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Bethesda E3 2016 conference live report

Skyrim HD! Wet 2! Rogue Warrior 2! Live from 3am BST.

It's a late one - or an early one, depending which side of dawn you're most comfortable with - but Bethesda's conference this year should be worth it. We have a fair idea of what's going to be shown, with a new Wolfenstein, some more on Dishonored 2 and the re-emergence of Prey 2, but seeing it all for real will be quite something else. Join us from 3am BST when it all kicks off.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Well hello hello hello. I've just got into our Brighton office, having fought my way through what passes for nightlife here at 1am on a Monday morning.

Martin Robinson

I wish I had some of what they'd been having, as it might make staying up 'til 3am for the Bethesda conference a little easier.

Martin Robinson

We'll have our team out in LA at the event itself, while here in Brighton we're just going to play Overwatch another hour or so before getting stuck in.

Martin Robinson

Well done for still being awake! So, we've heard quite a lot about the Bethesda line-up, notably that there will be a Skyrim Remaster for PC, PS4 and Xbox One; there will be The Evil Within 2; there will be a new Wolfenstein: New Order game; and that there will be Prey 2. That's on top of the promised Dishonored 2 world premiere.

Robert Purchese

Our Ian Higton tells us he's in a long and non-moving queue for Bethesda's conference in LA. "It's ridiculous," he said. Hot take.

Robert Purchese

rep-: I wonder if the Brighton guys are still awake;p

YES I'M AWAKE I was just resting my eyes

Oli Welsh

Time for another energising game of Pocket Card Jockey.

Oli Welsh

rep-: Bethesday Triva Time - How many bugs did we ship Fallout 4 with?


Martin Robinson

Right, 13 minutes to go. Let's coffee up and power through.

Martin Robinson

This godawful pre-show isn't helping things though. These guys....

Martin Robinson

Chris Avellone is in the audience! He's Tweeting about it. HE MUST BE MAKING A NEW FALLOUT FOR THEM or maybe he's just at the show.

Robert Purchese

Wet trivia can only mean one thing, right?

Martin Robinson

So, it's coming up to 3am - so excuse any tardiness or tiredness over here. But has this conference started?

Martin Robinson

Right now we have Morgan Webb and Adam Sessler playing Fallout 4.

Martin Robinson

I think I'm going to reach for the hipflask.

Martin Robinson

Johnny: "A guy on the right of the screen has Starbuck's wedding tattoo from Battlestar Galactica." NERD

Oli Welsh

Badb0y: is this the show?

No, this is the "preshow". They're running late.

Oli Welsh

The most exciting thing happening right now is that chap in between Adam and Morgan who keeps changing his t-shirt.

Martin Robinson

In fairness, it's probably more exciting than anything that happened during EA's conference.

Martin Robinson

r u ok happycramper

Oli Welsh

I'm so tired and confused I'm not sure if this weird pre-show that's going through last year's show is all some very dull hallucination.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

It's been a big show for nipples so far today after Peter Moore's brazen bumps under that black shirt during the E3 conference.

Martin Robinson

After all that, I think we're finally ready to go.

Martin Robinson

I can't let Sessler's tie, suit jacket and jeans combo go without comment though. The shame of it!

Martin Robinson

This, though, is what we stayed up for. Bethesda's E3 2016 conference is go.

Martin Robinson

With what looks like a new Quake.

Martin Robinson

Yup, I'm intrigued. id did such a bang-up job of Doom I'm well up for anything new from them.

Martin Robinson

Quake Champions - Tim Willits is on-stage to tell us more.

Martin Robinson

Like Sessler, he's got jeans and suit jacket.

Martin Robinson

But - and here's the knockout - there's a v-neck t-shirt as well. As someone just pointed out, it looks like he's put a suit over his pyjamas.

Martin Robinson

Quake Champions is PC only, it seems. A competitive arena shooter.

Martin Robinson

Will it be better than Doom's MP?

Martin Robinson

And why is there a reason Willits is hiding his nipples under that jacket?

Martin Robinson

There'll be more on this at Quakecon in August.

Martin Robinson

Pete Heinz everyone!

Martin Robinson

evilashchris: no nipples here either :C

For some reason I'm pretty sure they'd be pierced.

Martin Robinson

Hearthscrolls is now taking up its allocated slot during the conference.

Martin Robinson

More specifically, the *story* for Hearthscrolls is taking centre stage.

Martin Robinson

Well, it would be if the stream didn't just die. We're back up again.

Martin Robinson

Ian Higton is our man in the auditorium who's able to fill us in during these dead moments.

Martin Robinson

rep-: I think it is Mr Higton screaming in the audience.

He does have a super distinctive scream.

Martin Robinson

And, Legends is coming to iPad and mobile and whatnot.

Martin Robinson

evilashchris: roman polanski

Oh god, yes!

Martin Robinson

Contraptions, which introduces new building stuff, is out next week. While Vault-tec, which allows you to build your own Vault, is coming this summer.

Martin Robinson

And, finally, Nuka World, which is due this August.

Martin Robinson

Todd is now teeing up the Skyrim remaster.

Martin Robinson

And there it is - a quite splendid looking makeover for one of Bethesda's best-loved games.

Martin Robinson

New snow shaders, new water shaders, god rays, mods on console.

Martin Robinson

26th of October release for the Skyrim remaster.

Martin Robinson

The real deal now - Arkane is about to take to the stage to show off Dishonored 2.

Martin Robinson

And, maybe, Prey 2.

Martin Robinson

More exciting, though, is getting to see what's going on with Harvey Smith's nipples.

Martin Robinson

Before then, though....

Martin Robinson

A pre-rendered trailer for what looks like a very different Prey 2.

Martin Robinson

Or, as it's simply called now, Prey.

Martin Robinson

A deep psychological bent, it seems.

Martin Robinson

Curious to see how much, if anything, has survived from Human Head's take on the game.

Martin Robinson

Which looked pretty good, back in the day.

Martin Robinson

Arkane's Prey will be out next year on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Martin Robinson

Curious about them keeping the Prey name, too - surely it comes with more baggage than anything, and I'm not sure how valuable it is to a wider audience. Anyway, the premise looks good - even if we can't tell much about the game from the CG trailer.

Martin Robinson

Doom's Multiplayer DLC is now being detailed - this is all being done in-house at id now.

Martin Robinson

There are new modes coming for free to all players - and the first premium DLC is coming next month, introducing three new maps.

Martin Robinson

Hey everyone! I finally got enough signal in the Bethesda conference to log onto the live text. It's hot in here.

Ian Higton

This is lovely - you can now download the first level of Doom for free on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Martin Robinson

It's a demo - or, in old man's speak, shareware.

Martin Robinson

If you haven't played it, please do. It's probably the best game I've played so far this year.

Martin Robinson

Some horrible, horrible cheering for The Elder Scrolls Online.

Martin Robinson

Lots of love for the ESO crabs in the audience.

Ian Higton

adamantium: big, big fan of original dishonored. is 2 this fall or 2017?

I believe it's this year. Hopefully we'll find out for sure shortly.

Martin Robinson

I don't think I can take this woman screaming much longer. And I'm not even in the auditorium.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, Elder Scrolls Online, for those of you that care.

Martin Robinson

Hello... Anyone?

Martin Robinson

Hi. You.

Martin Robinson

There's Dark Brotherhood DLC coming later this year. That should keep you happy.

Martin Robinson

Ian's going to see if he can politely tell her to shut the hell up.

Martin Robinson

Is that Pete Hines' mum doing the screaming?

Martin Robinson

Blink 182? I might just bail now...

Ian Higton

Blink 182 are playing after the show, Hines reminds us. The screaming woman, for once, is silent.

Martin Robinson

There's a VR experience for those in the audience at the event.

Martin Robinson

Doom is one of the games.

Martin Robinson

And Fallout 4 in VR too.

Martin Robinson

Fallout 4 in VR?! 3 people just fainted. I was one of them.

Ian Higton

And... Fallout 4 is coming to HTC Vive.

Martin Robinson

Someone's got the memo to that woman and she's piped down a bit.

Martin Robinson

We're about to wrap up, but before we go here's a look at Dishonored 2.

Martin Robinson

More importantly, let's have a look at Harvey's nipples.

Martin Robinson

Not so much a demo as a flythrough of levels within the game.

Martin Robinson

I guess they're keeping gameplay back for, well, when we've got the game in our hands. Lovely water effects, though!

Martin Robinson

I could be wrong, though - this could just be a long, long build-up to something proper.

Martin Robinson

And here it is, in all its glory.

Martin Robinson

Emily and Corvo both playable, both offering different perspectives on the story.

Martin Robinson

I think Harvey's nipples are playing up, he's beginning to look a bit uncomfortable.

Martin Robinson

ubergine: What did I miss? Had to free the cat from something she'd trapped herself in. Damn, long talk about Dishonored 2 today.

You missed some long talking about Dishonored 2. We're into the real meat now, though.

Martin Robinson

cheriruonavar: Have they talked about The Evil Within 2 yet? That's all I came here for really.. Saw this trending on FB.

A no-show, and unless something drastic happens I don't think it's going to be announced tonight.

Martin Robinson

I'm still very excited for Dishonored 2. I don't know if it's just the fact that it's 4am, or the complete lack of energy in this presentation, but this is doing very little for me at the moment.

Martin Robinson

It does look *gorgeous* though.

Martin Robinson

We do have a release date - and I think this was already known - and it's going to be November 11th.

Martin Robinson

AmicableWalrus: I wonder if there is still a moral component attached to the play style. This guy is just slitting throats with abandon.

I'm sure there will be. I't just that the softly softly approach doesn't play so well on an E3 stage, sadly.

Martin Robinson

Grungey covers of classic rock = the new dubstep. Always nice to hear a bit of Mac though.

Oli Welsh

Our first look at the gameplay trailer, which features a Fleetwood Mac cover.

Martin Robinson

Not of The Chain, though, for shame.

Martin Robinson

rock27gr: I want to know what this song is

Fleetwood Mac's Gold Dust Woman. I feel bad for knowing that, but I'm kind of old.

Martin Robinson

God it's getting light out.

Martin Robinson

So let's bow out with Blink 182.

Martin Robinson

rock27gr: Cheers Martin. I'm guessing this is a cover?

Yup, I'm afraid I don't know who's done the cover!

Martin Robinson

We are wrapping there. We'll be back tomorrow, hopefully with a little more energy.

Martin Robinson

Microsoft kicks off at 5.30pm, and we've got a full evening of conferences all the way up to Sony at 2am.

Martin Robinson

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