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The Eurogameological E3 Podcast - Final Day!

John and Oli are joined by Gus Mastrapa for Carmack, Sim City, Wonderbook and more.

It's been all too brief, but now we bring our fling with The Gameological Society to a close with the third and final or our joint E3 podcasts.

Today, Gameological editor John Teti and Eurogamer's Oli Welsh are joined by Gameological contributor Gus Mastrapa. Their topic: anything and everything on the middle day of the show, always a blizzard of appointments and games.

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The trio talk Warner Brothers' brave new brand synergy strategy, The Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars: 1313, Sim City, Wonderbook, the mystery of five players, Oli's extraordinary encounter with John Carmack, and more, including mourning the absence of last year's official Game of the E3 Podcast.

It's been a blast and we hope we can do it again next year. Thanks Gus, Bertie and Matt for joining us, and thank you very much for listening. Now go check out the good stuff on Gameological, including the latest edition of the only E3 metric that matters, the Murder Report.

"Normal" podcast service will be resumed next week.

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