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The Eurogameological E3 Podcast - Day 2

Bertie joins Oli and John for Nintendo chat. Plus: Snoop Dogg!

Day two of our joint podcast with The Gameological Society is actually day one of E3, as the show opens its doors after the last of the press conferences. We could hardly find the enthusiasm to go on though, after Nintendo lifted our hopes and then dashed them on the ground.

Eurogamer's Rob Purchese, better known to almost everyone as Bertie, joins Oli Welsh and Gameological editor John Teti today to talk about that cruel disappointment, as well as an extraordinary encounter with noted rapper Snoop Dogg, the video games bible (no, not that one) and some actual games. Well, one.

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John, Oli and Bertie spend a few brief, precious minutes extracting the good points from Nintendo's presentation (Pikmin 3!) before facing the awful truth - Nintendo had every possible advantage, and it bombed horribly. Still, there's always Reggie's zombie incident to laugh at/give you nightmares.

Bertie got to interview none other than Snoop Dogg today (he rapped his questions). I forget the pretext, something to do with Tekken? Look out for a video soon, but in the meantime, we talk gingerly around the reasons why his last answer won't be featuring in that vid. Strong stuff.

Back to business and Oli talks Need for Speed, his game of the day, John reveals what happens when you go to the back of the hall and visit companies you've never heard of, and Berite gives his impressions of his first E3.

I'd link you to our Nintendo live coverage for further reading but you don't need to go back there, frankly. Why not check out the lovely Onion-affiliated Gameological instead, and follow @johnteti and @gameological on Twitter while you're about it. I particularly recommend Murder Report, which tots up the deaths in each of the E3 press conferences: the first episode is embedded below for your convenience. And do come back for more E3 chat with John, Oli and a friend tomorrow.

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