Skip to main content Podcast #63

Marvel! Tremble! Quibble!

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

It's not that Champ couldn't find anyone better than James Grant and myself to be on the podcast this week, it just so happened that we were the last people he asked. Also, nobody else would do it. Bench-warmers of the world, unite!

With that in mind, it's probably best that you don't get your hopes up too much - despite the fact that the next 30 minutes or so are likely to be the most intensely fascinating, stimulating and elucidating experience of your entire existence.

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Marvel! As we discuss the ramifications of attempting to sue EA for billions of dollars 20 years too late!

Tremble! At the tremendous intellectual pressure we bring to bear on the morality of the hacktivities of Anonymous!

Quibble! Over the finer points of our investigation into whether or not CCP's Dust 514 will be super-tremendo-awesome or a bit of a floppy duffer!

Drift off gently! Whilst James tells us all about how amazing it was in the past when stuff was wireframe and impossible!

Background reading!

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