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Ask Eurogamer: Join us for a supporters-only Q&A about news tomorrow at 3pm

Exclusive to Premium subscribers.

Hello! Tomorrow, we'll be doing another of our Ask Eurogamer Q&A sessions with our community of supporters, and this one's going to be about news!

Exclusive to Premium subscribers, Ask Eurogamer is a series of live Q&A sessions with the Eurogamer staff on a range of topics about our jobs, the site, and of course the games we love and the industry we cover. We held the first of these last month on the topic of reviews and it was a lot of fun.

Joining tomorrow's chat at 3pm UK time will be News Editor, Mass Effect nerd and pun enthusiast Tom Phillips. Tom's been with us 11 years, has covered countless E3s, Gamescoms and Nintendo Directs and done a ton of memorable reporting, including exposing Rockstar's crunch culture and scooping the Nintendo Switch. You can ask Tom anything you like about the job of reporting on games and the industry that makes them, which has changed a lot over the years.

That chat will take place in our liveblog interface - the one we use for live reports of E3 press conferences and the like. We'll post the liveblog earlier in the day, so if you can't be around at 3pm you can pop any questions you would like answers to in the comments early and check back for the answers later.

If you're not a supporter and would like to take part - you can now subscribe to Eurogamer to view the site ad-free, get early access to the new Eurogamer Podcast, read some exclusive posts and more. You can read more about it in my announcement post and you can sign up here.

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