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Cartoony, self-referential Zelda-esque adventure Ittle Dew is out now on PC

Coming soon to Ouya, Wii U, iPad, Mac, and Android tablets.

Swedish indie studio Ludosity's adorable action adventure Ittle Dew is available now on PC for $13.99 (about £9.40), and it looks glorious.

The kid's got heart.

Ittle Dew bears more than a passing resemblance to Zelda, but has its own unique cartoony aesthetic and is filled to the brim with clever self-referential humour. It's constantly poking fun at itself as your titular shipwrecked lass and her flying fox companion Tippsie go around terrorizing the island's inhabitants, stealing their wealth, and eating their hearts. You monster!

Ittle Dew will be coming to Mac and Steam later this month, with Wii U, Linux, iPad, and Android versions due later this year. Purchasing it now will unlock the Steam, Mac and Linux ports upon their release.

An Ouya version was supposed to come out today, but the developer noted on Twitter that it submitted it "a little late" and "it's in review and will be live as soon as it's through."

See Ittle Dew in action in the charming trailer below, or watch the opening 26 minutes in YouTube user Mag0ca's Let's Play video of the beta.

Watch on YouTube
Watch on YouTube

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