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Mmm! This PC and indie games show is nearly ready!

All the key details about Rezzed, which takes place Friday and Saturday. Plus: set-up photos.

When we first decided to do Rezzed, we did it because we had this feeling that the time was right for a PC and indie games show. There's so much creativity, integrity and ambition in the heartlands of PC games development right now, but they're lacking a proper vessel for public consumption beyond the excellent pages of specialist sites like Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

We had a feeling, then, but we've still been overwhelmed by the level of response we've seen since we put it out there. It's allowed us to put together a show floor full of playable games like Borderlands 2, the latest build of Day Z, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Prison Architect, Xenonauts and ShootMania Storm.

It's also really cool to put those big games side by side with the games in the Leftfield Collection. PC gamers are great at making good stuff successful whatever the scale, investment or pedigree of the people making it - much more so than the traditional console-orientated industry, if you ask me - but awareness is still really important. The more people who get to see fun stuff like Gunpoint and McPixel, the better.

Not only that, but loads of the people who actually make the games have agreed to join us to do developer sessions. We figured we'd get a couple of big names because they've heard of the Eurogamer Expo, but as soon as we told people like Peter Molyneux and Creative Assembly what we were up to they quickly signed up. It's really humbling to be bringing people like Randy Pitchford and Dean Hall to our home town. I MIGHT CRY.

Anyway, I know we've made a big song and dance about Rezzed for the last few months, so thanks for your support and indeed your patience with our banging of the drum. Over the next few days we'll be posting lots of photos, reports from the developer sessions and stuff like that. If you're coming to the show, we hope you enjoy it, and please let us know what you think of it so we can improve it for next year when we do it all over again...

Oh, and if you're coming down - or still thinking about it - check out for the full line-up of games and speakers, details on how to get there and to pick up tickets.

In the meantime, here's a gallery of photos we've posted so far, mostly from the set-up. Thank you and enjoy!

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