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Sequel Section 8: Prejudice just £10

Multiplayer-focused FPS download only.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The decision not to sell Section 8 sequel Prejudice in shops has been made; TimeGate will offer the game online only, for 1200 Microsoft Points on Xbox 360 and $14.99 on PC and PS3.

Pound sterling and Euro prices weren't given, but 1200 MSP usually translates to £9.99/£12.99 on PS3.

The decision, TimeGate no doubt hopes, will have gamers scratching their heads and asking how a jam-packed game like this isn't on shop shelves and priced at £40. That probably won't happen, but there is a lot on offer in Section 8: Prejudice, which serves as a neat reminder of how far the console download space has come.

There's a five-hour-long, science fiction, FPS campaign to play; a four-player co-op mode called Swarm; support for up to 32 gamers online and the inclusion of bots if you want to test all modes out offline first.

What's more, TimeGate has a "substantial" downloadable content plan for the game post release.

Section 8, released September 2009, was a bit of a surprise - to stand out as an FPS on console takes considerable know-how. What did Eurogamer think? "Section 8 is capable of scintillating multiplayer drama, and it is impeccably solid throughout. I've had some maginficent tooth-and-nail matches, which is all I can really ask for. For all the offbeat design decisions and mechanistic foibles, I've been enjoying the hell out of it."

Also, Jetpacks.

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