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Say hello to Eurogamer's new guides writer

It's Lottie Lynn!

I'm delighted to announce that Lottie Lynn has joined the Eurogamer team as our new guides writer!

I've not heard Lottie mention she likes fighting games. Yet.

Lottie will work closely with Matt Reynolds and Chris Tapsell to boost our guides offering for the rest of the year and beyond.

Lottie hails from Essex ("kind of the Colchester to Maldon area"), and has most recently spent some time working as a freelance video game journalist, with bylines on the likes of Rock, Paper Shotgun.

She's a graduate from The University of Edinburgh, where she received a Masters in Creative Writing. Before that, Lottie studied for her undergraduate degree at Aberystwyth University, where she received a first in English Literature with Creative Writing. She's also a published author of short fiction!

Lottie is a lifelong Pokemon fan, which means she'll fit right in around here, names Runescape as a childhood haunt and is currently playing the new Harry Potter mobile game (a bit for fun and a bit for work). She still has nightmares about the moon from Majora's Mask, and at the team lunch we just had to welcome Lottie to Eurogamer, she mentioned she'd seen Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Here's a quote from Lottie, in the classic functional guides style: "I'm very excited about joining the Eurogamer team and creating in-depth guides for you."

I know you'll make Lottie feel welcome here at Eurogamer! I'm excited to expand our guides team and I can't wait to see her contribution to the site.

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