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Talking video with Eurogamer's Aoife Wilson in the Podcast


Aoife Wilson has been at the forefront of Eurogamer video for nearly eight years now, and has helped steer the YouTube Channel through changing faces and changing directions towards the inclusive and uplifting place it has become. That you haven't seen a video of hers is an idea I won't even entertain!

She holds one of the most coveted kinds of jobs in video games - a role I know many young people look towards as they map their futures out. But there are misconceptions about what video production jobs entail, and what the responsibilities are associated to the recognition it can bring.

It's with this in mind, I sit Aoife down to find out how she found herself working in games, what it has been like for her in the industry, and what the lessons are she's learned along the way. Aoife, thank you!

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