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The Eurogamer Podcast #19: Totally topical!

Take me down to the paradise city.

Hello! It's Podcast time, and we have played some gaaaaaaaames. Busy period, right? Lotta ins, lotta outs. Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1, Civ 6? Well don't worry. We have you covered for games. Not any of those games, granted, but still, testify: Beglitched! Book of Demons! Burnout Paradise!

Wait, you are maybe thinking. Isn't Burnout Paradise around seven years old? Why, yes it is. But it's also seven years brilliant, if you're willing to allow for that sentence. Seven years of E-brake turns, endless sinuous looping and Marked Man fender benders. This is why I forced Bratterz to listen to me banging on about it in this week's podcast. Granted, we did at least get to Burnout Paradise via Skyrim, so that's a little more topical.

What else do we talk about? Lolo Balls? Reefer Madness? The sudden explosion in phantom airship sightings? No! We talk about Diablo a bit, and answer some questions from listeners. Mainly, though? Burnout all the way. Paradise!

Rather listen on iTunes, would you? Go on then.

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