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Off Topic: A Tokyo climbing wall like no other


Deep in Tokyo's fashion district I'm told there's a climbing wall like no other. I first read about it years back in Dezeen. Occasionally I wonder if it's still there. I hope it is.

The wall is in a branch of the ILLOIHA fitness club, and it was created by the design team Nendo. "To express the original brand concept of "becoming beautiful through movement", we chose the theme "rock-climbing in Omotesando"," the website explains. "[We] developed a design that uses the mismatch between a rugged outdoor sport and Tokyo's fashion district to its advantage."

What they came up with is a bit of a revelation. It's a climbing wall, sure, but instead of moving between those little nubs of fake rock, you move between, well - gilt mirrors, picture frames, shelves with little apothecary bottles on. Is that a stag's head?

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