Outlast 2 delayed until early next year
The horror. The horror...
First-person horror sequel Outlast 2 has been delayed until Q1 2017. It was previously set for this autumn.

"Our mission as an indie studio is to deliver to you the best, most terrifying, most fulfilling experiences possible," developer Red Barrels said on Facebook. "That's why we're taking just a little bit more time to make sure our vision for Outlast 2 is in no way compromised and is the experience you deserve."
"This is not the typeof news we ever want to deliver, but we are so fully committed to the world we've built and to our awesome community that we could not, in good conscience, release a game who's limits haven't been tested to the extreme," the studio added.
"Thank you for understanding. We promise Outlast 2 will scare the crap out of you."
Outlast 2 follows the adventures of cameraman Blake Langermann searching for his wife following her abduction after a crash. Where the first game was set in and around a mental asylum, this sequel focuses on a terrifying cult based in the Arizona desert. An early section I demoed contained a spooky hide-and-seek sequence where several cult members pursue you with flashlights in a moonlit cornfield.
Eurogamer contributor Rich McCormick recommended the first Outlast and our Ian Higton named its Whistleblower expansion as one of his favourite DLC add-ons.