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Watch Sunday's EGX 2016 sessions live

Torment! Battlezone! Yooka-Laylee!

Once more into the breach. It's the final day of EGX 2016 but the show has saved some of its best developer sessions until last.

All of today's sessions are streamed live on the EGX Twitch channel - which you can watch right here if you're so inclined.

Miss one? Each panel archived on YouTube too so you can catch up.

Here's Sunday's schedule:

2pm: Torment: Tides of Numenera - Building reactive narrative in impossible worlds. Torment: Tides of Numenera is set in a wonderfully bizarre world filled with incomprehensibly advanced technology. Colin McComb, creative lead for the project, discusses the process for creating believable characters and responsive stories for a game set a billion years in the future.

3pm: Battlezone. Battlezone, coming to PlayStation VR, is the explosive reboot of the first VR game ever made. Join developers from Rebellion for a live play through of the game's procedurally generated campaign.

4pm: Yooka-Laylee. Developers from Playtonic take to the stage to present the latest news on their highly anticipated platformer, Yooka-Laylee.

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