Europe flipped a coin" - and the Euro guy won.

Ellie Gibson

Guess when you've got as many coins as NIntendo that's a perfectly sensible way to make business decisions.

Ellie Gibson

Aha, another George Clooney reference! It's almost as if it's a dull and obvious joke.

Ellie Gibson

Ono is talking about Shaun the Sheep, oh good. "But there's another powerful set of features I'd like to focus on - the communication features."

Ellie Gibson

"In the past, we've been fighting against the person right next to you, face to face." But there will be a new versus battle which allows you to fight anyone, any time, immediately.

Ellie Gibson

Fighter figurines will compete in simulated battles and the more you battle, the more figurine pionhts you earn. You then set them in the Streetpass settings and close your system. Then you put it in your bag and go out into the streets.

Ellie Gibson

There's a mode that will let you have versus battles - gosh that's an old font on that slide - without you even noticing it.

Ellie Gibson

Aha, another George Clooney thingy! Yeah we're definitely not doing that any more.

Ellie Gibson

There are four communication modes that let you fight other people - online vs battles, local wireless vs battle, channel LIVE, StreetPass.

Ellie Gibson

There's a new mode too. Ono is talking about playing it with Ross.

Ellie Gibson

You'll be able to link in and watch them play the fight. "This is also a feature we could only implement because of the enhanced" etc etc etc.

Ellie Gibson

There's "a robust line-up of 35 fighters". You're probably wondering which one you'll pick? No, Chun-Li. Always.

Ellie Gibson

Some of the characters are "really original SF characters", so you should be able to find the one who suits you.

Ellie Gibson

That's it from Ono. "I want to see SF vs. Animal Crossing," says Ross. He's clearly never heard of Tokyo Jungle.

Ellie Gibson

NintendoAmerica tweets: #3DS can act as a pedometer. Earn Play Coins & trade them in for new content in compatible games and applications.

Robert Purchese

Mr Shibata, president of NoE, is on stage now. He's even tinier than Ono and Ross. The German translator is towering over them like a Teutonic skyscraper.

Ellie Gibson

Ono hopes to play Street Fighter as "David Hasselhoff". Have I fallen asleep?

Ellie Gibson

Shibata is committed to working with third party developers and that. Still. Again.

Ellie Gibson

Reggie Fils-Aime promises 30 3DS titles for the US before E3 in June.

Robert Purchese

Mr Shibata wants to make sure 3DS appears to long time gamers and newcomers. Fresh.

Ellie Gibson

Ross is introducing the CEO of good old Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot! BONJOUR!

Ellie Gibson

Yves is slightly taller than Mr Shibata. But not enough to be intimidating or anything.

Ellie Gibson

Yves is chatting about Just Dance, the world's second-best game after Tokyo Jungle.

Ellie Gibson

But now he's moved on to 3DS. Tick off "immersed" on your bingo sheet.

Ellie Gibson

US DATE AND PRICE: 27th March, $249.99.

Robert Purchese

Yves reckons there will be 8 games from Ubi for 3DS "in the launch period", including Rayman and Combat of Giants. Dragons will virtually fight via StreetPass.

Ellie Gibson

Also: Ghost Recon Tactics, James Noire's Hllywood Crimes, Rabbids 3D, Driver Renegade. WHERE IS WOMEN'S MURDER CLUB

Ellie Gibson

Guillemot and Shibata are off now. Here comes someone from Konami... Could it be... No it couldn't. But it is the exec producer of PES and the producer.

Ellie Gibson

The Konami chaps are very excited about 3DS, you will be amazed to hear. If only someone could come out and say, "It looks all right but I dunno about 200 quid."

Ellie Gibson

Konami are going to bring new franchises to 3DS. And old ones. That must have been a long strategy meeting.

Ellie Gibson

"PES uses the familiar theme of football" blapperty blapperty blap.

Ellie Gibson

A trailer now. Some football men. In 3D and that.

Ellie Gibson

Roaring crowds, football men in a tunnel, lions and tigers mauling each other to death in a Tokyo shopping centre. Maybe not the last one.

Ellie Gibson

Footage of the game now. Small man run around a green field. White objects fly towards nets. An operatic choir sings in the background. It's what Verdi would have wanted.

Ellie Gibson

PES 2011 3D - IT EXISTS.

Ellie Gibson

The camera in PES 3D has a new position. Get your pre-orders in now, fans.

Ellie Gibson

"in the past, gamers may have felt they were watching a football match on TV. 3D allowed us to express depth and improve realism."

Ellie Gibson

The camera view is called Player's View, it's right behind the character (behind their head, by the looks of things).

Ellie Gibson

The man on the right appears to be carrying some kind of pocket watch. Perhaps he is Professor Layton in disguise?

Ellie Gibson

"I really hope, since this is the first 3D football game, a lot of football fans all over Europe will be able to play it." The dream.

Ellie Gibson

These plastic chairs are not that comfortable after 72 minutes as it goes.

Ellie Gibson

Ross is introducing Team Ninja now. Mr Hayashi, producer of DOA Dimensions, is here.

Ellie Gibson

"My purpose is to talk a little bit about the graphics capabilites of this new console." Come on, skip to the good bit - DOA tits in 3D!

Ellie Gibson

They have been planning this DOA game for some time. But they couldn't realise the plans before because there was no suitable console.

Ellie Gibson

Anyone got any jokes?

Ellie Gibson

"We firmly believe Nintendo 3DS is the right console for a first DOA handheld version as well as the resurgence of the DOA series."

Ellie Gibson

Trailer now - some people are doing fighting.

Ellie Gibson

A woman just burst into flames! What next, someone putting a cat in a bin?

Ellie Gibson

Not much jiggling going on.

Ellie Gibson

DOA Dimensions is sort of like a best-of, apparently. Because of 3D it has come back with attitude.

Ellie Gibson

This man goes to the doctor and says, "Doctor, I keep having visions of Goofy and Pluto and Donald Duck."

Ellie Gibson

"Hmm," says the doctor. "How long have you been having these Disney spells?"

Ellie Gibson

You can see the move list on the touch screen and that. You can also play wirelessly. There are StreetPass and co-op modes.

Ellie Gibson

Why does StreetPass sound like something you get free when you turn 65?

Ellie Gibson

Hayashi wants us all to play it later on. Will do.

Ellie Gibson

Ross is thanking all the devloppers who have come along today. Is it price time?

Ellie Gibson

No, it's time to find out more about first-party titles. Bonjour again, Monsieur Cloonoire.

Ellie Gibson

Pilotwings Resort - You will visit the same island as Wii Fit and Wii Sports, but now you're floating around in full 3D or competing to hit targets using a hangglider or hairplane. Sic.

Ellie Gibson

Nintendogs + cats - Where do they get their ideas from - you will have to work harder to earn love from your kitty.

Ellie Gibson

Now, with 3DS, the dogs are much more variable in terms of size and leg length. And things. Dogs will lick you if you get close or run away and bark.

Ellie Gibson

Steeldiver - you will be looking through a periscope at a sea of enemy ships. You will rotate your body to turn the periscope and target using the gyroscope. Sounds mental.

Ellie Gibson

Kid Icarus Uprising - "Completely different" from the old games. Targeting and shooting in a true 3D environment.

Ellie Gibson

When is it out, says Ross? "First let me show you what makes 3DS even more special." NO CLOONOIRE GIVE US A DATE AND A PRICE

Ellie Gibson

Trailer - the software which comes preinstalled on the system. You can take pics of old people apparently.

Ellie Gibson

Then their Miis are generated based on the pics. Also, hot women will be impressed and laugh at your crazy new wizardgadget.

Ellie Gibson

Shibata is back on stage now. He's talking about the Miimaker, the thing we saw in the vid with the Mii and the old buffer.

Ellie Gibson

Ross had a go earlier - he has made a Mii which looks like the sheriff of Nottingham crossed with a lion. Shibata's has come out black.

Ellie Gibson

FaceRaiders - new game pre-installed on 3DS. You take your own picture and "shoot yourself in the face", as Ross puts it, in a shooting gallery.

Ellie Gibson

Shibata is banging on about the eshop now. It will be easier than ever to buy digital content, and game boy and game boy colour hits will become available on Virtual Console.

Ellie Gibson

"Just before we confirm our launch plans for Europe" we're going to make you watch another video.

Ellie Gibson

More lovely slow slots of the machine itself. Ross is watching with his back to the audience. Presumably he's gone from six to midnight.

Ellie Gibson


Robert Purchese

Montage time - Street Fighter, some kind of Super Monkey Ball game, Resi Evil Revelations, Ubi's mad fighting dragons thingy, DOA, Rabbids, Ghost Recon, Samurai Warriors, Driver Renegade. WHERE IS WOMEN'S MURDER CLUB

Ellie Gibson

LEGO Star Wars, Paper Mario, Starfox 64, Zelda, Resi Mercenaries, Ridge Racer, Snake Eater, Mario Kart, And So On.

Ellie Gibson

When can we get it then? "It's the only reason I'm here," says Ross.

Ellie Gibson

3DS will launch in Europe on 25th March.

Ellie Gibson

"As always price is determined by the retailers."

Ellie Gibson

Quick, run down your local GAME and ask them how much, then.

Ellie Gibson

Oh dear, Ross just read Mr Shibata's bit of the autocue.

Ellie Gibson

"Further details will be published soon on Nintendo's website."

Ellie Gibson

"this isn't just the launch of another game device, but the start of a new entertainment era." Never heard that one before.

Ellie Gibson

So there you have it. No price, but a release date.

Ellie Gibson

And it's over. Well, thanks for joining us. Any questions before we go?

Ellie Gibson

@Takagi - No news on region lock, no. But we'll be quizzing whoever we can as the day goes on.

Ellie Gibson

@Shinetop: I'm afraid you'll have to ask the retailers about that one.

Ellie Gibson

@Ashcroft: As always, that number is determined by the retailers.

Ellie Gibson

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

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