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Resistance 2 and Banjo reviews today

2pm and 5pm respectively.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

It's that time of year! The big guns are queuing up to fire their fun into your shopping baskets, and after Gears of War 2 on Monday we've got another two reviews today that we thought we'd trail for you.

First up will be Resistance 2. It came out in the US yesterday (as did logic, arguably), and is out here on 28th November. We liked the first one (well, I did), but had significant reservations. Has R2 improved enough to claim a higher score? Find out at 2pm GMT.

Then there's a general embargo for Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts reviews at 5pm GMT. We've been quietly excited about this one (apart from when I shouted about it) for a few months, but now it's time to find out whether Rare's decision to wrench the bear and bird out of their platforming comfort zone has been worthwhile. Look out for that at 5pm GMT.

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